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Deathmatch Doors


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I have a qustion about doom builder. Is there any way I can make all doors in a map
open simultaniously in DEATHMATCH ONLY.

I have played hexen DM, and the doors are closed, yet you start with all keys.

It would be more fun if you can access all areas in DM.

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I was thinking I could run a script at the start. I dont know how to make a script run in DM only. I need all locked and closed doors to open at the start of a multiplayer DM.

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You can put the deathmatch starts in such a location where every player will step over a line that opens the doors. In Mutiny I had deathmatch starts outside of the map in a dummy sector, the player would trip all the lines required to transform the single player map into the deathmatch settings I wanted then teleport into it.

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I have some trigger lines to open doors. except the doors that close behind you as soon as you enter. The code works now. I had a small error. Upon decompiling hexen.wad the gamnet type had != instead of ==. Thanks for the help everyone.

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40oz said:

You can put the deathmatch starts in such a location where every player will step over a line that opens the doors. In Mutiny I had deathmatch starts outside of the map in a dummy sector, the player would trip all the lines required to transform the single player map into the deathmatch settings I wanted then teleport into it.

While this is a good workaround for the technical solution of the issue, I'd speak against it in any serious DM map attempt. It is horribly exploitable by asshole players, tbh. You generally want all players to spawn in regular, reachable areas of the map.

Obviously, Zdoom has none of these issues, but for the rest of the standards... I do like the clever combinations of flags Boom allows. You can place some decorations over stuff that needs to be SP-inaccessible, like those lines you mention, and flag them not-DM. You need to get very creative in vanilla, but to be perfectly honest, I'd recommend to just focus on your primary goal in a vanilla map and don't bother with the unwanted relative.

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