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Are there any cool remakes of levels from other games?


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Requiem map 31 - remake of door to chthon from quake

Well doom is limited in what 3d architecture one can remake in 2.5d

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chasmad.wad remakes the pitifully short and lackluster add-on maps for Chasm: The Rift in Doom 2. It's a neat little romp.

I also entirely remade Nerves of Steel for GZdoom. Check the Doom Maps link in my sig.

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I've translated Iron Keep from Dark Souls 2 to Heretic. Maybe if we're lucky, I'll finish the thing placement sometime this millenium and release it.

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The secret map31 in SgtMark's Hell on Earth is a cool remake of Duke3D's first map, complete with some of the Build features like destructible walls.

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I remember someone made a remake of first level of system shock using only stock assets and architecture from doom 2...

Also MAP31 and MAP32 from Doom 2 the way Id did are based upon commander keen games...

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I love seeing maps made that seem familiar but still done in the Doom style- kinda like a throwback rather than just trying to copy.

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Possibly the first pwad I played was stauf.wad from the 11th Hour designer, it was on some CD published with a magazine of some sort or other, before we had internet at home. It's quite unpolished and features total bizarro gameplay, but it's historical I reckon

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