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How does Doomguy use the soulsphere and megasphere?

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Doomkid said:

So it's not really armour that Megaspheres give you, but an armour-like layer of fat. Good to know!

Wow! So now referring to slimming down as "burning fat" takes on a quite literal meaning! Try our revolutionary Imp Fireballs (TM) weight loss program! You'll die happy or your money back guarantee!

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Doomkid said:

So it's not really armour that Megaspheres give you, but an armour-like layer of fat. Good to know!

I'd like two megafries to go thank you.

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Maes said:


Now I want to change the pickup text to "You took a suppository!" and the pickup sound to a painful groan...or a moan of pleasure, whatever your thing is. Heh.

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Johnatone said:

Well, let's see if I get crucified for this...

I can get the exact quote later, I still have my copy, but the first Doom novel described the Soul Sphere bursting and covering the marine in a sticky substance that immediately absorbed into his skin, making him feel better and refreshed instantly.

You sure you aren't thinking of an H-Doom powerup?

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Impie said:

You sure you aren't thinking of an H-Doom powerup?

H-Doom doesn't have changed powerups (but Mike12 might add them in the future)

As for the OP, I believe Doomguy takes the sphere in his hand, and crushes it, causing the stuff inside to flow into his arm and then the whole body.

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Maes said:

Wow! So now referring to slimming down as "burning fat" takes on a quite literal meaning! Try our revolutionary Imp Fireballs (TM) weight loss program! You'll die happy or your money back guarantee!

The bloodier the Doomguy HUD face, the closer to anorexia he is. The chubbs Doomguy face from 32-in-24 wads is him at peak health and fitness!

MetroidJunkie said:

So what does the Invulnerability Sphere come from? Looks evil.

If you observe the sprite super closely, it's actually a Lost Soul in there. I guess that means invuln spheres are "good" lost souls?

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I think that when Doomguy picks one of them, he crushes it in his hand, like in Doom 4 he crushes that red argent sphere or whatever, and the energy courses through his body.

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All the balls powerups have a face on it. My guess is, they are giving him a warm kiss. And that's making him feel great and it replaces his health and he fixes his armor because he is so peaceful at that moment.

Or it sucks his dick :p

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fraggle said:

Nobody has mentioned that megaspheres have Mancubus faces in them. It's because megaspheres are Mancubus eggs. It's how they reproduce.

When you pick up a megasphere you're basically eating a Mancubus omelette. Just like a regular omelette but even more nourishing.

This also explains why they didn't appear in Doom II, since Mancubuses weren't involved in the Mars moon invasions.

uhmmm, that's not good. If Vegans learn about this, DoomGuy is going to be in deep troubles!!!

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Maybe Doomguy or Mrs Doomguy just smashes their face into them headbang style and screams manically- the effects won't work if you don't scream like a lunatic you see!

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I think the movie "Spy Kids 3" depicted how pickups work in games while the characters were in virtual reality.

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Wild Dog said:

uhmmm, that's not good. If Vegans learn about this, DoomGuy is going to be in deep troubles!!!

As if he wasn't already surviving on a diet of -plentiful- Demon meat. Unless you prefer having him eat the Unholy DMCHOSHO Chow all the time -that one is almost 100% vegan -apart from the escolar fat maybe, but maybe they make a 100% Vegan version of it. One ingredient less wouldn't diminish its lethality ;-)

In fact, during boot camp, they often received the order to simply not poop for 2 days before an official inspection was due -usually some high brass would prod around their stuff and admire them as if they were bulls for sale. It was unnatural, it was dehumanizing, but as he was told, the Army begins where reason ends. To make the obedience to said order even more stoic, the troops were issued the special tactical chow composed of baked beans, lentilles, chickpeas, escolar, concentrated prune juice, whole dried prunes (with seeds), concentrated fig extract and an evil combination of castor and ricin oil, aptly nicknamed "Whirlwind of the Gods" or "Gut Shrapnel". And they weren't. Fucking. Kidding.

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The Soul/Megaspheres make me think of Doom 3's Soul Cube, so I think of them as good souls trapped in Hell that are helping you fight.
Heck, if I ever get around to actually making some Doom levels, I might replace the spheres' pick-up sounds with the Soul Cube's "USE US."

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MetroidJunkie said:

So what does the Invulnerability Sphere come from? Looks evil.

Godsend angels, I always liked the idea of god making the way for doomguy, by summoning ammo, weapons, health and powerups.

And god said "Let there be aid"

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^ Heh, I remember some PWAD on a 1994 shovelware disc did explore this theme, by questioning who and why left all those pickups for you.

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