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New Website.

Guest MIND

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Guest MIND

Hey coolios.

Check out my new website specifically deticated to Doom 4. If I find a good level I like, I post it. I also have my own levels with some other cool shit.

If you have any desire for me to review a level and host it on my website give me a shout. I'd love to be of service.

Edited by MIND

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Reminds me of an old school Geocities page. If the website is going to primarily focus on Doom 4 maybe it could use a modern face lift. Right now it screams classic wad page to me.

Get the user experience right and provide good content (consistency in review submissions and news etc) and I'm sure you can get some traction going.

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Very mid to late 90's looking website... I'm diggin' it. The Doom 4 maps tab is by far the best. Add a section for Classic Doom and maybe some other video game related stuff.

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Voros said:

How much do you pay to keep your site open.



No offense man but if you want a blog or something use a modern blogging site. Some are free. And people will actually see them. Squarespace, Tumblr, Wix, Twitter, Wordpress (it's a CMS but they also do hosting).

If keeping it retro looking is your thing you can still do that on those sites. Seriously, people are obsessed with this kind of stuff but you need to make it presentable or they will instantly click away, regardless of how good the content is. It needs to look good and be accessible.

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Oh, seems Mindustry is creating another hub for Doom 4 snapmaps that will go absolutely nowhere! (FYI He made 2 different Doom 4 clans saying they were going to be just that, before he abandoned both of them after about a week) Also how many levels have you made for Unreal Tournament?

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I'd recommend you start somewhere better than Microsoft Frontpage. I'd say your best options are:

Learn to code manually
You've already shunned this aside, but trust me, there's little in this world that can give you the same level of satisfaction that you get from seeing your hand-coded works come to life! Knowing how to code properly gives you complete control once you've learned what you're doing, among many other benefits.

Hell, I started out by making sites that look similar to what you just made. Because I enjoyed it enough and continued to get better, taking the time to learn how to code as a hobby; I now have a job as a lead web developer / designer for a local company.

It's definitely a skill worth learning.


Use a CMS
A CMS (Content Management System) is the way to go when you really just don't want to code. There's numerous CMS's out there, all free of charge. I recommend Wordpress, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't use / research others, such as Drupal, Joomla etc.

If you go down the route of Wordpress, I'd recommend trying to use the theme Divi, or any theme you fancy the look of in combination with the Divi Builder plugin. This makes the content of your website very, very easy to manage. No code needed.

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Dragonfly said:

Use a CMS
A CMS (Content Management System) is the way to go when you really just don't want to code.

I'm a web developer and I use CMSs for various other reasons than "don't want to code" ;).

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Oh God, there's thousands of reasons to use a CMS. The countless amount of stuff other people have built for your use in the form of themes and plugins is phenomenal!

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ShadesMaster said:

Unofficially 8m game whenever Min is game, and he's welcome to rebiew,my snapmap if he wishes. But yeah, maybe WordPress is thenough way to go, after all....


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Translation, I think:

I'm game whenever Min is game. He is welcome to review my Doom 2016 Snapmap if he wishes.

Regarding the website, WordPress is the new way to go.

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