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  • 2 weeks later...

Played some rounds, what should i say... Its DM with Demons and *uc*.
No Info about the next DLC?
Server stuff is great!
I still like the MP but that lack of info/news id-sided is making me a bit sad.

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AndyW said:

Played some rounds, what should i say... Its DM with Demons and *uc*.
No Info about the next DLC?
Server stuff is great!
I still like the MP but that lack of info/news id-sided is making me a bit sad.

To put things into perspective, any other game studio, and I do mean any, That had this big of a drop off in players would have closed up shop on the game and moved fully onto the next project. Instead we're getting steady stream of updates by developers that actually care about our community and our thoughts on the subject. As for the lack of news, as things get done they'll let us know in a timely manner, as they've continued to. Free content doesn't build it'self overnight. As for deathmatch itself I found it to be quite splended, I enjoyed the lack of demons in ffa. Felt good, Spawns where super predictable but its ok. As for loadouts I remember doomkid asking about this, yes, the loadouts are still in effect but I must say it still feels good. I see id combined some of the playlists like I hoped, it'll be fun to actually be able to find a match in objective now. Might take a minute since everyone is super hyper about deathmatch. Another great update If I say so myself. Though Mr.Dead was saying something about Some sound distortion he hadn't heard before. Honestly I'v not felt this happy with a game studio in sooooo long.

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All the other players are highlighted in red. Am I missing something, or is there no way to turn this off?

What's the point of all this armor customization if it's always going to be painted over by some team color?

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I assume it's so that everyone is of fair visibility, It does seem odd that in no game mode for the multiplayer do we actualy get to use our chosen colors.

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Well, I remember seeing in the livestream of the Deathmatch preview, you did see the custom colors for the player. I'm guessing the red highlight is there to indicate damage being done to that player.

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Either the matchmaking service is completly broken on xbox one, or no one plays deathmatch. I couldn't find a match with more than 4 guys. Really dissapointing

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Have you posted this somewhere else aswell? maybie one of the facebook groups? If not I saw someone else saying the same thing. Might be a matchmaking bug or some kind of discrepancy with the DLC, I do hope things improve for deathmatch on the xbox one.

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I think youre right about the loadouts.
In 4vs4-mode you could change the party very fast by just dominating the spawnpoints.
In 8vs8-mode it will turn out to a hide and seekin´ for guns.
I love the MP-Mode, but i want some Infos about the planned-MP-maps.

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DMGUYDZ64 said:

There's no Demon rune in the new Deathmatch mode .

Righteous, thanks for the info there. Just played some, fun stuff! Also cool that they added a demon free version of some of the team-modes too at some point.

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I agree about the demon runes, it is fun and everything but in ffa demons are super broken. Some of the objective modes just turn into who can hold demon rune the longest, and if decent players get it they typically keep it and suicide when low on health, effectevly pulling a landslide win on the match. Though in TDM I love shitting on demon players with the LR.

(edit) loadouts vs weapon spawns is a very tricky ordeal, for weapon placment we can quickly look at Unreal and see a fun way to have weapon placment that is non-frustrating. Gears of war series we can see how this works in a very negative light for the "fun zone". The difference? When we look at UT we see maps the have weapon placment close to spawns and for the most part NOT AT CHOKE POINTS, as where in gears all the power weapons are typically in the centre of the map, effectivly walling the team that doesn't obtain the power weapons first and creates favorable push conditions to completely lock down the map. Getting effectavly spawn camped with torqe bows and boomshots fucking sucks, there are no counters to these situations.

Load outs allow us to be competitive from spawn as to stop locking down spawns that happends often in other power shooters. While there is still ammo, armour, health power ups, and power weapons with very limited ammo helps keep focus on map control and giving favorable results to those that understand this but stops stacked teams from full on dominating the match in such a way that feels unfair to the losing team and that there is no counter. As much as I enjoy the days of old we have to understand that these games with high skill ceilings often obtain a skill wall that is very non-welcoming to newcomers and creates a vacuum at which we lose players far faster then we can gain them in the community effectivly and killing itself over time.

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