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Doomish sounding track in Blake Stone: Planet Strike

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I bet some hardcore Doomers already know this but I recently heard this for the first time.
I recently started playing the Blake Stone games of which Bobby Prince has composed the music and while playing map 3 in the second game Planet Strike I heard a very familiarish sounding song.

I expected a Cyberdemon in that level but there wasn't one. This song sounds very similar to Ultimate Doom's E2M8 Nobody Told Me About ID.

I know Bobby Prince likes to base his songs on old Metal songs and he also likes recycle his songs between the different games he's composed for like how Between Levels from Doom 2 is based of Zero Hour from Wolfenstein 3D.

I wonder if there are any more similar sounding tracks like these in the games he has composed for?

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I never played Planet Strike, so this is news to me.

There's a song in Wolfenstein 3d: Spear of Destiny that has elements from a Doom 2 song:


And here's the Doom 2 song in question:


It's less obvious than in the example you provided, but the influence is there.

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Pretty cool. I didn't even know that Bobby Prince helped compose the music for Blake Stone.

dsm said:

I never played Planet Strike, so this is news to me.

You should totally play it. It's available on Steam for like $4.99 which is a very good price for all episodes. I recently re-discovered Blake Stone and I've been playing it almost every day.

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Darklordrobert said:

I bet some hardcore Doomers already know this but I recently heard this for the first time.
I recently started playing the Blake Stone games of which Bobby Prince has composed the music and while playing map 3 in the second game Planet Strike I heard a very familiarish sounding song.


I expected a Cyberdemon in that level but there wasn't one. This song sounds very similar to Ultimate Doom's E2M8 Nobody Told Me About ID.


I know Bobby Prince likes to base his songs on old Metal songs and he also likes recycle his songs between the different games he's composed for like how Between Levels from Doom 2 is based of Zero Hour from Wolfenstein 3D.

I wonder if there are any more similar sounding tracks like these in the games he has composed for?

Oh yes.

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As far as I know, it doesn't play anywhere in the final game proper, though I think it appears on the copyright protection screen, though I don't exactly know how to trigger that.

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These two always reminded me of one another:

To my ears, On the Hunt really does just sound like a bigger, faster, more aggressive version.

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The unused Doom track un15.mid is actually an early version of the Blake Stone track "Jungle".

...just add a lead obviously inspired by Led Zepplin's Immigrant song and you're done!

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the_miano said:

You should totally play it. It's available on Steam for like $4.99 which is a very good price for all episodes. I recently re-discovered Blake Stone and I've been playing it almost every day.

Thanks for the recommendation, but I have a few reservations that you might help to dissuade?

One reason I never bothered with Planet Strike was that I never really grew fond of Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold, primarily because I found the gameplay rather tedious on harder skill settings, largely due to the bullet-spongey nature of 90 per cent of all the enemies and the game's dependency on using your slow-recharging base pistol to save on ammo on those skill settings.

I just don't like bullet-sponge enemies in my shooters (which has notoriously turned me off from many a great FPS).

I got the impression that Planet Strike was just more of the same, but I could be wrong?

EDIT: Nevermind I'm stupid (more like tired). Just found a demo of it. Will check it out when I'm less tired and better able to appreciate what I'm getting into.

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This reminds me of Demonstar menu theme (written by Bobby Prince, ofc). It kinda sounds like slower and gloomier Dave D. Taylor Blues:

I always loved that track.

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