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Post your Doom textures!


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I want to create a lot of tilesets from a set of images that I found. I want to make a lot of colors and variations. Still working on it. 

tile test 2.png





gzdoom 2023-07-17 11-24-23.jpg

gzdoom 2023-07-17 11-16-02.jpg

gzdoom 2023-07-17 11-16-10.jpg

Edited by jo2ukegappy

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4 hours ago, Meerschweinmann said:

And here some computer/server textures with modified COMPTALL frames as base.




OMG, very nice!

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On 8/4/2023 at 2:35 AM, HQDefault said:

snakky boi



Edited a bigger "mouth" (heh) to it. Use ACS to spawn snacks to it.



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Again with the tiles. These are only the ones that fit the doom pallete. I'll do many more for limit removing mods. There are some screenshots below.



And a weird double spine that I have to fix because it doesn't tile perfectly. 


double spine.jpg


Some screenshots:


gzdoom 2023-08-06 01-49-18.jpggzdoom 2023-08-06 01-49-13.jpg



Edited by jo2ukegappy

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Long time ago i found a texture named REACASK. It was included in the Eternity Engine map pack "Caverns of death".

I used it as template for other warning-signs and made a variant with SHAWN1 in the middle part too.



Edited by Meerschweinmann

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On 7/2/2023 at 11:30 PM, HQDefault said:

Microwave: MICROWAV.png.ad711aab204572e0fb36661805ba6553.png


Coffee Machine: COFEEBOI.png.009ac9a6fb9f8079c3df04117703f774.png


Filing Cabinets: FILECABN.png.a8274ca7f26912ae642ace7a8dc63d86.png


Locker: LOCKER1.png.d64dc8fbec4fc37bf3ecbf89c984d34c.png

Locker, but unlocked:LOCKER2.png.682584ade1d376e9ec1d96f6e972c84a.png


As always, feel free to use any of these.


I liked these and I made some little modifications myself.


Microwave and coffee machine have sides and backs now so they can be free standing.




File cabinet and locker also have sides now.




And I gave the locker a variant without a lock, so you can use the one with the electronic light as a switch and the plain one as regular decoration. May be good for secrets!


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And here to celebrate my love to DOOM's BIGDOOR texture more edited BIGDOORs with 96, 112 and 104 pixels height.










Edited by Meerschweinmann
Updated textures

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I'm working on a wood themed texture pack along with the tiles. Just made these metal and wood, metal and stones textures. (Yup, I love color swapping)

Edit: These are Doom palleted.




Edited by jo2ukegappy

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This thread has been on fire lately, all these submissions have been great :)

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6 hours ago, ShallowB said:


I liked these and I made some little modifications myself.

Those work really well if you want office stuff in more grungy/industrial areas and other textures look too clean!

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I'll pack these up in a WAD as soon as possible, much work to do still. There is much more where these came from. 



Edited by jo2ukegappy

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I'm planning on doing a arctic-themed wad soon. These use the custom palette from doomxmas.wad which makes the white range look a bit colder and nicer.

Got a few textures done already:


Window from lostres with icicles - front and back side:



Shiny pipes:



Edited BIGBRIK2 from doomxmas to fit the aesthetic of the stock textures:


Dark wood PANEL textures:


(the lamp is from Fistful of Doom)


And finally some misc. edits from my recent wads:

Edited by Cacodemon187

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9 hours ago, ShallowB said:


I liked these and I made some little modifications myself.


Microwave and coffee machine have sides and backs now so they can be free standing.




File cabinet and locker also have sides now.




And I gave the locker a variant without a lock, so you can use the one with the electronic light as a switch and the plain one as regular decoration. May be good for secrets!




These are pretty handy, I think I actually will use some of them!

(The coffee & microwave ones especially, I was previously just using the regular metal textures to represent the sides of lockers & filing cabinets, but I'll try these and see if I like them better.)

Edited by HQDefault

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On 8/5/2023 at 4:03 PM, Jaska said:


Edited a bigger "mouth" (heh) to it. Use ACS to spawn snacks to it.



Why not I guess.

Edited by Craneo
added cola/soda dispenser

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3 hours ago, jo2ukegappy said:

Just found this softwarte to test "tileability". Is that a word? I don't know, but it's pretty useful.


It's something! You also have that option in Slade's image preview though.

Edited by Scypek2

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5 minutes ago, Scypek2 said:


It's something! You also have that option in Slade's image preview though.


I edit using GIMP a lot, so it's useful to test both before and after editing. Didn't know about that slade feature, though. Thanks!

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