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REKKR - V1.16

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There are 36 armor shards that are in a hidden tunnel (not marked as secret, though) that leads back to the starting room. Look at the map and figure out where it could be.

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I recommend adding this line to MAPINFO to have a Heretic/Hexen-style automap (fits better than the Doom version):

   base = "raven"
   background = "00 00 00"
   ceilingdiffwallcolor = "2c 18 08"
   floordiffwallcolor = "4c 38 20"
   notseencolor = "48 48 48"
   wallcolor = "88 70 58"

In GZDoom, automap option "Allow map defined colors" must be set to "Yes" in the menu to make this work.


Has anyone figured out yet how the puzzles in E2M9 work? It was already tricky enough to get to this level in the first place, but beating it is beyond me.

Edited by NightFright

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It's a gimmick map.  I don't expect anyone to beat it first time through. Original version of the map would just kill you if you failed, there was no brute forcing it.

Puzzle solutions, don't read this if you want to figure it out yourself:


Floor puzzle:

There are symbols in the bottom of the stain glass that give you the order of tiles to walk on, except for the beginning and end. There are two tiles that don't match, but are similar to each other. If you look at the graveyard outside you'll see one symbol on the graves. That's death, the "end".


Counter puzzle:

You'll notice specific numbers of the little purple chevrons on the sides of the tiled table. Like Sudoku, you add the values of each row and column of tiles and you get those numbers. You don't know what the values are, so you have to logic it backwards.


Color puzzle:

Symbol on the floor has three colors.  There are three large banners in the sanctuary. The colors on the floor correspond to colors on the back of the banners, and only one of the banners has a symbol that matches the one on the floor. The color on the back of the banner is the color you want.  Mix key/switch colors to get the color.  R+B=Purple, Y+B=Green, Y+R=Orange.


Final puzzle:

It's a base 8 numeral puzzle.  You need to play around in the chevron room to figure out which switch corresponds to what number.  The final room has a pre-lit number of chevrons on the wall, and you need to match that number with the switches.  Switches correspond to these numbers: 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128.

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E3M6: Seeing Red

Water on lava stairs.jpg


Also, I had to noclip the wall where the dog emerges in order to trigger the third secret.

Edited by JohnnyTheWolf

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So I am done with the first three episodes. Great job, for the most part! I still find the Holy Relic underwhelming for a high-tier weapon and I wish the Fists would get higher priority upon getting the Berserk power-up, but aside from that, the arsenal is fine.


The monsters are pretty cool too, even though I would argue that Tree Monsters look out of place in areas devoid of vegetation. I do like that there are no hitscan enemies and that you managed to come up with a clever alternative to the Arch-Vile.


I love Episode 3's secret level. It makes me want to see a full-blown remake of Doom levels set in the REKKR universe!


Ultimately, my biggest gripe with the total conversion would be the tracks that sound like bagpipes music, e.g. E1M5 E2M2, E2M4, E3M4, E3M5. With the exception of E1M2 and the fairly epic-sounding E1M8, they are not particularly catchy, they tend not to fit the theme of their respective level and their repetitive nature makes them downright grating when I find myself going round in circles in some of the larger, more complex levels. I think the worst offenders were E2M2 and E3M4; I had to turn the music off, because the tracks were seriously getting on my nerves. Also, for some reason, E3M4's track reminded me of "Worms From Foreign Lands" from the Falling Grannies level in Earthworm Jim 2, which immediately took me out of the game's dark atmosphere.


With that said, still a great total conversion overall and I would not say no to a sequel!

Edited by JohnnyTheWolf

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I have to praise the author for his creativity regarding how secret exits are hidden. The one to be found in ep.2 is a masterpiece. No idea how I managed to find what I needed to get to the secret exit, but it felt incredibly rewarding to figure it out without any help.


You got to keep your eyes open and pay a lot of attention to small details. Seems like these small blue buttons are quite popular in general. Well done indeed!

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I am not using widescreen statusbars by myself any more, but if others want it, I can give it a shot. Maybe the author can also provide the base texture used for the statusbar background which would make the effort easier.

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Anyway, is there a way to get the Supercharge in E4M1? I discovered it while noclipping through the level in an attempt to find the last two elusive items, but I do not know how to reach it.

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I just finished playing through the entire thing on the Brawler difficulty and really enjoyed it.  My favourite level was E1M7 'Dripstone Wharf'.  Absolutely excellent wad.


I noticed a few minor issues, however:


In several places, there were some small textures misalignments, particularly in outside/rocky areas, as shown in the pics below.






Also, sometimes for liquid flats/textures such as acid or lava, they had a wrong sidedef such as a waterfall as shown below.




In E1M7, there is a small cubbyhole that a 'Sorrow' emerges from behind you as you use the lift.  The player can get softlocked/stuck in this hole with no way out if the lift raises behind them.  The hole can be seen below.




Lastly, the final mission of E4 supposedly contains no secrets, however, right at the start, there is an unobvious wall that can be lowered to reveal all sorts of goodies.  Should this not be a secret?


None of these is a particularly big deal, just thought you should know.  Otherwise, the wad was absolutely fantastic!  Well done to everyone involved.





Edited by Skunkbear

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23 minutes ago, Skunkbear said:



Glad you enjoyed Dripstone Wharf! A fix for the softlock has been sent to Revae. Should be coming in the next version I believe. I fixed a few other things in e1m7 as well, including a softlock that can also happen in the same orchard area if you launch yourself off the balcony.

Edited by lupinx-Kassman

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I hope someone makes a custom version of this total conversion where you play as Doomguy. Even though I like the REKKR arsenal for the most part, I would be interested to fight the new monsters with the Doom arsenal.

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4 hours ago, Linguica said:

Is there a particular reason the sentry cannon enemy bleeds instead of puffs when you hit it with a hitscan?

It's made out of bones.
So no, not really I guess.  It just never looked out of place to me.

6 hours ago, JohnnyTheWolf said:

I still find the Holy Relic underwhelming for a high-tier weapon and I wish the Fists would get higher priority upon getting the Berserk power-up, but aside from that, the arsenal is fine.

The arsenal is an attempt to even out the weapons a bit, but leave some specific usefulness intact, so weapons are less tiered. As much as dehacked would allow for anyway.  If I speed up the relic it might be too easy to stunlock monsters, since it fires 7 pellets... i mean mana... pellets.  Vanilla limitations are also the reason I can't change things like weapon priority in certain instances etc...  And I don't have any interest in recreating the dehacking in decorate or zscript or what-have-you.


Those waterfall textures are the bane of my existence atm.  I've had to fix them repeatedly after a texture change and figuring out what is causing the alignment to shift after level builds.  Thanks for letting me know where the mis-alignments are.

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I see. Thank you for the explanation and I am glad that I could be of any help!


Anyway, I just finished the Bonus Episode. Quite enjoyable, except maybe for the two levels with the endless Eyeball waves... Nevertheless, I still think the fourth episode is much more fun to play than 'Thy Flesh Consumed'.


One thing I am a bit confused, though, is the title of E4M9, 'Home.wad'. Should it not be just 'Home'?

Edited by JohnnyTheWolf

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In the 1990's a lot of people would make wads based on their houses, or workplaces, or school.  They'd have creative names like "myhouse.wad" or "school.wad" or "[workplace].wad".

It's just a joke based on that.  That's my house...  dot wad.

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Small typo in the ep.2 end screen text: "acheive" --> "achieve"


I also think some of the weapons still need to be reworked. So far, I was mostly running around with the Soul Launcher - which is an indicator that something isn't right about the rest of the weaponry:


1) The Steelshot (shotgun replacement) is quite slow while reloading and I didn't feel like using it much, also because it lacked damage output. It should either fire faster or do higher damage. It's a bit like the Super Shotgun from Doom II, but weaker and with super slow motion reload. In Doom, shotguns used to be the workhorses in your arsenal. Guess it's not supposed to be like that any more?

2) The Rune Thrower or whatever it's called is far from being a satisfying rocket launcher replacement - it's more like a grenade launcher with timebombs. This turns it into a more strategic device which is fine I guess, however it quite sucks against floating enemies. I had wished for a more direct impact of its projectiles (you can hit enemies with the runes themselves before they explode, but that hardly seems to harm them).

3) As JohnnyTheWolf stated above, I also think the Holy Relic should be improved to deal more damage or increase firing speed. I would have imagined it more as a gun emitting a continuous (red?) light beam or something, which would also be a much more satisfying visual effect than the way it was realized.


To sum it up: Weapons 4-6 kinda feel like most weapons in Heretic: Underpowered and only useful if you use a Tome of Power. Since there is no such artifact in REKKR and also no alt-fire mode, I would suggest to look at weapon balancing once more and try to do something there. Maybe it's supposed to be like this to make the game more challenging and I quite possibly try too much to compare this with Doom, but I just feel like it could/should be more satisfying to use these guns.

Edited by NightFright

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I'll look into it.  The runic staff was (and still kinda is) too OP in certain situations, so slowing it down was necessary.  It does twice the explosion damage that a rocket does (essentially blowing up twice in 2 tics), and the impact damage is the same as a normal rocket. I can't change the range, and I can't change the missile speed.

I might just speed up the timer on the bomb a tad.

The steel shot launcher only fires a tad slower than the SSG from Doom 2, which is OP in that game, so that isn't changing.  I use it all the time, it feels good.

I agree that the soul launcher is probably too OP atm, but the options there slim. To slow it down, which doesn't give it enough of an edge over the soul bow, or weaken the shots which makes the soul bow suck for a starting weapon. The only other option (that I can think of) is to give less ammo for it, so you can't use it as a replacement for other guns. 

The holy relic should probably be sped up, regardless.

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Well, you should have some kind of standard weapon, and the Soul Launcher can be that, without a doubt. I'd be careful about nerfing it. It's pretty much what the standard shotgun is in Doom. Ammo is maybe a bit too easy to find since two kinds of enemies drop ammo for it, if that's really an issue. Weapon firing speed and strength seemed OK to me. 


I see where you wanted to go with the other weapons. It's great that you want to look at the Holy Relic again at least.

Edited by NightFright

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On 7/18/2018 at 10:15 PM, JohnnyTheWolf said:

Anyway, is there a way to get the Supercharge in E4M1?

Well that's amusing, 2/3 of the supercharges on the level aren't even available apparently.


@Revae could you please do this in an update:

1. give linedefs 156, 833, 791, 928 (they are a part of a staircase) an action of 19 and a tag of 17

2. remove tag from sector 495




6 hours ago, Revae said:

The runic staff was (and still kinda is) too OP in certain situations

It's super fun to use in-game though. It's kinda risky to be used often, so the huge-ass damage it does is kind of rewarding.

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I will concur that the Steelshot Launcher felt weak. I think its problem is that since it's basically the supershotgun, it's really a melee weapon, and the axe and wode are powerful enough that I preferred to use them. I used the steelshot against exploding heads at medium range mostly, and sometimes it took up to three hits to kill them.


The soul launcher was my main weapon for any ranged or flying enemy.


The runes were used tactically. Rarely for big crowds. Usually, I preferred to try to lure enemies to a cramped corridor where they'd have no room to randomly avoid the explosion.


I don't think I ever used the holy relic (plasma rifle) actually. I used the divine blessing (BFG) for a few tough fights (bosses, or crowds of tough projectile monsters).

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Personally, I have used the Divine Blessing only a couple of times (Episode 1's secret level and in the arena in E3M7), but I found the Holy Relic to be handy for sniping low-tier enemies and also for saving souls; again, as I said before, it currently just does not feel like a high-tier weapon.


I do not have a problem with the Runic Staff. In fact, in hindsight, at no point did I ever wish for a rocket launcher; not that it would not have been useful, but I just did not feel the need for it.

Edited by JohnnyTheWolf

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Just finished this wad. Aside from a few balancing issues this is great TC all around. I just love the amount of effort they've put into detailing every single environment in the game.


One of my favorite details is how in E1M1 there are two in-game objects which don't show up anywhere else in the game - a dead woman in blue and a tipped cradle. They appear in the final room of the level, which is inside a house. Once you start E1M2, you'll be standing outside that same house, but this time there'll be two shallow graves nearby. These graves were only dug very recently - if you use noclip in E1M1 you will notice them gone. At the same time, if you look from the window in E1M2, you will see that the dead woman and the cradle are no longer in that room.


It wasn't until my second playthrough that I realized RekkrGuy had taken his time between the levels to bury his dead wife and child. :(

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Woah... even knowing what the end of E1M1 represented, I didn't put those graves together. Taking continuity and attention to detail to the next level!

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I would say for the "final final" release, the puzzles should be toned down, at least in E2M9. I doubt anyone figured out all the rooms without walkthrough, and that's not a good sign. I'm kinda ok with the symbol puzzle in ep.1 with the teleporter to get a red key. You just need to be able to continue without help.

Edited by NightFright

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1 hour ago, NightFright said:


It's a secret level, a bonus thing, a non-mandatory challenge. I'm kinda ok with it being this hard.

(just my unnecessary opinion ofc)

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