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Post your Doom textures!


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Just now, YouAreTheDemons said:

I noticed though that the first two front textures for the tall cabinets are repeated, I mistake I assume?

The corporate needs you to find the difference between the two cabinets.

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7 hours ago, YouAreTheDemons said:

I noticed though that the first two front textures for the tall cabinets are repeated, I mistake I assume?

Yes, one of the textures loose files were overwritten, resolved now.

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On 10/29/2022 at 8:58 PM, muumi said:

Some pink re-colorings of vanilla textures in the full beauty of vanilla doom palette!


pink firewall




Feel free to use! :=)


How do you do that re-palleting stuff? Because I've made a texture for lettering. I'm sure someone has probably made one already, but I didn't look through all the pages of this thread. I've got the standard red, of course, but I'd also like the option of different colors, like white, light green, blue, gold, etc. I thought people were using Slade to do that, but it seems like that was only referring to using different palettes entirely. I want to use the standard Doom palette.


I don't necessarily want someone to re-pallete it for me, I want to know a good way to do it myself, and I'm sure there is one.


Edited by Stabbey
no need to quote entire post

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52 minutes ago, Stabbey said:

I thought people were using Slade to do that, but it seems like that was only referring to using different palettes entirely.

It's called "Color Remap". Either the first square button on top of the picture view, or from right-click menu. Lets you select ranges of color and apply to different ranges.

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I updated Slade to 3.2.1. It still took a while to find that option. Unfortunately, it seems like it's not as easy-to-use as I was hoping. Oh well, I'll just take some time and plug away until I can figure it out.


EDIT: Oh, I didn't realize you can select rows. That helps, although I'll need to do it twice since the bordder colors is too far removed.

Edited by Stabbey

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3 minutes ago, Stabbey said:

I updated Slade to 3.2.1. It still took a while to find that option. Unfortunately, it seems like it's not as easy-to-use as I was hoping. Oh well, I'll just take some time and plug away until I can figure it out.

The ease of its use is proportional to how monochrome the picture is.

Red letters should be about as easy as dragging up to 2 rows of colors.

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I hadn't realized at the time that you can select rows, which helps. After a bit of monkeying around with the source to fix some errant pixels which didn't match, I have now successfully made a bunch of variations of the text. The pink one is a little iffy because of the lack of variations on purple-pink.


Feel free to use (with credit).















I made a reference sheet to quickly find what letter/number/symbol to use.




8 * 8 Textures

A = 0, 0
B = 16, 0
C = 32, 0
D = 48, 0
E = 64, 0
F = 80, 0
G = 96, 0
H = 112, 0
I = 128, 0
J = 144, 0
K = 160, 0
L = 0, 16
M = 16, 16
N = 32, 16
O = 48, 16
P = 64, 16
Q = 80, 16
R = 96, 16
S = 112, 16
T = 128, 16
U = 144, 16
V = 160, 16
W = 0, 32
X = 16, 32
Y = 32, 32
Z = 48, 32

0 = 0, 79
1 = 16, 79
2 = 32, 79
3 = 48, 79
4 = 64, 79
5 = 80, 79
6 = 96, 79
7 = 112, 79
8 = 128, 79
9 = 144, 79

. = 64, 32
, = 80, 32
! = 96, 32
: = 112, 32
; = 128, 32
? = 144, 32
& = 160, 32

( = 0, 48
) = 16, 48
/ = 32, 48
\ = 48, 48
" = 64, 48
" = 80, 48
' = 96, 48
' = 112, 48
-- = 128, 48
| = 144, 48
# = 160, 48

$ = 0, 62
% = 16,
^ = 32,
- = 48,
* = 64,
+ = 80,
@ = 96,
< = 112,
> = 128,
= = 144,
+ = 160,

Down Arrow = 176, 0
Up Arrow = 176, 16
Left Arrow = 176, 32
Right Arrow = 176, 48

16 * 16 Textures

0 = 8, 102
1 = 32, 102
2 = 55, 102
3 = 80, 102
4 = 104, 102
5 = 127, 102
6 = 149, 102
7 = 173, 102
8 = 196, 102
9 = 220, 102
% = 195, 80
: = 220, 81

Down Arrow = 227, 60
Up Arrow = 227, 37
Left Arrow = 205, 39
Right Arrow = 204, 59



With that, I was able to make this message fast, without doing any alignment in visual mode.






And, here's an updated version of my "Countdown" text. It is 96 pixels wide by 2100 pixels tall. When used on a doom mover moving at standard speed, the number changes once a second. The left column is for floor lowering, the right should work for floor raising. If a map format supports a super-tall texture, this can be used to create functional in-game timers.

Edited by Stabbey

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I might as well also include a set of 16px letters as well. No pink this time, it just looked bad. These are all free to use with credit.


White (Original):















Reference Sheet for the 16px letters:




A = 0, 0
B = 32, 0
C = 64, 0
D = 96, 0
E = 128, 0
F = 160, 0
G = 192, 0
H = 224, 0
I = 0, 32
J = 32, 32
K = 64, 32
L = 96, 32
M = 128, 32
N = 160, 32
O = 192, 32
P = 224, 32
Q = 0, 64
R = 32, 64
S = 64, 64
T = 96, 64
U = 128, 64
V = 160, 64
W = 192, 64
X = 224, 64
Y = 0, 96
Z = 32, 96

. = 64, 96
, = 96, 96
! = 128, 96
: = 144, 96
; = 160, 96
' = 176, 96
/ = 192, 96
\ = 208, 96
  = 224, 96





I'm working on a map which has a bunch of places where an exit sign would realistically go, but that might be confusing, so I'm going to replace it with a running man image. I know there are better versions made by other people, but what the heck.



Edited by Stabbey
added exitman

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The Pain Elemental is based on a recolored Cacodemon. Is there any documentation or guide on what colors in the palette were swapped with other colors? I want to convert Jimmy's CACOBRIK and CACOFLAT into a PAINBRIK and PAINFLAT for a map which uses those two enemies as part of a "two enemy types" restriction.


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55 minutes ago, erkyp3rky said:

does anyone have a mid texture of a forest silhouette?

Lost Civilization has several forest tree line mid textures. All you have to do is convert them to pitch black, or change the brightness of the sector to very low

Edited by RDETalus

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39 minutes ago, RDETalus said:

Lost Civilization has several forest tree line mid textures. All you have to do is convert them to pitch black, or change the brightness of the sector to very low

that's perfect!!! thank you very much

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Random selection of a few items.
I use the vines as linedefs, or as 3d objects that can block progress.

Flesh.png Fleshy stuff

RoStone.png Rough stone wall

Vines.png Vines

Bones.png Bones in sand

Edited by Desfar

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I would like some help regarding converting textures to the Doom palette.


I have converted some Hexen 2 textures to the Doom format in Slade as seen below. Most of them turned out fine, but some of them are those I'm not 100% satisfied with.


Can anyone please help make some of these textures better in the Doom palette, such as making the blood more visible on the middle texture?



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Get a program that can manipulate palettes effectively and hand remap the problematic color ranges from HeXen palette to DooM palette. I would recommend Aseprite. You can than save the texture as paletted PNG with bastadized palette and than convert it in slade from existing to DooM. All tones that already exist on DooM palette should remap without any loss and the rest would get approximated. You can also save the palette and than just load it onto other textures to reuse the remapping you have done.

Edited by NeoWorm

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On 12/1/2022 at 6:11 AM, NiTROACTiVE said:

I would like some help regarding converting textures to the Doom palette.


I have converted some Hexen 2 textures to the Doom format in Slade as seen below. Most of them turned out fine, but some of them are those I'm not 100% satisfied with.


Can anyone please help make some of these textures better in the Doom palette, such as making the blood more visible on the middle texture?



Some quick and dirty variants. I don't think Doom palette really has color good for dried blood. Also bonus for blooded underlay I used, I think it ended up looking pretty cool.


Don't think I can help you with gold, but there's a post upthread with gold flat.




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Yeah, Doom definitely seemed to prefer the "fresh blood" aesthetic over the dried, heh.  Would either of these be any good?


hex2blud_1.png hex2blud_2.png

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