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Doomworld Mega Project 2016 (v2 is on /idgames)

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TimeOfDeath said:

I'm going to sit out the 2017 project, so feel free do whatever you want.

Are you busy this year? Or you just are just dont want to do these anymore.

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In that case, I'm going to wait a few days if anybody willing to run the DMP2017 thread shows up, otherwise I'll make the thread myself and keep maintaining it for the rest of the year. I repeat that this year, I will not insist on compiling the final project by myself, but somebody else may do the task with or without my cooperation after the year ends, provided this person will keep the general rules that applied to all mega projects so far (no quality control except rejecting outright malicious stuff, no new maps accepted after deadline, no changes to maps after deadline except fixing fatal bugs).

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Compiling maps nowadays should be pretty trivial. With this tool you can just write a single *.bat file and be done with it: https://github.com/jewalky/wadstomp It will put all maps in the order that you want, rename the music files accordingly, get rid of all unused textures, make sure that there are no conflicts with the IWAD graphics, etc. It made compiling the Russian speedmapping thing a matter of a few minutes. I guess most people haven't heard of it yet and I can say they are really missing out!

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So far, I've been loving the maps I've been playing. One little thing, though. The lack of music in the hub map bothered me, so I edited the MAPINFO to give it the warp room music from Crash 3.
Just a little nitpick.

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It's not ordered by difficulty, and people made whatever they like for the project (and some people like to make tough maps!). There are indeed some hard maps early on. Probably would have a better time skipping maps early if they're giving off that vibe. ;)

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To be fair, nearly everything made recently is harder than the original Doom. :P Try HNTR for a more casual experience that's probably closer to IWAD UV on many maps.

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Participation in the project was a very positive experience for me. I've got enough time for operative update the project, and I decided to try myself as an organizer, but there are a couple of important issues.

What is the responsibility of the organizer?
What questions he should decide?
At what time is best to start the project?
Why does no one wished to be the organizer except scifista42?
Do I need approval from TimeOfDeath?

I had never before been involved in organizing something like that. And my English is not so good...
Well, why not try? ;] In any case, I could take responsibility for the compilation of the project ...

I'll wait for comments. I will be glad to any recommendations.
If nobody is against, I run a thread in the next 2-3 days.

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StormCatcher.77 said:

What is the responsibility of the organizer?

-Keep the spirit of the project's previous iterations.
-Motivate people to submit maps for the project.
-Make sure the project will eventually be released.
*Regularly update the thread's first post with links to the latest versions of all submitted maps during the whole year. (It's very helpful both for those who want to play the maps before the year's end and for those who will compile the project after the year's end.)

StormCatcher.77 said:

What questions he should decide?

-Which rules will map submissions need to follow. (Decide as early as possible.)
-Whether a particular map that seems to be on the borderline of the rules will be accepted or not. (Decide whenever needed.)
-How exactly should the project compilation, testing and release be handled. (Feel free to postpone this decision till the end of the year actually comes.)

StormCatcher.77 said:

At what time is best to start the project?

The sooner, the better.

StormCatcher.77 said:

Why does no one wished to be the organizer except scifista42?

I guess because both regularly updating a thread and compiling the final project seems like a hard work.

StormCatcher.77 said:

Do I need approval from TimeOfDeath?

I don't think he was speaking specifically to me when he said "feel free do whatever you want" a couple posts above, so I conclude that you don't need it.

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A preliminary version of the rules:

> One map per person.
> Any map format is allowed.
> New music is allowed (except MP3, OGG).
> New textures and flats are allowed. You need include them in your wad and rename with a 3 character prefix from your nick-name. Example: S77xxxxx. Do not leave in your map unused textures.
> DECORATE is allowed for new things only. Give them also the 3-character prefix. Resource size limit: 1 MB
> Don't use the MAP07 or MAP30 slots for your map and don't use secret exit line actions.
> Don't replace original resources from doom2.wad

Speak your suggestions. Notify if somewhere my English is not correct. If there is no objection, I'll start the topic after 7-8 hours.

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StormCatcher.77 said:

A preliminary version of the rules:

I suggest these additions:

> Anyone can join, anytime before the deadline (some people always ask "I'm new, can I join?" or "Is it too late to join now?").
> No quality control, but maps must at least be playable and exitable, and abusive / malicious maps would be rejected (for example those that use scripts to change people's settings).
> Maps must be playable with Doom 2 IWAD (some past contributors had actually failed to acknowledge this).
> When submitting a map, the mapper must list sources of custom content, specify the map's compatibility (vanilla / limit removing / Boom / ZDoom / GZDoom / ...), and specify whether his map requires jumping and/or crouching if the map is for a port that supports jumping and/or crouching.
> A mapper who already submitted a map is allowed to update or replace his map before the deadline, but not after it.
> Sky textures must not replace SKY1 or RSKY1 -> no custom skies for vanilla maps (vanilla skies are hardcoded to episodes, so if mappers used different skies, they'd not all be usable in the same wad), mandatory sky transfers for Boom maps and mandatory MAPINFO for ZDoom maps (these features avoid the abovementioned vanilla issue, but for the person compiling the project, adding these manually could be an extreme hassle, as I've found out while compiling DMP2015).

Killer5 said:

Saw MegaBlast stream this map 26. Looked fun so I made a demo for it. Thanks for making it Scifista!


Glad you liked it. :)

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Ninehills42 said:

Are you busy this year? Or you just are just dont want to do these anymore.

It's just nice to take a year off from hosting these projects. I'm glad you guys decided who will host the 2017 project and good luck with it!

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Wow. I had no idea this was a thing. What a neat idea. You guys continue to blow me away. Only played a handful of maps but they were really really good. So I'm fairly certain the rest will be of comparable quality. Bravo!

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Demtor said:

Wow. I had no idea this was a thing. What a neat idea. You guys continue to blow me away. Only played a handful of maps but they were really really good. So I'm fairly certain the rest will be of comparable quality. Bravo!

there's a 2017 session on the way from today if you're interested to participate: https://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/92522-doomworld-mega-project-2017/

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Sorry for double posting, but...

walter confalonieri said:

Played from MAP01 to MAP10 (and a little of MAP11) with prboom

Continued this play session from MAP11 until the start of MAP18, the only bugs i found are:

- MAP15 have this HOM on the water sewers here:


- in MAP31 i guess there's some kind of bridge raising at the water room that divides the two sections of the level, i'm not sure if i made something wrong or if there's a problem with the sector tags, however that sector can't raise and the level is unbeatable without noclip cheating.

- in MAP16 this magic happens: http://imgur.com/jFyHtXj

Again, really solid mapset so far, kudos to you all!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

That textfile has some funny moments, lol

Name: Crimson wood (yeah, can't really think of anything better heh, the name came this afternoon xD)

Map: Map 01

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13 minutes ago, bzzrak said:

That textfile has some funny moments, lol


Name: Crimson wood (yeah, can't really think of anything better heh, the name came this afternoon xD)

Map: Map 01


I think this was directly quoted from my post at the time. Indeed, I did not know what slot it would end occupying so I just put that it ran on the map 01 slot haha 


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Looks like the text file contains a rather old version of my map post. At the very least I've improved ZDoom performance and tested HMP, which it still says I did not. :(

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Speaking of map19...
For anyone interested in this sort of thing - here's the recording of my latest playthrough I did just for the sake of it, technically it's a max but my priority was mere survival, so I wasn't in a hurry and pursued the "slow but steady" mentality over frantic YOLOing of polished maxes. I should also add that sometimes things were developing against my expectations, so the amount of improvisation with teeth clenched is rather high and smooth watching isn't guaranteed.


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Glad to be notified of the idgames release of this by Yugiboy85/The_Trigger for my ongoing playthrough of this project. I'll post all the twitch links when I'm done, but am currently up to map 19. (rileymartin's slaughter map, which I'm playing on HMP following his suggestion to do so)

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Cool max @Demonologist. Very interesting to see a different approach with some safer strats early on and how well they can end up working. Also impressive how long you managed to stay alive outside in the final arena instead of rushing into the Manc building early on.

Edited by Spectre01

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Thanks for the "Suitepee Exit", Du Mhan Yhu. That was quite something on your map.


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/136073799 = here it is.


(also I had to skip Spectre01's map because....I don't play Sunder-esque slaughtermaps anymore, not my cup of tea. Nice visuals, not nice for me gameplay....)

Edited by Suitepee

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