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DOOM - Free Update 4 Adds Arcade Mode, Classic SnapMap Modules

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Can someone please thoroughly explain what Arcade Mode is? Everywhere I've googled, no one's given a good explanation of it...

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Linguica said:


brb, adding this Linguicaism as a random quit message to my mod

RexFesto696 said:

Can someone please thoroughly explain what Arcade Mode is? Everywhere I've googled, no one's given a good explanation of it...

Well, you might have to wait a while until that shows up...

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I'm surprised, outside the gigantic arcade mode numbers this looks pretty good and there are a lot of additions and fixes. I thought this'd be half-assed considering how the hype for the game already died out as is the norm for most game releases after the first month or two.

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Thank You for pinpointing me to the simple info that so many people and so many sites failed to provide (I don't mean you guys at all).

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The only way arcade mode can be interesting if they changed gameplay flow, enemies placement, different situations....if not then what's the point? I can already replay any level with same experience. Shadow warrior 2 offers more replay value than Doom.....arcade mode need to have something like a procedurally generated gameplay...not levels, like in SW 2. That's how I see acade mode. Every time you play you encounter different situations.

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The two new gamemodes are great, possession is infection with prowlers, and blood rush is a really tense game mode where you have an energy bar that you have to maintain in order to resplendent (you kill people for energy) very fun stuff. Arcade mode is also very fun, I've played mission 1 and it seems to be going good

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julz_d said:

63.4 gb on xbox

That means your archive checksum fucked up. It's ~11GB on Xbox just the same.

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Sitting at Rank 11 on Argent Energy Tower. Good God Arcade Mode is intense. Definitely injected new life into DOOM 2016 for sure.

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Wow, didn't expect this one to sneak up so quickly. With how quiet they were about this I assumed it to not be out until much later.

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This is good stuff! If they continue like this I will have no chance but to start making a huge campaign for this. The texture selection so far is kind of poor but it's a good start. Almost all of the classic textures are in though and due to the fact that player modules can be rotated in all sorts of ways we will be able to use the classic textures in ways that were not possible in vanilla mapping!

Applying Doom 2016 textures to 128x128 blocks makes me believe that they can be seamlessly integrated into classic Doom mapping, after a few changes!

I also really like how at home the classic Doom textures feel among the new ones. They would fit even better if we could make them darker or lighter, depending on the circumstances

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id.dav said:

The only way arcade mode can be interesting if they changed gameplay flow, enemies placement, different situations....if not then what's the point? I can already replay any level with same experience. Shadow warrior 2 offers more replay value than Doom.....arcade mode need to have something like a procedurally generated gameplay...not levels, like in SW 2. That's how I see acade mode. Every time you play you encounter different situations.

Shadow Warrior 2 is dreck.

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id.dav said:

The only way arcade mode can be interesting if they changed gameplay flow, enemies placement, different situations....if not then what's the point? I can already replay any level with same experience. Shadow warrior 2 offers more replay value than Doom.....arcade mode need to have something like a procedurally generated gameplay...not levels, like in SW 2. That's how I see acade mode. Every time you play you encounter different situations.

This would be absolutely awful if you're competing for high scores. It'd be about luck - essentially just rolling dice, hoping for high point-value monsters to appear in large quantities.

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Grid Rooms can now be resized, and textured Blocking volumes are much better now, there's even more Hell and Tech props, and let's not mention level packs are now possible, SnapMap is really getting way better .

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DMGUYDZ64 said:

Grid Rooms can now be resized, and textured Blocking volumes are much better now, there's even more Hell and Tech props, and let's not mention level packs are now possible, SnapMap is really getting way better .

They still have a long road ahead of them.

What I really want next are more textures and props but especially the ability to model blocks like an actual 3D model and then add textures. This is just the beginning and I hope they don't stop here.

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