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It allows them to see the Demon-flatulence, of course. ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!


Seriously, this is trying too hard, even for DW standards.

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Doom monsters have a supernaturally great vision that allows them to:

1. See in darkness.
2. See through non-solid but non-transparent objects.
3. See up to infinite distance.
4. See behind themselves.
5. See through solid walls.


1. Zero sector brightness is no problem for them to see in.
2. Any number of non-transparent map things and midtextures are also no problem for them to see through.
3. A monster on the very other side of the map will spot you if having line of sight.
4. While inactive, they can spot the player behind them as soon as they have a clear line of sight (that is, if the monster is flagged as ambush, and if the player fired his weapon sometime before having line of sight with the monster).
5. While active, they can see their target's exact position even through walls in order to follow it. They're also able to fire exactly towards their target even if the target is currently behind a wall (they don't initiate attack when the target is behind a wall, but they may continue attack initiated when the target wasn't behind a wall, and still aim perfectly).


*Also, this bug allows them to actually see through walls sometimes (so they might become active prematurely), though it makes them not see things right in front of them other times (which can also happen if the map has a non-standardly constructed REJECT table, whether intentionally or not).

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HorrorMovieGuy said:

But can they see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

They can sure spot the cinnamon and sugar swirls in every bite!

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Guest Unregistered account

Demons have eyes in their butts, hence their ability to see you from behind if you made sound nearby earlier.

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Kapanyo said:

Demons have eyes in their butts, hence their ability to see you from behind if you made sound nearby earlier.

Or maybe they heard you with their ears, hmm?


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Voros said:

Or maybe they heard you with their ears, hmm?



You can fire all your weapons at the same time but if you're not in their line of sight, they don't know you're hiding behind that wall that's like a feet away from them or something.

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Avoozl said:

I had this idea where they see everything grey except for life sources which are red.

Or they see everything as grey, their current target as red, and other life sources as green.


Like the aliens in Battleship the movie.

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Zulk-RS said:

You can fire all your weapons at the same time but if you're not in their line of sight, they don't know you're hiding behind that wall that's like a feet away from them or something.

You mean, if sound is blocked and they are not awake. If they are already awake, they always know perfectly where the player is, even if they are instructed specifically not to actively roam (MF_AMBUSH flag). They don't need to have actually made visual contact with the player at any time in order to find him (which is what makes true "stealth" gameplay hard, but not impossible to do convincingly in Doom).

If viewed from the automap with full IDDT cheats, the player acts as an attractor for the monsters, almost like a gravity source, and this behavior can actually be exploited for monster "herding", "locking", "pulling" or "extraction" tactics.

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raymoohawk said:

the revenant can even see with empty eye sockets

Oh... you just inspired me to reach a stunning conclusion.
You know how the Revenant has two rocket launchers, but fires only one rocket?
the other launcher is actually a very-well disguised eye.
Beat that!

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raymoohawk said:

the revenant can even see with empty eye sockets

Yes, but not very well. That's why it wanders all over the place :P

bzzrak said:

You know how the Revenant has two rocket launchers, but fires only one rocket?

This has been corrected in my mod. However, because it fires two rockets now, I had to lower the damage output from each rocket... for balance reasons.

bzzrak said:

the other launcher is actually a very-well disguised eye.
Beat that!

Now THAT'S a good theory... You win a cookie. I hope you like snicker-doodle.

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bzzrak said:

Beat that!

The rockets ARE the Revenant's eyes. How do you think they can home-in on you? *grabs bzzrak's cookie*

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They're all fitted with cybernetic eyes that allows them to see you regardless of distance and, once they've homed in on your heat signature, can see you through walls. The reason they can't see through walls initially is because they hadn't locked in on you yet.

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maybe their eyes are vestigial and they just perceive their environment. many of the monsters in quake did not need eyes, maybe the doom monsters are similar

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