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Post your Doom textures!


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M_DOOM WIP for my Hell Frontier wad. Developed out of piece of sector art from one of the levels. I might need to straighten the edges of F somewhat, but I'm really bad at actually drawing.


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33 minutes ago, MattFright said:

So i was playing around with the Doom2016 skyboxes and decided to finally stop slacking off and make wider/tall versions of them for better GZDoom use, starting with this one i'll be using for a map i'm currently working on:

I tried to crop this into more universal 256x128 piece and make it tile in all directions. But I accidentally edited truecolor version and paletted it doesn't look very good. I'll keep experimenting some time later.




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Vanilla is perfectly able to support 1024x128 wraparound skies, cf. Plutonia, TNT, and Unholy Trinity.


I don't think this part of the picture would be a good candidate for a 256-sky, because it ends up looking kinda like a sunset and it'd look weird to have four sunsets.

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2 minutes ago, Gez said:

Vanilla is perfectly able to support 1024x128 wraparound skies, cf. Plutonia, TNT, and Unholy Trinity.


I don't think this part of the picture would be a good candidate for a 256-sky, because it ends up looking kinda like a sunset and it'd look weird to have four sunsets.

I tried making 1024 out of it, but no strip was a good enough candidate for vertical tiling and I wanted to have something does exactly that.  That's why I decided to crop a most uniform piece out of it. Now, just cutting a 128 units tall strip out of the original picture would be trivial.

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2 minutes ago, ViolentBeetle said:

I tried making 1024 out of it, but no strip was a good enough candidate for vertical tiling and I wanted to have something does exactly that.  That's why I decided to crop a most uniform piece out of it. Now, just cutting a 128 units tall strip out of the original picture would be trivial.


This is probably one of the worst D2016 skies for 256x128 or 1024x128 honestly. Most of them can be easily cut down to that size without much effort or adjusted with some minimal effort, unlike this one.

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15 hours ago, MattFright said:

So i was playing around with the Doom2016 skyboxes and decided to finally stop slacking off and make wider/tall versions of them for better GZDoom use, starting with this one i'll be using for a map i'm currently working on:





Doom palette:



Feel free to use them if you want to


I just might use this myself actually


Unrelated, and I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask it, but I don't think it deserves its own thread: does anyone have any good recommendations for flesh/body horror textures or texture packs?

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1 minute ago, LoneAlpha2401 said:

A cave "sky" cobbled together from various stock images.




I love that cave sky and am suddenly possessed by a desire to find some maps with cavernous subterranean sky textures like this.

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3 hours ago, LoneAlpha2401 said:

A cave "sky" cobbled together from various stock images.



Also a desktop wallpaper because I don't know where else to post this.

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I just might use that skybox for my gothic wad. Also that that wallpaper is sleek.

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Has anybody got a selection of hanging vine textures?  I want to have some dangling vines to hang from the ceiling to give this one area kind of a jungle/swamp look.  Also, if there's a variant that's like hanging flesh or entrails or something like that then I could use that in a different level.  I've pored through a few of the texture packs on 667 and haven't found anything of the sort (nor have I found short grass, which would also be useful to have).

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IIRC there's some pretty nifty hanging vines in Syringe, designed to tile with the vanilla vine textures.

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Additionally, aatex has got those and number of foliage textures/sprites. Can't speak on how the palette swap would go but I imagine it wouldn't be too bad.

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Older generation UAC Computers, based on the computers in the Titan II museum

EDIT: Also I'm trying to find a reel to reel computer in doom style that was posted on here, I can't find it.

Edited by XLightningStormL

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4 hours ago, XLightningStormL said:


Older generation UAC Computers, based on the computers in the Titan II museum

EDIT: Also I'm trying to find a reel to reel computer in doom style that was posted on here, I can't find it.


Pretty basic answer but there's some computer reels in TNT and, by extension, TNT 2.

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Not for Doom but for Doom Builder instead as a missing texture placeholder. Place in the /textures folder in your Ultimate Doom Builder directory as a constant reminder. Texture ripped from Doom 64, and is an edit of the default. And as reconciliation for the shitpost, a sky from Doom's alpha with the stars from Hell Revealed for some more visual intrigue. Could be useful for an alpha Doom inspired wad.



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I recently recovered files from a hard drive for someone and I thought this portion of this one picture that was found could make a good sky.  If this is used, I would like to see where and or how it was edited.


Edited by CacoDoomer

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I HAVE RETURNED... to post more brown bricks.


Here's a freebie anyone can use!





edit: some more fun with Substance Designer procedural knob-twiddling. Look! A rock wall magically turns into bricks!


Edited by Gifty

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Flats deserve more attention.




Also, just wondering, is it fine to use positional dithering? Here's the difference: (no dithering on left, positioned dithering on right)



Floyd-Steinberg's algorithm would just make it look low-quality, rather than 90s-gamey, if you know what I mean.

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Here's with rotations, using my newly-minted flatrot.py:




Here is the tool I just wrote to make them: flatrot.zip (requires Python)


EDIT: It would seem that it only really tiles at 90 degree angles. :<


The patterns at 45 degrees look kinda cool, though.


Edited by Gustavo6046

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You could probably make it tile at other angles with different scaling! At 45 degrees, the width of one tile would have to be something like... 32√2 instead of 64.

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7 hours ago, Gustavo6046 said:

Also, just wondering, is it fine to use positional dithering? Here's the difference: (no dithering on left, positioned dithering on right)


Dithering's a personal style choice I reckon - the standard Doom textures tend to not use it, but it can look really nice in a retro pixel-art aesthetic sort of way. It's always worth remembering that dithered pixel art was originally intended to be displayed on fuzzy CRT monitors which blurred adjacent pixels together, so looked far smoother than it does on crisp modern displays. But it basically comes down to just being a style choice these days.

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6 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said:

Portal flat for the upcoming community project.


Oo, nice! It reminds me of that painting, Starry Night, I think you know which.

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