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REKKR - V1.16

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On 4/8/2023 at 4:32 AM, Revae said:

Nothin doin. Just remake the post I guess, and I'll repin it.

If it lets me pin two things with one "hidden" that is. I dunno why it flagged it anyway, or why it won't let me unflag it.



P.S. Support your local jackalope farmers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Revae, I have an idea how to make punches cooler. Namely, the third punch of the combo, the right punch.

I suggest to make it more powerful by reducing the duration of the third state with Punch action (that is right punch) for 1 tic and adding another punch state with 1 tic duration before it, assigning a sprite subnumber to it that's the same as for the right punch state.

So the right punch is technically two punches separated by 1 tic while preserving the animation.


Why I'm writing it here is that I don't know for sure if there are any unused vanilla dehacked states left in REKKRSL, if you do it you won't introduce a bug.


Edited by SoDOOManiac

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  • 6 months later...
On 7/7/2022 at 5:09 PM, MrFlibble said:

I've been noticing bugs with MBF built with GCC 4.7, specifically, the minus key stops working after a while, so I switched to GCC 2.7 and dropped the stand-alone IWAD. You can use the Freed∞m IWAD (version 0.7 is recommended because it does not have built-in text strings to override REKKR text) or The Ultimate Doom one if you have it, and the REKKR PWAD version 1.16a w/ texture fixes. REKKR.EXE is configured to automatically load REKKR.WAD alongside the IWAD.

I have updated the MBF version, incorporating the latest Allegro fixes from gerwin, and also making some optional & cosmetic changes:

Probably the biggest new feature is that you can now play with MBF helper dogs. I have converted Nash's CC-BY dog replacement from GZDoom along with the CC-BY/CC0 dog sounds, and these can now accompany you in REKKR (purely optional and off by default):


Yes, they look like they're playing with the doggie.


I also fixed a major oversight that made MBF menus hard to use, namely that active menu items were not highlighted. I figured out how to properly palswap the REKKR HUD font, so now everything should work fine (note that I've not bothered to convert the full range of palswaps, so you won't have a selection of 10 colours for HUD messages or such):


I also replaced the MBF menu reset button (the one near the top-right corner) with a sprite that I made out of one of REKKR's switches.


Also the default automap colours now try to mimic the Sunken Land automap, which in turn is just a GZDoom preset that imitates Heretic/HeXen automap colours. But here the colours are from the default REKKR PLAYPAL instead.


The downloads are also attached to this post: dosrekkr.ziprekdos_s.zip

Edited by MrFlibble
updated the downloads

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/5/2023 at 1:45 PM, brightentayle said:

6DFPANEL.WAD - an all-new skill level selection graphic for ports that support the Unholy Matrimony difficulty.


Is this possible to use in dsda-doom?


  • VREKPAL.WAD - restores VR-3KKR's palette, which is overwritten by REKBONUS for load order reasons.


So should I always load this after rekbonus.wad ?


Edited by saturian1

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3 hours ago, saturian1 said:

Is this possible to use in dsda-doom?

No point in using it, really, it doesn't have the Unholy Matrimony difficulty.


3 hours ago, saturian1 said:

So should I always load this after rekbonus.wad ?


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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I was playing with Sunken Land in GZDoom v4.11.3 (default compatibility) to see how much will I regret not using the one that comes with it.


There was nothing progress stopping in the official episodes (except secret levels being inaccessible) but quite a few things to note:


E1M2 - The elevator didn't go down upon triggering the switch:



E1M3 - Dog is in his house but the exit door remains closed:



E1M9 - The last 3 Mean Jackalopes never came:



E1M5 - One of the 3 trees didn't go down upon triggering the switch:



E1M7 - This fence isn't solid:



E1M7 - I'm not a fan of these untextured teleports but the squared ones are nice:



E1M7 - The elevator didn't go down upon triggering the switch:



E1M7 - That interactable blue curtain can get you stuck easily:



E1M7 - A window you can shoot through feels wrong:


E2M2 - Couldn't get out of this pit (ledge didn't lower):



E2M4 - There is no escape from this fiery pit (nor the other other two):


E2M4 - Door couldn't be opened the second time (the one on the other side worked):


E2M5 - Yet again, dog saved but exit door didn't open:



E2M9 - This texture is rolling with the door going up:


E3M1 - There is no escape from this fiery pit (before the bridge is risen):



E3M1 - This door can only be opened from the other side:



E3M2 - Ceiling is too low for this guy:



E3M4 - Fooled me into thinking it's a teleport:



E3M4 - No escape from this ledge:



E3M5 - The button being an unexpected end of level made me have to reload:



E3M6 - Not sure if these floating gravestones are intentional:



E3M6 - No way out of this fiery pit (unless elevator is lowered before falling in):


E3M6 - Same as in previous two episodes, dog is saved but secret exit is locked:


E3M8 - It's a pity the secret becomes out of reach once the fight starts:



E4M1 - Was expecting this to count as a secret:


E4M2 - It's a pity this needs to be done on the first try:



E4M2 - The same 4th time around; dog saved secret exit closed:



E4M3 - Could have been made to either count as a secret or made into an open window since it's not one:



E4M3 - The only kind of things visible due to freelook, encountered only twice:


E4M4 - The texture isn't positioned properly:



E4M5 - Again, a glass pane you can shoot through:



E4M5 - This wall texture is is moving up and down and making elevator sound for no reason:



E4M6 - Another glass pane you can shoot through (and all the other round ones on the ship):


- Almost all levels have a way to backtrack and collect missed secrets with the exceptions being E3M8 and E4M2.

- Instead of Target Spy showing monster names it's showing original names of what was overwritten (e.g. Nazi, ShortBlueToch).

- I like how E4 has wooden board over doors that you are not meant to open, but unfortunately earlier episodes don't.

- It would have been great if monsters had more frames and weren't that choppy.

- Didn't like how the exit door sometimes triggers the exit and sometimes holds more content behind. Once there was even one secret behind it.

- Only the first episode shows the final stats, the rest of them don't.

- Secret exit was broken in all the episodes.

- Seems all I can do is cons. What about pros? Well, everything else.


Good thing that Bonus episode have been omitted from the SL release as the experience was subpar. Here is some feedback on v3.0:



E5M1 - A gap in texture:



E5M1 - Progress-stopping issue in the room where you fall the the floor; had to noclip (same issue when using the default GZDoom):



E5M1 - Missing texture perhaps?


E5M1 - Makes you believe you need a red skull for it but it opens with a button instead:



E5M1 - This texture doesn't move with the elevator:



E5M9 - This door texture should be changed to something that's not misleading:



E5M9 - A button under a button?



E5M9 - A random texture seen from this side only:



E5M9 - 4th secret is unobtainable and should be removed:



E5M4 - These two secrets should be merged into one:



E5M7 - Half a button?



E5M8 - Platform with Skeletowers never comes up but they can still be killed with Runic Staff:


- E5M1 has too many secrets and some are so ridiculously obscure that they take away the fun.

- E5M9 and E5M3 have leftover (earlier) mapped content that should be removed, along with whole E5M10.

- Would be nice if that Eyespawner in E5M5 would stop/explode once all switches are pressed.


Played through the VR one as well:


E6M2 - Misleading; should have been a regular wall if it's not meant to be a door:



E6M2 - Unsure why was this left in:



E6M2 - Like in the main episodes, dog saved but secret exit remains closed:



E6M3 - Texture missing under the door:



E6M3 - Didn't find a way to open this barricade:



E6M5 - Again, unsure why this was left in:



E6M6 - Two non-solid blocks with Skelleturrets inside and out-of-reach second blue skull.



E6M6 - Same story close by, Skelleturret inside a block, this time out of reach without cheats:


- The textures are an eye sore. Would have been nicer if everything was mostly textured the usual way with only sections/patches having the VR textures to give the impression you are in a Holodeck that's corrupted. Various YouTube comments seem to agree: "Who needs textures?", "They really ran out of ideas at this point", "It looks just like the matrix in tek war..... Jesus Christ", "This just looks lazy", "Finally over, good riddance...lazily made levels."

- Those two invincible Eyespawners in E6E7 are opposite of fun. Let us kill them!


On 9/23/2016 at 5:49 AM, Revae said:

don't jump or freelook or you'll break the visuals/everything

Played through with freelook and almost everything is textured to fully support it. A few timber beams and some lamps are the exceptions. Overall the game was a relaxing and pleasant experience (the first four episodes) and I would recommend it to any retro FPS lover that seeks the same. Thank you for making it!


I didn't like having health in the middle so I have modified the HUD by moving health into corner and before armor. Here are before and after screenshots for direct comparison:

HBHYDA6m.jpg 4WpbWcGm.jpg

If anyone's interested you can grab it from ModDB or from this post's attachment.


Edited by eqagunn

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Posted (edited)
On 1/4/2024 at 3:22 PM, eqagunn said:

I was playing with Sunken Land in GZDoom v4.11.3 (default compatibility) to see how much will I regret not using the one that comes with it.

You know what's funny? Even though REKKR was mostly tested in GZDoom, all of the base game + the bonus episode is perfectly playable and completable in vanilla, let alone in Choc Doom (Sunken Land less so, last time I've checked, the final boss causes the DOS executable to crash).


Some of the issues you've brought up are, in fact, due to 'nilla limitations - moreso in E1M7 which really pushes the linedef count to its' limit. No, I didn't make the map, I just happen to know that for Doom, triangles are less resource-hogging than squares.


On 1/4/2024 at 3:22 PM, eqagunn said:

- E5M9 and E5M3 have leftover (earlier) mapped content that should be removed, along with whole E5M10

That last one's on me, I've included E1M10 and E5M10 as extras, for historical purposes - that's why they're warp-only (check the level names). E1M3 also used to have a whole-ass puzzle if you were to finish the level normally - which Revae dumbified in the current iteration of E5M9. I mean, after a level this long, I'd also be confused... even though I've beaten it like this once or twice.


Also, E5M9 (in either version) serves as a sneaky introduction to the game's plot - you'd know it if you ran the game on... anything not GZDoom, really.


The rest of the episode, so everything that's not E5M1 or E5M9, is left intact, aside from the all-new deathmatch exits.

Edited by brightentayle

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've recompiled REKKR for DOS using @ludicrous_peridot's Allegro library, and updated the download links in the post above. Also it is now fully standalone thanks to @brightentayle's miniwadm, only requiring the patched REKKR.wad to play.


I also made a few other fixes. Notably, I realised that I had actually never implemented the right par times for episodes 1-3, which is now fixed. I also changed the background tiles for MBF menus, the dynamic help screen and MBF credits screen. Additionally, I changed the order of screens that are displayed between the self-running demos: now the first will be HELP1 with the background story, then CREDIT and only then the MBF credits screen.

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The GZDoom release that comes with REKKR SL isn't actually different from stock GZDoom. Depending on how you load the wad it should work the same. If you're running it as a pwad, rename the extension to .wad and load it with ultimate doom. Otherwise you should be able to run it with command line -iwad rekkrsl.iwad.


Any areas that seem pointlessly floating in space are probably deathmatch arenas. They're only for multiplayer.


Sorry you didn't like the VR textures. That expansion was kinda just for kicks to give me something to do after release, and I knew it wouldn't be for everyone. It was sort of a joke, to cram VR training into a medieval style game.



I don't remember having the game crash on the final boss in SL... I should look into that. I can't think of anything she does that would cause it, offhandedly. I mostly tested in chocolate doom, but went into Dosbox/86Box often as well. Must've slipped by.

Edited by Revae

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On 1/23/2024 at 10:26 PM, Revae said:


I don't remember having the game crash on the final boss in SL... I should look into that. I can't think of anything she does that would cause it, offhandedly. I mostly tested in chocolate doom, but went into Dosbox/86Box often as well. Must've slipped by. 

Full disclosure, I've tried it with the executable patched by OpenRift. You know, the one in a zip, where you have to provide your own Sunken Land and DOOM II WAD's.

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On 1/25/2024 at 2:09 AM, brightentayle said:

Full disclosure, I've tried it with the executable patched by OpenRift. You know, the one in a zip, where you have to provide your own Sunken Land and DOOM II WAD's.


Ah yeah... I just checked and got the same freeze. I'll have to set up a dos-rekkr folder to test with the original dehacked exe now. Could be I just forgot to test the final boss in pure vanilla.

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I thought that Sunken Land was not intended to be 100% vanilla-compatible? Didn't you take advantage of GZDoom features in that release?

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1 minute ago, MrFlibble said:

I thought that Sunken Land was not intended to be 100% vanilla-compatible? Didn't you take advantage of GZDoom features in that release?

I've played through it on the bitchass Libretro port of PrBoom, and I can confirm it fully works there. You still could run it in Chocolate Doom without a hitch, too. DOS is a different story - I did a late deathmatch sesh with Rift a while back, and... yep, stumbled upon a few confetti textures here and there.

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On 1/29/2024 at 1:04 PM, MrFlibble said:

I thought that Sunken Land was not intended to be 100% vanilla-compatible? Didn't you take advantage of GZDoom features in that release?

It was intended to function at least. Not freeze.
Except VR-3KKR, that was helter skelter gzdoom thing. Should probably have added it as DLC and not in the main DL for clarity as well, but too-late.

If I had to guess the cause, looking at the deh, it's because I used a weapon state in the monster (saw). I'll try switching that out maybe, see if it still crashes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

An unnecessary necropost, but



Ross Scott (of Ross's Game Dungeon and Freeman's Mind) has put Sunken Land on the list of games he's interested in. Knowing how much he dislikes DOOM for being too mazey (and DOOM 2016 for its' overly long glorykills, which uh, they aren't?), I wonder if he's not gonna enjoy this one either.


If he ever gets to play it, that is.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Neat. Hope he doesn't get too lost. I don't think it's that mazey, but ofc i dont

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Is anyone else having an issue where the Sorrow makes the wrong pain noise and shoots the Flammenwerfer's blue flame attack instead of its homing bolt? Not that I miss having to dodge its attacks or hear it whine when I exercise my right to defend myself from its attempts to kill me, but it is part of the game experience.

I'm playing Sunken Land in GZDoom on a MacBook, for reference...perhaps it's an exclusive problem on that platform for whatever reason?


Edit: nevermind, classic case of "unintended mod side-effects mess with the .deh".

Edited by Christopher Brown
issue resolved

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I've just checked my copy of Sunken Land, and haven't noticed any deviations from the standard behaviour. Win10.

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