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Favorite DOOM II map?


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There are quite a few Doom 2 maps that I like so it's no easy pick. I'll go for Map 19: The Citadel. Yeah, the progression is a bit obscure but I'm a big fan of the overall atmosphere of the map.

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Well for deathmatch/duel it's gotta be Entryway (move over, dead simple) but for single player there's plenty of great choices, but I'm gonna go with Map20, Gotcha! - That Spiderdemon VS Cyber battle is highly memorable, it's awesome hearing a new MIDI so far into the game, and the map is just overall abstract and fun to play through.

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Easily map 27: Monster Condo. On paper the level concept sounds kind of goofy. But the way it's actually implemented is cryptic and dark, with the dusty library areas and contemplative music. Also one of the creepier levels, with some weird surprises (the room full of hanging dead bodies.) Just a bizarre experience that feels mysterious and unlike most other Doom maps. I also love the way the music slowly builds tension.


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So i'm not the only one that sings the song in monster condo?

I favor MAP31, because wide corridors are great to test things.
For standard maps only i'd pick The Focus.

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TraceOfSpades said:

^♪You keep this love!♪

Bobby Prince did a great job with the track. He managed to capture the somber tonality of the original Pantera riff. But with his own unique twist that makes the song sound lonely and introspective by comparison.

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controversial opinion: I actually like MAP13: downtown. I've actually not seen a remake of that map I've liked so far. I'm a little stupid in that I kinda like seeing non-abstract elements in maps, so adding things like obvious streets and the like don't bother me, but I find a lot of maps that do this also don't really capture the openness of downtown, which is what stands out to me. (I've seen similar problems with Industrial Zone, another map I do like). D2INO's take on Downtown still bugs me a little since it feels much more constrained than Downtown ever was, though I get that replicating what the original maps did wasn't exactly the main idea behind D2INO

I'm not really sure I can call it my favorite, honestly, but it is one that really stands out to me. Gotcha! is also really fun, and I always found the song for the map quite amusing but fun to listen to.

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Refueling Base

Mostly because it almost seems like a map you would find in E2 of Doom 1, and Doom 1 has the better map design between the two.

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The Innermost Dens has got to be my favorite.
I love how compact everything is in that map.
Honorable Mentions: The Chasm and The Focus.

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Tough one. I wanted to say Gotcha like Doomkid but I'm not a big fan of the remainder of the map. Perhaps refueling base for me, like Rayzik. Something about it is quite appealing. I think gives me some of the best Doom 1 content and style but with Doom 2's added monsters and action. I also get a satisfying power trip killing so many zombiemen.

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My favourite Doom II map is map08: Tracks and Trips. I really like the non-linearity of it, that you can visit every area (except the 2 doors that require keys) right from the beginning. I also like the originality of the enemy encounters (the infighting between cyberdemon and the barons is very memorable), the large amounts of monsters to fight and cool secrets. The only thing about it that i don't like is the area in the end, where the floor falls into lava and you can get trapped without a way to escape from that pit.

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lil'devil said:

My favourite Doom II map is map08: Tracks and Trips.

lil'devil said:

map08: Tracks and Trips.

lil'devil said:

Tracks and Trips

lil'devil said:


lil'devil said:


lil'devil said:


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I'll go with my nostalgic gut reaction and say MAP30 cause as a kid I would IDDQD+IDKFA and blow stuff up and watch stuff fight until the game crashed. It also has great music and is a really cool bossfight!

I think the modern opinion on Icon of Sin has been tarnished by the countless remakes and the keen familiarity with how to beat it. It was an interesting and challenging puzzle at the time.

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Map 21: Nirvana is such a terrific map, the epitome of Doom II. It's not as awesome as the Chasm with those incredible narrow catwalks, but that final cavern area with the rising platforms and toxic floor is so memorable. In fact, I wish all of Doom II consisted of nothing but Nirvana and The Chasm for 32 levels, with D_Runnin playing all the time.

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For me it's a toss up for 1st between Map06: The Crusher & Map16: Suburbs, with Map13: Downtown in 3rd place.

I love the setting of the crusher, it feels like a huge industrial complex that was abandon by humans when the demons invaded. The use of lighting to set a gloomy mood is top notch & the scale of the crusher room itself is always awe inspiring when you first step foot into it. It's also a great example of how a single texture can be used across the entire map & still looks good & each area is still very distinct.

Suburbs is one of my favorites because it is pure action from start to finish. I always run around outside & activate all the teleporting monsters as soon as possible & get lots of infighting going. Plus I just love me some open world sandbox maps in Doom. This map also has some of my favorite secrets in all of Doom 2.

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XD @ Piper. As for favorite map, I dunno it's a hard pick as there are many very good and highly memorable maps in doom 2. Also I'm totally ok with maps that alot of people seem to dislike. If I had to pick one I suppose off the cuff I would say dead simple. To get an accurate answer I would have to sit down and look at all the different aspects of those in which I like.

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My favorite map of doom 2 it's 'The living end', i love how you have to climb up to the exit. 'The spirit world' it's quite good, and also is 'Industrial Zone'

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The Focus. It's a fun, tidy little nap with a lot of character. On the PSX, it had a lot of atmosphere as well. As I recall, I also enjoy the original IWAD music for it.

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