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So...about the disappearing corpses


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So apparently, there's a glitch that allows the corpse of a Baron to stick around. You have to glory kill it, then keep shooting at it in order to keep it there. 



I felt this was somewhat relevant, and it may pertain to that video of the lasting Baron corpses that I showed some time ago. 


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On 9/14/2016 at 2:24 AM, TAPETRVE said:

If Dark Souls can do it, then so can this game.


Dark Souls has a lower graphic fidelity than Doom by a long shot (Even to Dark Souls 3 and bloodborne) 


Another thing worth noting is that the corpses disappear right after you rest at a bonfire so that point is pretty much moot no matter what you think of it.

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That's because resting at a bonfire basically equals a quickload.

Edited by TAPETRVE

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But back to topic, I'm rather unsure as to whether corpses shouldn't disappear.


Mainly the ragdolls, while it's hilarious listening to the thumping sounds they make when they ragdoll, it's immersion breaking in every sense. 


And don't get me started on the amount of thumps they make after a big arena battle. Specifically, the turbines in the foundry.

Edited by ZALGO

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It probably wouldn't be as egregious if the visual effect of dead bodies disintegrating a) didn't kick in a mere second after a killed enemy hits the floor, and b) wasn't so bloody unspectacular. It's basically the same lazy "fizzle out of existence" texture fade effect already used in DOOM³.

Edited by TAPETRVE

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21 hours ago, TAPETRVE said:


It probably wouldn't be as egregious if the visual effect of dead bodies disintegrating a) didn't kick in a mere second after a killed enemy hits the floor, and b) wasn't so bloody unspectacular. It's basically the same lazy "fizzle out of existence" texture fade effect already used in DOOM³.


The interesting thing is, while demon corpses also burn away in the multiplayer aspect of the game, there's a lot more effort put into the disintegration effect (more particles, better textures, etc.), and even the Mancubus just exploded into a pile of gibs when killed. 


What makes the disintegration effect in the campaign/Snapmap so unsatisfactory is that it's pretty much done as an afterthought, as you mentioned. 


It actually manages to be both hilarious and infuriating to see a gibbed Mancubus disappear not even a split second after it hits the ground, before its death animation is even finished. 

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If you want various cool visuals of disappearing corpses, just look at the newer Resident Evil games and spinoffs, as questionable as they may've been otherwise. Plus, you can leave a nice, stationary heap of rotting guts and bones behind. Y'know, like gibbed corpses in the old DOOM games. Makes the whole ragdoll physics issue very much a moot one.

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I highly doubt this will be an issue in the next installment. We're likely to see such an upgrade in processing power--maybe an order of magnitude or more--that I suspect all corpses will stay, only disappearing (and looking damn good while doing so) when RAM limits are pushed to the edge. Perhaps the crummy SP and SnapMap animations are related to how much sheer detail is present at any given time. In regards to the manc, it might have more polygons than most enemies and thus the dematerliazation has to be handled more quickly to keep the frame rate consistent. 

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