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change of view, good news

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sadly we have seen too much doom, or any FPS, bashing these last few years. mostly from anti-violence and christian groups but i have seen a change in views. A man that plays many of these games says that they should not be attacked and that they are a good way to get rid of stress in young adults. this man is a pastor at a church my mom goes to. She was one of the biggest doom haters around. To show u she has no mind of her own she turns her view completly around. the good news is that she has stoped bitching and that someone, besides us, is saying doom is good. even though i am not christian, or any religion for that matter and i would not care either way, this shows that not all christians are doom haters and that a few support it, besides kids.

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This is good news for you. Now you can stuff your room with all your Doom game boxes and posters without risking a loss. Hey, you can be lucky that that priest did not tell your mom that all Doom lovers have to be killed immediately...

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I'd like to meet this pastor. We could discuss the existence of a god without him telling me that i'll burn in hell.

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yea i am currently on a doom collection quest. to get all the doom box sets in mint condition. if any of u are selling new doom box sets TELL ME!!! $$$ !!!

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I'm a Christian, but I don't hate Doom. Doom is a VIDEOGAME, for heaven's sake. Looks like SOMEBODY, besides Doom-players, realized that. What's this pastor's name?

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the guys name is doug simmons, i have met him before long ago when i was 8 years old. doom is a game and god damn great one at that.

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Dude, what are you smoking? I'm a Christian, and I LOVE Doom. Honestly, I hate it when people go around Christian bashing because they assume that all Christians are anti-Doom or anti-evolution or anti-anything-that-goes-against-their-rigid-belief-system. It's called prejudice, and I'm sick of it. There are plenty of Christians in this world who are completely normal, and being some wacky nut is not some requirement of Christianity. Of course, there are fundamentalist groups who believe in just the most bizarre things, but those are the exception. Okay, sorry for exploding like that, it's just that I've been getting real fed up with this whole anti-Christian movement that appears to be surging.

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no this is NOT a christian bashing thread, i posted this because it is odd to here any religious leader, christianity because is is popular in the US, to say that a game like doom is good for u. second it was an adult not a kid, many adult christians/an religion have more closed views than younger people of the same religion. I am not a christian bashing person in real life either. though i do not believe in a god, but i do not think it is wrong to believe in one either. Also many groups here oppose the gaming industry, mostly christians and a few other groups, it is a rare thing to see a person like this go aginst what many in his religion think about something. Also many religous people who oppose genetics/evolution seem to forget those fields were from monk/pastors who became interested in science. the known father of genetics, Mendle, was a monk. darwin was into releigon but i am not sure what part before he wrote his theory. also evolution is not just about darwinism anymore. it has become very complex and darwiniism is now a small part. being that i am studing genetics most of evoulution fallows addaptaion and genetics. hey i wounder if i should creat so doom monsters as pets

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