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REKKR - V1.16

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This looks awesome!
Anyway, what are the mapping standars for this project, over than mapping for vanilla? Did you looking for some high quality maps (like skillsaw) or it have just to be pleasant to look and play?

Sorry if i don't expressed myself clearly...

Oh, i just read now the OP description, now i get it!

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This looks amazing already. How much of the assets you're using are from the ground up and not copyrighted? I ask because such effort really ought to have a price tag on it when completed, if you get my meaning.

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Oh, that's a pretty screenshot! :)

Revae said:

and don't mind working around dehacked in doombuilder (placing items by their ID number and getting confused when something isn't the same in game).

You can create a new config based on the existing ones and make it so all new objects have correct names and everything. Should be easy enough and it surely will make the project a bit more attractive for people.

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Hey this looks really cool! I can help!

Ive been mapping for years. Most of my work is in boom or limit removing format, but I do vanilla too. My most recent work can be found in Absolute Dishonor. I did maps 02, 04, 06, and 07. I think I may be exactly the kind of mapper you're looking for :)

I make textures too, many of which can be found in my community project Mutiny

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Mmmm, looks really beautiful. It's also for the only game I map for (vanilla Ultimate Doom), so I might contribute something in the future (busy with my own map right now), if there's not a deadline of course.

And what's "REKKR"?

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Jayextee said:

This looks amazing already. How much of the assets you're using are from the ground up and not copyrighted? I ask because such effort really ought to have a price tag on it when completed, if you get my meaning.

Thanks. All from the ground up, except a few textures I took from a Thief high-res mod which were then re-shrunk down. They look pretty much like the original textures, but I did re-paint them so I figured they were fair-game.

I dunno how to quote multiple people:
A Doombuilder config would work. Didn't know it was possible, so I should probably look into that.

REKKR just means "warrior".

Here are some more screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/tspTb
None of the monsters (except of dead ones), but they're all in there. 10 of them at least, plus some variants (stronger/faster/different color).

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Revae said:

I dunno how to quote multiple people

Quote each post in a new browser tab, select and copy each quoted text, paste them all into one post, and only submit this one post. Also feel free to edit the text within the quote tags, for example to delete parts of it that you don't want to address and only keep those that you do, for the sake of being short and to the point.

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Interesting screenshots. The sky is very pleasant to look at. One thing that immediately caught my attention was the water texture (or flat, whatever). I think the repetition on it is too obvious. If you look at the Doom 2 animated liquids, you can see how they kind of flow into themselves on the sides. They look "solid", while with your water it is very easy to notice that it is the same square being repeated. I'm not a graphic artist so I can't suggest how you can improve it, but I think it's worth looking into.

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Revae said:

All from the ground up, except a few textures I took from a Thief high-res mod which were then re-shrunk down. They look pretty much like the original textures, but I did re-paint them so I figured they were fair-game.

Make new textures, original ones from the ground up, in place of these. Keep your assets 100% original and then you should totally be selling this (of course, package it with a port that has a license allowing this) because it deserves it. Seriously.

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This looks quite nice. Curious to see how much the DEH work transforms the game -- there's still a surprising amount of cool stuff that can be squeezed out of such (moreso than e.g. Hacx did).

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Xaser said:

Curious to see how much the DEH work transforms the game

Well one major change is that there are no hitscanners. Overall it's pretty different.

Jayextee said:

Keep your assets 100% original and then you should totally be selling this

Don't really have any plans to be selling it (mostly because it's all dehacked), but those textures may or may not change anyway. We'll see

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Revae said:

Don't really have any plans to be selling it (mostly because it's all dehacked)

That won't prevent you from selling it. I suggest selling it on Steam with Chocolate Doom.

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With the dearth of good old school shooters on the market, more projects like this should end up Greenlighted, even if as freeware. Also looking at you, square.

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This looks extremely cool.

One screenshot in particular is making me curious: how was the foliage border around the sky hole accomplished in this scene? The perspective doesn't look right for midtextures, but maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me.

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Hmm, you defo have something nice going on here with these pics and all. Will keep a very close eye on this project and hope to see it come to frution one day :D

Keep it up man.

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I imagine one issue with selling this would be the fact that he's asking for contributions. Sure, it's entirely possible for someone to create maps for this entirely out of the goodness of their heart, but it's overall legally safer to just make it freeware over trusting random people to not cause issues after this is released.

Of course, a dedicated team with clear communication over payment and profit cuts ( or the lack thereof ) could avoid the issue, but that entails finding a dedicated team ... although I can't imagine it being terribly difficult here, with such promising material already.

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Revae said:

working around dehacked in doombuilder (placing items by their ID number and getting confused when something isn't the same in game).

I don't get it.

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Revae said:

Here are some more screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/tspTb

These screenshots look so great. I recommend you to update the first post with new screenshots. Visually it looks really good, something like a decent first person shooter from mid-90s. But it's all about the gameplay, so I'm looking forward to see some monsters and in-game video footages. Keep up the good work.

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joe-ilya said:

I don't get it.

Don't worry about it, I'm in the process of making a GZDoombuilder config anyway. I had made one, but apparently for an older version of GZDoombuilder. Such is life.

Edit: And now it's done. And man the newest version of GZDoombuilder is stupid nice. Can see the sky and everything. Truly we live in the future.

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Jayextee said:

Make new textures, original ones from the ground up, in place of these. Keep your assets 100% original and then you should totally be selling this (of course, package it with a port that has a license allowing this) because it deserves it. Seriously.

I agree with this. Targeting vanilla is no reason to feel you couldn't sell this game. It already looks far more interesting than most current indie games. The Norse theme is novel (for an FPS) and your art is great.

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Jayextee said:

Sell it.

Blastfrog said:

Sell it.

And if you need a third person:

Dragonfly said:

Sell it.

In all seriousness this looks absolutely fantastic and the effort involved really needs to be appropriately rewarded.

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