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Doom control scheme

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Does everyone use WASD now? am I the only 1 that uses the old school controls to move around where you use the arrow keys & the mouse to also maneuver around & use Delete & Insert to look up & down & " M " to look around with the mouse. Z & X to strafe with, C to duck, right mouse to jump = I have found that the old school style is actually better than the controls all the new games force you to use now... at least in DOOM you can setup your own god dam controls; why the hell would they do away with setting up your control style in so many of the newer FPS games? I played the fuck outta Serious Sam & Counterstrike with the forced controls they jam down yer throat with a toilet plunger weather you like it or not (which only about 23% of the time did I like it) but the other 77% of the time being a heavily encumbered overwhelming preponderance of frustration that was positively indicative of & exclusively concordant with; the realization during use of such fuck = that I could never get as good with those god dam motherfuckin controls as I am with the controls I speak of during the prior 72 seconds ago worth of my typing in this very paragraph.

If not; I was wondering what are the very specific controls whoever the hell reads this uses BEFORE the forced toilet plungering of horsefuck controls in all the new games; occurred? Since I love FPS; I considered it to be about the equivalent of a full strength kick to each nut & a fuck to the ass when you're really not in the mood = when wanting to play what LOOKED like a fun game had they only left the simple option open of ALLOWING YOU TO SETUP YOUR OWN GOD DAM CONTROLS LIKE IN THE EARLY DAYS!

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Byeblothingal 1024 said:

am I the only 1 that uses the old school controls to move around where you use the arrow keys & the mouse to also maneuver around & use Delete & Insert to look up & down & " M " to look around with the mouse. Z & X to strafe with, C to duck, right mouse to jump

Byeblothingal 1024 said:

old school

Byeblothingal 1024 said:

Delete & Insert to look up & down & " M " to look around with the mouse. C to duck, right mouse to jump

You can neither jump, nor duck, nor look up-down in Doom... so old school :]

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On 8/16/2016 at 4:20 AM, bzzrak said:

You can neither jump, nor duck, nor look up-down in Doom... so old school :]

Agreed, You could look up & down in Heretic with Delete & Insert (which came out right after doom) & in Duke Nukem you could duck with C & jump which was right around that time in which period was under way.  So I agree with you also seeing it as "old school" we are in agreement for; old school references.

If anything my main complaint is that they dont allow you to setup your own controls anymore in FPS games (as if everyone is just gung-ho about discarding their well settled in original style. Its like learning a new language (kind of) its easy to get settled in with your 1st language but being forced to just drop the language you're speaking & learn a new one; all because FUCK YOU! = THATS WHY! & for no other reason except maybe lazy programming.

As the old Wolfenstien guy I can only imagine you can relate. BTW; you're lookin good n' healthy these days! Which by your mug I can see you have somewhere between 82 & 100 health right now. Did you ever get to meet Blake; in the "Stone" department?

Edited by Byeblothingal 1024

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The thing is, if you're used to something you'll obviously be better at it like that, and trying some other control scheme might feel awkward at first.

I recently went from generally using high sens on my mouse (1800 dpi) to mid/low sens (800 dpi) and also significantly lowering sensitivity in-game. At first it was really awkward and slow, and turning around to face something behind me was annoying, but I eventually adapted, and started using my arm to move the mouse rather than just my wrist. My aim has improved enormously over the last 3 months (Generally, in games like CS:GO and Overwatch I hit 20% more shots and 100% more headshots than before I reduced my sensitivity).

It doesn't matter so much in Doom of course where the game practically aims for you and AI is dumb as bricks, but what I'm trying to say is, force yourself to play with controls which are generally considered "better" for various reasons like speed and precision and they will grow on you and your skill will improve significantly.

WASD/ESDF is preferred because it has easy and fast access to a lot of other functions on your keyboard.

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If I'm playing gzdoom with vertical-freelook on and auto-aim off, I use a Steam Controller.

The stick is movement, gyro is mouselook, the right-pad is for quick turns (flick to start turning, touch again to stop), and the left pad brings up the onscreen weapons menu.

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Why modern games should allow you to look up and down with a keyboard???? Back then they had to do it because not everyone had a mouse... Mouse became a standard after Win 95....
Nowdays everyone has a Mouse and most important it would be a nightmare to aim with a keyboard in modern games....

But if you are so eager to play that way, there are a few programs that allow you to map the mouse to they keyboard....

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Wild Dog said:

Why modern games should allow you to look up and down with a keyboard???? Back then they had to do it because not everyone had a mouse... Mouse became a standard after Win 95....

Because not allowing you to bind looking up-down to keyboard keys is politically incorrect. Do mice have more rights than keyboards just because they are... mice? Of course not. Everyone deserves equal key-binding rights.


Anyway, it might be useful for more precise aiming.

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When I'm playing with just a keyboard (when sitting on the couch for example) I use WASD + the arrow keys: left/right for turning, up for shooting, down for activating.

Otherwise, yeah, WASD + Mouse. It's easy to switch between the two, as the hands are mostly doing the same in both.

I only use free-aim when the wad absolutely requires it or for tourism runs with -nomonsters.

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WASD here. actually ASD for left-back-right, and right mouse for walking forward.

why? i started playing with the default control scheme (arrows, keyboard only) with wolf3d. this worked ok in doom (kind of, for today's standards) thanks to autoaim.

when quake came out in 96, mouselook was so much better than the clunky keyboard that i switched to the mouse, but somehow couldn't get rid of my habit of using the right hand middle finger for walking forward. so i bound it to right mouse, and kept it.

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roadworx said:

eh...i came late into the FPS scene, so i always use WASD and the mouse with free-aim.

Usually i would say, that you missed a lot of good things. Control Schemes of the early 90s is not one of those....

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ArchvileHunter said:

The thing is, if you're used to something you'll obviously be better at it like that, and trying some other control scheme might feel awkward at first.

I recently went from generally using high sens on my mouse (1800 dpi) to mid/low sens (800 dpi) and also significantly lowering sensitivity in-game. At first it was really awkward and slow, and turning around to face something behind me was annoying, but I eventually adapted, and started using my arm to move the mouse rather than just my wrist. My aim has improved enormously over the last 3 months (Generally, in games like CS:GO and Overwatch I hit 20% more shots and 100% more headshots than before I reduced my sensitivity).

It doesn't matter so much in Doom of course where the game practically aims for you and AI is dumb as bricks, but what I'm trying to say is, force yourself to play with controls which are generally considered "better" for various reasons like speed and precision and they will grow on you and your skill will improve significantly.

WASD/ESDF is preferred because it has easy and fast access to a lot of other functions on your keyboard.

I did force myself to use those controls in counterstrike & Serious Sam. I played at least 50 hours of both of those games & STILL I never got as good with those controls as I did with the older ones. Autoaim off or on; I still would much prefer the old controls ive gotten really good with them & I dont know how many more hours it would take than 100 of forced play with the newer controls to be able to play better with them but I just came to the conclusion after playing with the newer controls a LOT that; I could never get as good with them as with the old ones.

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TraceOfSpades said:

I don't understand why it isn't possible to strafe run backwards and to the left. I am using GZDoom.

It's just your keyboard's limit of the number (and type) of keys that can be pressed at the same time, and pressing more keys would not be registered by the keyboard. Not an issue with any Doom port in particular, or Doom at all.

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Interesting topic. While I do believe that oldschool shooters should be played with keyboard ONLY and do so even today when playing them, in modern FPSes, mouse + keyboard is superior in every conceivable way (IMHO, Quake 2 or Unreal 1 marks the time where using the mouse + KB became better).

Also the post saying Doom AI is simplistic. Yes it may be, but I find it very effective. At least the enemies are going after you / attacking you and not hiding behind cover when half of their body or head is still free for you to shoot or telegraphing their attacks for you half an hour in advance or have glowing weakspots or any other idiotic idea of modern gaming. It would be funny if in games with auto heal, enemies would have it too so it would be fair :D.

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I 100% agree, Doom does have simple "stupid" AI, but I think it makes the game better. I really like the semi-predictable mechanical behavior of the monsters, which at some points makes it feel like a hyper-speed first-person strategy game.

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WADS - Movement
F - Fire
E - Use
R - Reload
Z - Zoom
C - Crouch
Q - Jump
<> - Items
Enter - Use Item

I also have mouse for aiming, left click for shooting, right click for using, the wheel to switch weapons.

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TraceOfSpades said:

I don't understand why it isn't possible to strafe run backwards and to the left. I am using GZDoom.

Yeah, like Scifista said it's probably your keyboard that's the problem. Keyboards designed for typing can have problems with input when a lot of keys are pressed simultaneously.

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I go with WASD+mouse for most normal play, occasionally KB-only if the map is easy enough to warrant it. I love the standard mouse controls, though, with RMB being strafe and MMB being move forward, as I can safely scratch my nuts with my left hand anytime I need to without fear of stopping prematurely to avoid a projectile. Or get a drink; whatever floats your boat.

On the KB side of things, I think it's extremely important for WASD players to remap item controls to z, x, and c for quick use during play. Q, e, r, f, z, x, and c are a WASD players top friends and should always be prioritized.

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I use WASD when dooming. Then I use E for use, and CapsLock for sprint. If I am playing maps that require jumping or crouching, I use Shift and C respectively. Shooting is Left Mouse, and Secondary Fire/aiming is right mouse (assuming that I am using a mod that utilizes secondary fire modes or aiming). For weapon selection, I just use the mousewheel.

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MetroidJunkie said:

WADS - Movement
F - Fire
E - Use
R - Reload
Z - Zoom
C - Crouch
Q - Jump
<> - Items
Enter - Use Item

I also have mouse for aiming, left click for shooting, right click for using, the wheel to switch weapons.

R - Reload? holy shit you can reload in doom? I never knew that! I have always wanted to do that when I have the railgun & have fired 3 times but need to come around a corner firing as many as I can as fast as I can; sometimes I just waste a shot on the wall just so he'll reload the motherfucker before I come around the corner so ill be full on bettery cells in it.

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i always used WASD+mouse for any FPS game, but i did played Quake 1(possibly the first game i've played) using "old school" control scheme, like ArchvileHunter said, you use what you're good in.

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Currently Almost every FPS player uses WASD to move around and use mouse with free look.

For Doom, I use WASD to walk, mouse to free look, LShift to sprint and Space bar to interact with objects.

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Byeblothingal 1024 said:

holy shit you can reload in doom?

More like you can reload in select mods that implement some sort of reloading function.

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I am still messing around with my controls a bit but i do use:

WASD + Mouse setup (right click for alt fire when needed, might change to zoom) I use the mouse wheel a lot for switching weapons which is something i need to not do as much lol

Space = interact with objects (might change that to E, not sure yet)

Capslock = change between walk/always run

Lshift = Jump (might change that to space, only use that for wads that need it)

R = Reload (for wads that need it)

C = Crouch (when needed)

Haven't really messed with the item controls as i don't use items i don't think? Is that only for MP? I've only been playing older Wads so maybe i just haven't noticed. Also most of these are the stock GZdoom controls as that's what source port i'm currently using.

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RanhDoomer said:

i always used WASD+mouse for any FPS game, but i did played Quake 1(possibly the first game i've played) using "old school" control scheme, like ArchvileHunter said, you use what you're good in.

What controls did you use for Doom?

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AbhinandAnilDoomguy said:

What controls did you use for Doom?

WASD+Mouse for moving and looking
LMB for shooting
E for use
SPACE for jump(yes, i play with jump toggled)
C for ducking(yes...)

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Until very recently, I only played Doom with the original setup (keyboard only). However, I've since moved to WASD + mouse and I find it far superior.

I appreciate old games very much, but I also recognize that the keyboard and mouse is a far superior control method. Granted, it's less noticeable in Doom since it was never intended to have things like jumping, free look, etc.

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