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PK3 files and weapons mods on Zandronum

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So I'm trying to run a few weapons mods in Zandronum, not to mention PK3 files in general (except for Brutal DooM) and none of them work. I get something like ".pk3:decorateitems:" or some stuff like that.So I just want some help on this little problem I'm having. If you guys could clear up how to work around this or tell me if it just can't run, I would really appreciate that!

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Do you have any autoloaded mods?

And maybe these weapons mod dont work with others weapons mods.

You really need to give more info.

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Here's and example,"Script error, 'Contradoom_b06.pk3:decorate.items' line 45: Unexpected token string constant 'ContraCheckCvar'" I honestly don't know anything relating to coding this.I only run one weapons mod on Zandronum at a time, and I don't exactly know what you mean by auto loaded mod. If you want me to pull up the console, here it is. http://imgur.com/a/lk8ZY

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AH! Thank you! I was using 2.1.2 Thanks for helping me out! Quick question, is it normal for it to have no sound? EDIT: The sound is up and running, it just needed time to adjust!

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I don't think so. I've never played Contra Doom, so I can't give an answer to that.

Although if there is no sound whatsoever, then the answer would be no, it's not normal.

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