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Did you guys experience this bug too and where are the AMA answers?

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Oh I see the answers are embedded in the AMA topic itself, one by one.

I am not really confident in their answers about another sp dlc or sequel, which puts me really really down. My frustration is that they left a cliffhanger ending and so much open-ended content and if its something that is abandoned like doom3
it will be a real damn shame.

Two of my favorite games - diablo and doom - are not getting any love (doom in terms of sp) it seems.

How on earth id decided to make post release money off mp instead of sp or both really amazes and shocks me.

Ah well, I will go try arcade mode, maybe it'll cheer me up.


P.S. This was the question and answer.

Hey guys, longtime DOOM player here, love the new iteration. My question is, do you guys have any plans for more single player content? I know a lot of us are anxious for more!

We currently don’t have any plans to create additional campaign content directly, but we have done extensive work to allow campaign style content to be created and played through the SnapMap UGC tool. We are creating a number of SP experiences that will be featured maps on the front page of SnapMap over the next couple of months and have changed the SnapMap menus to allow for easier accessibility of the best user content, including SP experiences. We hope players take a look at SnapMap for more fun content.


And here are 3 of the best reddit users' replies I found that sums up all my feelings:-

''I find this mind boggling considering that SP was the strongest part of the new Doom.''

''it's like you hate money jk lol''

''although snapmap is a cool feature, it really doesn't compare to the full features actual devs of a game have. i think saying no to SP content because we have snapmap is a cop-out.''

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massivefanofdoom said:

i think saying no to SP content because we have snapmap is a cop-out.

That is absolutely not what they said at all.

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Edward850 said:

That is absolutely not what they said at all.

I didn't say devs said that.

That is a fan reply and his interpretation / opinion, which I lean towards agreeing with personally. Pay attention to what I wrote before storming out of the gate ready to start a shitstorm, and get off whiteknight / id fanboy - apologist mode for a second.

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It is absolutely impossible for me to understand the flow of that post. I can't tell what's yours and what's somebody else's random text. Also you'll probably find that I'm the last person to "apologise" for any developers behaviour.

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Edward850 said:

It is absolutely impossible for me to understand the flow of that post. I can't tell what's yours and what's somebody else's random text.

Yepp I know, I edited now. Still interesting how you picked on that one thing and it seemed as if you wanted to bait me into another shitfest. Not gonna happen. Not today.

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They won't "abandon" this like Doom 3. id was a very different company back then (and so was the rest of the gaming industry) and with this game's success and them being owned by Bethesda you can bet they'll run the franchise to the ground.

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MrSkeltal said:

They won't "abandon" this like Doom 3. id was a very different company back then (and so was the rest of the gaming industry) and with this game's success and them being owned by Bethesda you can bet they'll run the franchise to the ground.

I hope you are right sir, i really like what you are saying and it gives me hope and a positive feeling, but i just dont know what the future holds so its hard to say if circumstances will force id to abandon this reboot's setting. No one can really tell for sure.

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MrSkeltal said:

with this game's success and them being owned by Bethesda you can bet they'll run the franchise to the ground.

How so?...

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I don't think he means that in a negative way. Id is most likely to profit on what has been settled for the franchise thus far with just one game released.

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MrSkeltal said:

They won't "abandon" this like Doom 3. id was a very different company back then (and so was the rest of the gaming industry) and with this game's success and them being owned by Bethesda you can bet they'll run the franchise to the ground.

Bethesda = The Lord of Best Sellers and the most bugged games...

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