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Why are all of the zombies and demons right handed?

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I mean, the only one who isn't right handed is Doomguy, and even then he holds stuff bigger than a pistol right handed. (I know the Cyberdemon has a rocket launcher on his left hand, but thats built in so he doesn't get any other use with that side so it doesnt count)

You would think that with the massive amounts of soldiers hell spews out, there would be someone who favors their left hand.

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Doom nothing is big a left-handed propaganda. The lefties bribed Id to make a left handed supremacist game that depicted right handed people as demons and monsters, under the guise of a horror-inspired action game. Next thing you know they're gonna be pushing for the government to enforce left-handed quotas in schools and universities and allow civil union between left-handed people. Wake up sheeple!

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Some of the monsters are left-handed in their mirrored rotation frames (when their left side faces you). Also, the Pain Elemental is left-handed in his non-mirrored pain and death frames as he protectively puts his left hand in front of him when he gets hurt.

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How can you tell which hand the Pinky/Spectre/Lost Soul/Spider Mastermind/Arachnotron/Cacodemon/Pain Elemental use? Also, the mancubus is clearly ambidextrous.

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Because even the horde of possessed and demonic minions of hell aren't evil enough to be lefties.

Damn lefties.


At least two of my immediate family members are lefties.

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joe-ilya said:

Decapitated Romero head too.

Well maybe the point is moot when it's just the head, but Romero is left-handed.

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Actually, 12% of Demons are left handed, they just use demon magic to reverse the image you see of them as they attack you. Those pesky demons and their demon magic - it's dark stuff I tell you hwat

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Job said:


At least two of my immediate family members are lefties.

I read somewhere that using this kind of excuse for a comment that might be perceived as discriminatory by some, actually makes it worse, somehow. TBQH, the explanation behind that didn't quite convince me.

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Doomkid said:

Actually, 12% of Demons are left handed, they just use demon magic to reverse the image you see of them as they attack you. Those pesky demons and their demon magic - it's dark stuff I tell you hwat

Sensible and informative answer, just the facts, I think that's what the deal is here. We've cracked the case folks.

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Maes said:

I read somewhere that using this kind of excuse for a comment that might be perceived as discriminatory by some, actually makes it worse, somehow. TBQH, the explanation behind that didn't quite convince me.

It boils down to basically cutting out any ambiguity that the person knows the message is hateful, so they try to cop out of getting told off about it by going "but my cousin / best friend / waifu is x!!!"

Without it, not only can it just be seen as lack of awareness on the person saying it, it also avoids the whole "I know people are going to be upset by this but I'm doing it anyway" and "Because I might know this person who's like the people I'm upsetting, you're not allowed to get upset about it" things.

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Maes said:

I read somewhere that using this kind of excuse for a comment that might be perceived as discriminatory by some, actually makes it worse, somehow. TBQH, the explanation behind that didn't quite convince me.

I figured you of all people maintained their sarcasm detector in a timely manner. Also, I was unaware left handed people are a protected social class.

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I don't know for sure, but I think all Lefties can do that. Then again, I'm right myself so I don't know.

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MetroidJunkie said:

Speaking of hands, the Mastermind is like the T-Rex of Doom monsters.

Those stubby little hands that don't do anything.

Maybe it has a Baron of Hell hold up a tablet so it can play Candy Crush.

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Job said:

I figured you of all people maintained their sarcasm detector in a timely manner. Also, I was unaware left handed people are a protected social class.

Yup, some among us really do have trouble with their sarcasm detectors, but it sure ain't me ;-) It's well-known that my about all PC stuff is that it's a bunch of bullshit, but others may not be so permissive.

@Arctangent: yeah, it was something along these lines. If I recall it didn't convince me because the "knowing that the message is hateful" part can also be rebutted, since adamantly using this defense is also possible without having any a-priori knowledge of the perceived offensiveness of the message, at least the first time one is accused. Using it a second time with the same people and in the same context will surely cause what you said, though.

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MetroidJunkie said:

Speaking of hands, the Mastermind is like the T-Rex of Doom monsters.


Those stubby little hands that don't do anything.

til the spider mastermind had arms

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*shakes head*

I remember back then when this place had CLASS, with threads such as "Genitals of Doom monsters?", "Edibility of Doom monsters?" and "Virility of Doom monsters?". We have sunk a long way since then, indeed!

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Most of this thread is a waste of time debating mirrored sprite handedness. The only interesting monster is the Cyberdemon. His left hand is weaponized, and his right foot needs prosthetics. Left is satanic and right is weak. I had this impression since I was little and repeatedly beaten by this monster. Unfortunately knowing id, they didn't really think this through.

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id clearly didn't give two flying fucks about hand/gun placement because it ain't fuckin' important! While we're at it, how about we resurrect a years-old-thread about imp buttholes?

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