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REKKR - V1.16

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This looks so cool, Good luck with this and hopefully you will finish it, You have obviously put a serious effort on this and you deserve a reward, This deserves to be sold.

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Dragonfly said:

In all seriousness this looks absolutely fantastic and the effort involved really needs to be appropriately rewarded.

Here's a fourth

Sell it.

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Pinchy said:

I really like the brighter well lit colours, it reminds me of Age of Empires.

Thanks! There will be some greyer/browner areas too, but hopfully with some accent colors tossed about. Ep1 will likely be the greenest most outdoors-y.

uhbooh said:

Sell it.

Whew, lads. No pressure... At this point it's enough to know so many people are interested.

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^ With practice, vanilla mapping is actually quite comfortable, though admittedly there are always those frustrating moments in which you fight relentlessly with the limits. Still, I think there is fun to be had in making/playing a vanilla project, especially one of this caliber.

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Agentbromsnor said:

How do you feel about making this Boom-compatible instead of vanilla? That would make mapping a lot more comfortable.

I'm gonna agree with AD_79 here. There's a lot to be done with vanilla, and there's a lot of fun to be had in making something within those limitations. It's all about choosing the right textures, and not getting hung up on the details (because you can't, really).

Plus, I already spent too much time keeping it vanilla. Not about to turn back on that decision now. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.

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Jaws In Space said:

What are the themes for each episode going to be?

Ep1: Homecoming - After waging war for some time you ship crashes on on the shores of your hometown. You find everyone there murdered and set out to find why.
Ep2: Capital City (name subject to change) - on the mainland you work your way to the leader of your society.
Ep3: The void - Kinda like hell, but cooler
Ep4: Bonus maps! WOOOOOOO! Anything goes! Even Neo-Tokyo!

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The idea right now is to finish it and release it all at once in a finished state. That way it isn't broken into multiple releases. If there are some gamebreaking bugs, or areas the player can get stuck in there will be a v1.1 to fix those issues, but that's probably it.
random texture test:

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This looks nice so far! Its nice seeing it pop in in doomworld too, after seeing it in /vr/.

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You could always do a shareware-style release of E1 to get feedback on the core gameplay and mapping style and such, then release the full version only after all other episodes are finished.

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So there are a bunch of mappers who showed interest - over 10, I dunno if that's good or not, but it's good from where I'm sitting (a chair). Some are pretty well known some less. Not sure who is okay with being outed, so I'll let them do that themselves(feel free to post a WIP if'n you want), but I just wanted to say that it makes me pleased as punch, whatever that means.

I've been working on textures/sprites, so there are now like 250 textures or something (a lot of colored stone wall variants, for utility's sake)

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I'm working on a possible Uptown and Claustrophobia candidate.
Depends on how the overall quality of how my maps turn out but I'm defiantly digging the textures in this project.

My current version Uptown (a bit barren at the moment)

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Even though I'm not part of the project I wouldn't want to see this damaged by becoming a community project.

What I mean is, to all the 'community entrants' - take the time to play what you have available of the project before opening your editor of choice. Get a good feel for what the project is about, learn the current mapping trends, the common texture uses and in turn what hasn't yet been done! It's for this reason projects such as BTSX are as good as they are - consistency.

Nice screens and delicious textures recently, btw!

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Dragonfly said:


Good advice all over your post.
That's important to me too, at least in a quality and "feel" sense.

The way it is now is now the mappers submit their maps, but there are no guarantees it'll end up in the main 3 episodes. Anything that doesn't will be in a "bonus" episode anyway (what is normally Thy Flesh Consumed), so they'll still be in the release, but the main 3 episodes should be as quality as possible, and maps may be reshuffled to make that happen.

But I want to give people a chance, anyway. This is my first time managing a project really, and I doubt anyone here knows who I am so anyone who offers to map is taking a chance on this project as well. But it should all turn out fine. At the worst I can fill in whatever gaps need be.

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Oh. I should add for anyone who wants to post WIPs to be please not show any monsters that haven't been shown already... so just like... the first few monsters... Thanks ;-)

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, I'm fucking sold! Definitely keeping my eyes peeled on this one.

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