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4 hours ago, Eggman07 said:

Does anyone have a 256x128 version of these textures instead of the stock 256x104 that lost res has?



Here's my pass on it, could certainly use some touching up but I think I'm done pixel-pushing for now.

Credits go to id, Xaser and NaturalTvventy for lostres 2.1 ofc

edit: fixed some minor oversights

Edited by kwc

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3 minutes ago, kwc said:

Here's my pass on it, could certainly use some touching up but I think I'm done pixel-pushing for now.

Credits go to id, Xaser and NaturalTvventy for lostres 2.1 ofc

Thank you.

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On 12/28/2021 at 8:35 AM, Eggman07 said:

Does anyone have a 256x128 version of these textures instead of the stock 256x104 that lost res has?



I used @ItsNatureToDie's blank version above as the base.



Edit: Damn. I was afraid someone would get there ahead of me. Not as fast as I used to be.

Edit2: Touched up a few odd-colored pixels on the original.



Edit3: Well, if I was going to make a 128-high SKINLOW2, I might as well make a 128-high SKINLOW4.

Again, used @ItsNatureToDie's blank as the base.


Edit4: And, because I wasn't paying attention, I made the SKINLOW4 to match the original style in lostres, not realizing that @ItsNatureToDie made his edit tile better. And so - 




Must. Stop. Now.

Edit5: Forgot.to.add.the.blood.to.the.wood. I may get drunk a day early.

Edited by EffinghamHuffnagel

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Made this a while back when I was helping @hidfan with the Doom3 Retro texture project:


The way I did it was I took 12 in-game screenshots in D3 while having the monitor pretty close to centered.

Fixed up an animation script and ended up making brightmaps of it as well.

Here's an example wad:



Feel free to do whatever with it.

Just at least make sure to credit id Software since that's of course where it was inherited after wall. ;)

Edited by Mr.Rocket

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2 hours ago, kwc said:

Here's some Dark Souls Firelink Shrine flats.
Some are a bit pattern-heavy and would serve better periodic alternations as opposed to covering an entire floor.

Those would be great in different colours, like sandstone and red and green and stuff. I tried doing some recoulors, but failed.

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4 hours ago, Cacodemon187 said:


This gave me an idea but I feel like something is wrong with my implementation. Can't quite put down what.


Bulk-recolored frames for good measure:


Edited by ViolentBeetle

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6 minutes ago, Gothic Croc said:

How do I make my own custom texture?

You must first know the texture size standards. If you want to create a flat (floor and ceiling textures) they must be 64x64 pixels in size. If you want to create wall textures they can be any size, but it is recommended that they are between 64 and 128 as that way they are better "fitted" on the surfaces you create in Doom Builder, but nothing you can't read resized there too. Sky textures also change a lot in size, but the most I've seen good is 1024 x 256. Textures are recognized if they are in png format, from this format you can convert to doom image format if you want; graphic Doom or graphic flat (these conversions are done inside Slade3), nothing from formats outside png, like jpeg, tiff, etc, i believe they don't work well. To create the textures just use Photoshop, Gimp, or a good pixel art program called Piskel.

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2 minutes ago, K_Doom said:

You must first know the texture size standards. If you want to create a flat (floor and ceiling textures) they must be 64x64 pixels in size. If you want to create wall textures they can be any size, but it is recommended that they are between 64 and 128 as that way they are better "fitted" on the surfaces you create in Doom Builder, but nothing you can't read resized there too. Sky textures also change a lot in size, but the most I've seen good is 1024 x 256. Textures are recognized if they are in png format, from this format you can convert to doom image format if you want; graphic Doom or graphic flat (these conversions are done inside Slade3), nothing from formats outside png, like jpeg, tiff, etc, i believe they don't work well. To create the textures just use Photoshop, Gimp, or a good pixel art program called Piskel.

Thanks, I'll try to figure out what you mean. I think I got it.

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Back from my seemingly endless slumber of doom burnout, i return with more textures. This time however i bring my very first(!!!) attempt at a texture entirely made from scratch, differently from all of my previous edits:



(in case it isn't obvious, it's like some sort of giant industrial vent grate)


I might still tweak a thing or two about these, but for a very first attempt i'm extremely proud of them!! Here's hoping these are the first few of many to come

Edited by MattFright

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4 hours ago, MattFright said:

Back from my seemingly endless slumber of doom burnout, i return with more textures. This time however i bring my very first(!!!) attempt at a texture entirely made from scratch, differently from all of my previous edits:



(in case it isn't obvious, it's like some sort of giant industrial vent grate)


I might still tweak a thing or two about these, but for a very first attempt i'm extremely proud of them!! Here's hoping these are the first few of many to come

Those are extemely cool. I thought a variant with black slits being transparent could be interesting (And possibly useful for some kind of animated spinning light) but couldn't successfully and cleanly separate from shading yet.

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14 minutes ago, ViolentBeetle said:

Those are extemely cool. I thought a variant with black slits being transparent could be interesting (And possibly useful for some kind of animated spinning light) but couldn't successfully and cleanly separate from shading yet.


I always liked all those textures from Otex that have a variant with a black "background" and another where those parts are transparent, so the inspiration for that was there from the start. I can actually do that pretty easily, i just want to keep practicing a bit more with different shapes, materials and especially lighting before i can focus on variants.

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11 hours ago, MattFright said:

Update: i made the lighting not suck (and consequently it should tile a little better now as well)




And yes, also all still paletted


Nice.  It definitely "pops" more now and looks a bit more 3D with the highlights.

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21 hours ago, MattFright said:

Update: i made the lighting not suck (and consequently it should tile a little better now as well)




And yes, also all still paletted

This looks great. Is it ok if I include them in a texture pack I'm currently building mainly off this thread?

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58 minutes ago, ViolentBeetle said:

This looks great. Is it ok if I include them in a texture pack I'm currently building mainly off this thread?


I'll probably make a (small?) texture pack all in this style which should be a billion times more usable than combining them with most stuff here, but if you want to compile something with it then sure go for it!

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9 hours ago, MattFright said:


I'll probably make a (small?) texture pack all in this style which should be a billion times more usable than combining them with most stuff here, but if you want to compile something with it then sure go for it!

I'm planning a community project for which I want to grab extra textures from here. If you make more textures in this style before it goes live, I'll grab them too.

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On 12/30/2021 at 5:41 AM, MattFright said:


Holy Hell, the demons have textured their walls with graphics cards :P

Edited by Martin Howe

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45 minutes ago, Martin Howe said:

Holy Hell, the demons have textured their walls with graphics cards :P

Well, Doom is the old game, and in the times of old people thought that the most powerful computers should be at least size of the room, and dem demons are notorious for liking it big. +) I bet they just farm cryptosouls on this. XD

Edited by Spawn

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Hell yeah @Captain Toenail, those look great and heretic deserves some love.

One minor crit, hope you don't mind:


There's kind of a tangent (incorrect terminology but anyway) going on with the cyan in that stain glass, it pops out way too much for it's own good IMO. Can't help but see get distracted by three cyan figures.
I'm not sure how it would look in game or in software rendering though.

Edited by kwc

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Metal locker textures that use Shadow Warrior's file cabinet as its basis. Left to right: Regular, side, no locks (for marking a secret, perhaps), and blood coming out the vents.


EDIT: Forgot to make a matching flat for it. Here you go;


Edited by MundyC
Added flat for lockers

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On 12/11/2021 at 10:02 PM, A.H. Sankhatayan said:

Most of the skies I find tend to be 1024x128, but I want one to use with Boom's sky transfer and I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work with textures longer than 256. 

As long as they're power of two in width, Boom will render them properly.














Etc, etc. I don't want to double more because math harms me.

As long as a texture is these widths, or whatever doubles from here, Boom will display it properly as either a wall texture, or a sky texture. Height can be whatever.

Boom can also use animated textures for skies, and animation can even be 1 frame per tic, if you have something really smooth in mind.

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3 hours ago, ChopBlock223 said:

Etc, etc. I don't want to double more because math harms me.

8192, 16384, 32768, 65536.


It's not maths, these numbers are just burned into my brain. (65535 being the largest 16-bit value, and 32767 the largest signed 16-bit value. AKA FFFF and FF7F for anyone who's ever hacked saved games with a hex editor; gotta love little endianness.)


Anyway whole point is moot since 1024 width will fully wrap around the sky, and a sky texture longer than that will simply be cut off after the 1024th column.

Edited by Gez

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