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Post your Doom textures!


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Gez said:

You are fully to blame for this:


Blame?! Give him the keys to MAP13 ;D

The bricks just need to be re-arranged a bit I think and it'll be perfect ;)

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Sgt Ender said:

Off topic here, but the hands fpr the new weapons seem out of place from the vanilla hands, unless if you plan on replacing those weapons.

Right. I replaced every weapon with my hand photographs. Even the reloading sequence of that SSG is replaced with my bare hands, literally.

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antares031 said:

Right. I replaced every weapon with my hand photographs. Even the reloading sequence of that SSG is replaced with my bare hands, literally.


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Not sure if these are any useful to anyone,
but here are some ~convenient edits and small textures
I made for myself:

simple wood Box + top flat

A pulsating 'landmine' or switch based of CEIL5_1 & 2

A rusty steel girder

Transparent version of DOOR11_1

GRNLITE1 without the lights

Flats that work well with TEKWAL

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Jimmy said:

jimmytex.wad updated.

Reiterating for clarity: this WAD contains my own contributions to this thread plus a few others I've edited here and there - no one else's are in here (yet).

Can you add a few of my edits? If any of them interest you anyways.

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Another surreal animated brick because why not: LAVABRIK

ZIMMER3 brick

I dunno, marble?




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Gez said:


I might use the first, love it. The last one not so much, but it did remind me of those stories of builders being entrapped inside their works so their souls would watch over it (and so they couldn't walk to the nearest kingdom and offer a similar work to the other king lol)

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Despite the fact I feel some of them are supposed to be jokes:
ZIMMER3 brick is actually really nice.
SLADBRIK might have worked better if BIGBRIK1's brick-lines were used as a base.
I've actually seen something similar to that CBLUBRIK before, but can't for the life of me remember where/when.

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Hey, STARTAN1 bricks! They look almost usable.

GRAYTALL bricks -- only for the hard-core of us.

BIGDOOR2 bricks -- I just can't think of anything creative about this one.

Thanks, Jimmy!

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Doom: The Way Midway Did!

Imgur: http://imgur.com/a/VNsZY
Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzSuPz_LVIhEVlhjQXVjYTlHWkU/view?usp=sharing

A little something I whipped up on impulse :) Since Doom64 reloads are my most famous work, I thought I might do more of "filling in the gaps", this time on the texture front. The main idea was to take the texture designs from PC Doom (Preferably the most recognisable ones like STARTAN etc.) and recreate them in Doom64 in such a way they're as much of a seamless fit with stock Doom64 as I can make them.

Doom64 has a lot less modding interest, so I've decided to post the stuff I have so far before I spend a lot of time on it and it turns out no one has use for them. ;) I'd love to expand the set if there's enough interest.

Use in any way desired (including in your own edits) as long as you provide credit.
Cheers and have fun!

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Really awesome stuff Cage, as I said over twitter :). If I ever get a chance to do a Doom 64 map, I'll definitely give these a whirl.

By the way, I have a bunch of old texture edits that I was thinking about posting in here. They were the beginnings of a custom texture pack for Supplice (which I dropped once brand new assets were made). The quality of some of them are kind of meh though...I'd really need to go through and clean them up before I'd feel good enough to release them.

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I lied. :(

But at least there are good Skulltag edits here!

dmdmflat edits:

Original version with offset fixed:

Some snazzy looking n_mttk01 edits:

(ntek textures were also used in the making of these)

Some WTFBRICK edits:

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