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Best zdoom maps/wads

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General Rainbow Bacon said:

Where can I DL "Final Neodoom"? I must have slept through that post when it came out.


I also need links to:

Hungarian Warfare
Resurrection of Chaos
Serpent Resurrection

Those all sound really cool.

Here you go:
http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=49106 HWarfare
http://doomworld.com/idgames/?id=12365 Wolfen
http://doomworld.com/idgames/?id=15767 Necrosis
http://doomworld.com/idgames/?id=13624 RoC
http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=23024& Serpent:Resurrection

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Hideous destructor is a real good show of zdooms abilities. Its being developed on the bleeding edge, to the point you need to keep the dev build of gzdoom (or zdoom) reasonably up to date if you want it to work, as new features are added all the time.

Hard as balls, but amazing to see what can be done with weapons, health, gun mechanics, ect.

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Da Werecat said:

Have you played Crapi? Junko is something of a sequel to it, and they share the same philosophy, as much as I could tell from my brief experience with the latter.

I have indeed played Crapi, or part of it, anyway. At least some of its levels reappear in Junko, mostly as hidden/bonus stages or down branching paths later in the game. I never did finish it, though....don't think I even got close. My feeling was that if Junko is bewildering and cryptic in an in-world sense, Crapi was rough to the point of being unfriendly in a technical or metagame sense, though now that I think of it at least some of the issues I encountered could very well have arisen from my failing to use a compatible version of ZDoom or the like. For example, just like in Junko, in Crapi you can travel back and forth between different maps, but every time I would leave a map and re-enter the thing placement would entirely reset--all the monsters would have to be killed again (or evaded) and so on--even though the game would accurately track the relative changes in p1 start position. Really weird.

Good call on TCotD: Apocalypse, incidentally. Aside from the early turbulence of gun-toting cultists having way too much HP for the stage and role they occupy in the game (or, we could also look at it as matter of the game's huge .44 magnum pistol having all the stopping power of a squirtgun, I suppose), it is indeed a well-plotted and nicely realized adventure with some genuinely unexpected twists and turns and some creative use of the port's scripting capabilities for some memorable effects, ala the periodic 'siren' sequences.

Anyway, another couple of WADs I forgot to mention before just popped into my head a few minutes ago, those being Void by Cyb and Impossible: A New Reality by JK. Both are heavily surrealist and atmospheric levels, with the former using scripting and custom actors and such to present a series of imaginative one-off challenges, while the latter for the most part plays like a much more traditional Doom level, using the engine features in more subtly playful ways for a whimsical experience.

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Demon of the Well said:

For example, just like in Junko, in Crapi you can travel back and forth between different maps, but every time I would leave a map and re-enter the thing placement would entirely reset--all the monsters would have to be killed again (or evaded) and so on--even though the game would accurately track the relative changes in p1 start position.

I believe the wad was made (or at least started) when ZDoom didn't have a true hub system, so the levels were designed around this limitation. For example, if an exit to another map is locked with a key, there's usually a key on the other side of the door.

I did much better on my second (attempted) playthough, but still ran out of patience at some point. Nevertheless, I was glad to discover there was a follow-up, but my experience with Junko was similar to my first experience with Crapi: I didn't get very far.

Too bad that my attention span doesn't get any better with years.

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