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Are ceiling turrets possible in Dehacked?


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I've tried making ceiling turrets in Dehacked, i.e. static enemies that hang from ceiling. However:

* I can't just set NOGRAVITY + FLOAT with 0 speed, because then the turret will just lower to my height when I go nearby. If I only set NOGRAVITY and the turret has chasing states, it will instantly drop to floor.

* I can't use continuous fire guarded by CPosRefire (so it returns to first moving state if it doesn't see me), because CPosRefire doesn't have a 100% probability of going to chase state: sometimes some projectiles will leak, causing noise and collateral damage.

EXPLANATION: such a turret would have normal standby (Look) frames when idle. Upon seeing you, it will go into some CPosRefire states which lead into projectile-shooting loops. The CPosRefire states should keep the turret from shooting if you're dead or out of sight. Unfortunately this is not multiplayer-compatible: the turret will stop looking for other targets because it never returns to the standby guard states.

EDIT: HMM, maybe if I chain multiple CPosRefire frames, the probability of going to chase state will skyrocket to 0.9999.

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printz said:

If I only set NOGRAVITY and the turret has chasing states, it will instantly drop to floor.

Even if you give it the "No auto leveling" flag?

printz said:

EDIT: HMM, maybe if I chain multiple CPosRefire frames, the probability of going to chase state will skyrocket to 0.9999.

Even more if you use SpidRefire, which has a higher probability of going to chase state than CPosRefire.

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  • 1 year later...

@printz bumping this thread, it seems I find the proper solution for Boom (I hope). Cause myself was in same situation.

To prevent dropping to floor, I've added 2x2 texture-less sector directly under the hanger, also assigned action 242 to avoid possible HOMs.
The only drawback is that it can not be passed from below, so it's better to place it in inaccessible places.

Edited by riderr3

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