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12 hours ago, Shibainumaster said:

Surprised that i didn't someone do this edit-newdoor5.png.b3b7c460e6f5f6ece37a7d795a800c59.png

I'm pretty sure it has been already done long time ago, but I'm not going to comb through all my resources to find where, when and by who exactly, if I even saved it (I usually don't save simple variation edits).

56 minutes ago, Nootrac4571 said:

They're still weirdly large, though! Doom's sense of scale is wildly inconsistent :)

Well, that's what that line "I stand on the bones of titans" was in that song for. +)

Edited by Spawn

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13 hours ago, Shibainumaster said:

Surprised that i didn't someone do this edit-newdoor5.png.b3b7c460e6f5f6ece37a7d795a800c59.png


Like @Spawn said, that's been done before.. probably not exactly the same but certainly similar. I've done a few like that for sure.


Have a brown one I hacked together.



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On 7/28/2021 at 11:39 PM, Doom_Dude said:


Like @Spawn said, that's been done before.. probably not exactly the same but certainly similar. I've done a few like that for sure.


Have a brown one I hacked together.



Looks really good


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20 hours ago, SwampCyborg said:

Large (256x256) grey/tan rock textures

I feel like it would probably not scale correctly at a distance, but otherwise it looks good.

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@Shibainumaster Cool idea sourcing from HOMM

Gez definitely covered the non-mirroring skies stuff, I decided to whip up a quick/dirty example of a sky2+sky8 mashup at 256x128. 
The fun part with that is you can remix add/remove details from your larger sky texture sources in order to make something unique for the job.



Some sloppy healing brush work in there, but you get the idea.

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Billiard Balls and Sticks:



UAC Beds in different states:


Tidy:                               Untidy:                        Bloody:

bed12.png.8b8a9ac33d2658c4f11d9c38413f0b0a.png                        bed31.png.1d6824db543818a46a9eb9ee1ba95a9b.pngbed11.png.0434fe104e2140962f3df87c96a2c77a.png       bbed1.png.60744734150e329a816d4c132d244927.pngbbed2.png.9ba0a0c358e759cc04b143bde92d099b.png

bed22.png.b4016b604c20701b948a7bb0ddf1a6bb.png                        bed41.png.68cc0f6bd6e20c1188a3af51613fd7e2.pngbed21.png.7f1423743d46ff30f78cef80b01076c3.png       bbed3.png.fae76a2e6a22f7f98941292c0aefad19.pngbbed4.png.ab999ea0de61baf81a6634be41cce9b7.png




Door 100 units wide:



Miscellaneous wall textures:







Edited by ChestedArmor

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5 hours ago, uber said:

a font i've been working on for the past couple of weeks. based off synthek, although the smallfont is mostly original.
not final, but almost complete :)



holy moly this is amazing, this looks so good! I've been thinking about attempting something similar as I would kind of love a new gothic smallfont to use in my current project, but even the thought of basing it on a real font seems intimidating to me. can I ask what your process was like? did you make a sheet with the original font and then shrink it down so each character was 16px and draw over that?

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1 hour ago, Tango said:


holy moly this is amazing, this looks so good! I've been thinking about attempting something similar as I would kind of love a new gothic smallfont to use in my current project, but even the thought of basing it on a real font seems intimidating to me. can I ask what your process was like? did you make a sheet with the original font and then shrink it down so each character was 16px and draw over that?

sure thing! i basically did as you said for the bigfont, typing every character in photoshop and then adding some bevel/outline filters to get a rough idea of how it'd look before painting it over:

(note the missing characters, this is just a capture from the psd file i worked on)

then it was a matter of rasterizing everything and manually fixing/redesigning letters that didn't scale well, like the F, G, X and pretty much all the glyphs. to make shading easier i picked colors that were easy to tell apart as highlights/shadows, and then replaced them with the grays you see in my "final" screenshot. i decided to go with a limited palette, so the whole range of brightness is basically:

-yellow: strong highlight, only for the top of the letter
-cyan: light highlight, for 315º angles on the top of the letter and for the inside
-orange: base color
-green: shadow, on the right side of vertical lines
-red: light bottom base (for depth effects inside the letter itself)
-brown: dark bottom base

and the light source is located right above the letter, slightly shifted to the left when necessary.

by the time i was done i realized i had missed a lot of symbols, so the brackets, circumflex, etc. were drawn from scratch.


(and the weird thing between the ampersand and the parentheses is actually a tilde...  i forgot i'd redrawn it after setting up the sample)





now, i could have done the same for the smallfont, but...

the lowercase letters don't really scale well at all. so for this one i basically kept the character sheet as a reference, along with the finished bigfont to try and keep the design sorta consistent between them.

this particular font is pretty boxy, so what i usually did was start from an 8x8 square, drawing the basic strokes with a depth line underneath when possible, then take chunks off the letters as i saw fit to make them resemble the original font and have a distinct silhouette. whenever a letter needed a different footprint i made the base wider or thinner as i saw fit, but overall most fit snugly within a square, and i took some liberties mixing lower- and uppercase for stylization.

so my progression looked something like this, using A and F as examples:





then again, this post makes the whole process look a lot more organized and serious than it really was. a big part of it was messing around with shapes, cutouts, etc. to try and make something that looks nice, consistent, and readable (with varying degrees of success). 

Edited by uber
accidental pic at the end

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you're a saint @uber, really appreciate you taking the time to detail it all out like that. I'm sure I'll find it useful in the future :D the fonts turned out great too!

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