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Favorite DOOM II map?


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I really like the Citadel. It's a big heterogeneous secret maze where you really have to explore many side passages. The teleport area with the level's map/model is awesome and quite unique from any level I've played so far. I admit I don't know the non-secret expected way to finish this map, but it's a level where you can see the secrets before opening them.

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I wrote a little poem for one my favourite levels...

I'd like to see the
abandoned mines
piles of dust lingering
of the face in air
clipped nails hanged
abnormally terrifying
large shadows ahead
yuletide lurking
pumpkins from hell
secretly invading
escaping silence

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'O' of Destruction/Circle of Death. It's a nice conclusion after wandering through large levels for far too long. It features most of the enemies introduced up to that point, including the buildup to the Archvile reveal (one of the most memorable moments of Doom 2). It doesn't feel like Doom 1, and it doesn't feel like the bad levels in Doom 2.

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Being an early map, it's highly memorable and pleasant to blast through at a quick pace. Indeed, I've pistol-started it countless times, and always use it to test things like sound replacement wads or graphical tweaks.

The music is also one of Doom 2's most iconic pieces for me. At once foreboding and whimsical, exploratory. When I first heard the OST/SC-55(88) version I was blown away.

The aesthetics are also pretty nifty. Finally, who can say no to the crowd of imps in that early pitch-black chamber facing away from you, all lined up for the SSG you just got?

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There are many favorites but I'll just name one this time.

Map 16: Suburbs

Single Player only since I don't play multiplayer.

Why is it my favorite?

Love the design & it's also the most fun to use your super shotgun & BFG in with tons of imps & high tier enemies. I like the secrets too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Map 21: Nirvana and Map 24: The Chasm from Doom II, are hands down the best maps ever. Such great maps really, I love the final area of Nirvana loaded with billions of monsters on platforms and the toxic floor to those incredibly well thought out narrow catwalks of the Chasm.

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joe-ilya said:

MAP33, that's one sick map guyz!

You mean Map 33: Betray from the Xbox version? I haven't played it, but i've heard this map, along with another Xbox exclusive E1M10: Sewers, are not really good, but i dunno..

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I really love Map29 - The Living End.

Slowly unveiling more and more of the map as you go along, before finally reaching that first seen and long anticipated main platform. Just such a shame you can laugh at the Cyberdemon and run to the exit.

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The Living End is definitely a good one but I'm also a big fan of the ambitious open city maps like Downtown and Industrial Zone.

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MAP63 of the lost levels for PSX Doom, if that counts. Way better than the original PC version.

If that doesn't count though, then I'll go with Spirit World.

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Map10 Refueling Base.. always liked the atmosphere. One of the oldest doom maps actually

Map18 The Courtyard. Also love the creepy vibe on this one. Kinda reminds me of E3.

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Map 14: The Inmost Dens

lil'devil said:

There was a thread on this topic literally about a week ago.. You should do a forum search before posting a new topic.

Yeah seriously

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I said map20 in the other thread and I still stand by that, but map08 is another classic. The "pick a door, any door" intro is something you don't forget, plus the map has loads of non-mandatory areas. A timeless classic!

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The Spirit World... love that gap where you have to go through to reach that big Battlefield with the 2 Spider Masterminds *_*

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