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Risen3D and Doomsday?

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I read once before the reason Risen3D split from Doomsday was because of the latter's lack of support for Boom maps. I'm unsure if this is still the case but, if Doomsday got those features, would Risen3D have any advantages over Doomsday, and if not what would stop the two from becoming one again?

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I am intrigued as to why this question about Risen3D and Doomsday being able to merge occasionally comes up?

The split was so long ago now and, to perhaps understate it, the two ports have diverged so significantly in pretty much every facet and features since then.

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I like the sound of that too, or at least Eternity taking the remaining features from the other. Perhaps I'm too much of an idealist...

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ChekaAgent said:

So what's better, Doomsday or Risen 3D?

Neither. Both have entirely different design goals, so whatever you want from a source port, either can be better.

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