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I can't be the only one here who highly dislikes slaughtermaps

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BoJustBo said:

Because you have to beat something to know for certain you disslike it?

No, because you should try good slaughter maps instead of only bad ones before you dismiss the category as a whole. If the only apple you ever ate was a rotten one, you might think that apples are nasty, until somebody finally talks you into trying a good one. You still might dislike it, but at least you would have given it a fair chance.

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rileymartin said:

Is this the part where we get into a numbers argument as to how high the monster count needs to be to qualify as a slaughtermap™? Go 2 It has ~200 monsters, Memento Mori map23 has ~300 and Scythe 2 map28 has ~400(?). What Stardate does is forgo monster spam and tediousness in favour of shorter encounters where every enemy has a purpose and player space is limited. Plus a few of the later maps have around 1k or more enemies so there you go.

My opinion as a professional slaughtermapper is that 2k is around the sweet spot as far as high monster count maps go. If you're playing something with 5k+ enemies it's probably tedious dogshit, i.e. Sunder map11.

Map07 of Claustrophobia 1024 strikes me as a slaughtermap, even though it is 1024x1024 and probably has <150 monsters.

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People have differing likes/dislikes and that's great, something to enjoy for everyone in doom. I only have issues with slaughtermap's when they meld with classic maps and create products that are rather divisive. I say this because slaughter maps are typically harder than your standard maps and have gameplay that is not suited to everyone. Modern wad's have been much better with the consistency across the mapset where I can recommend BTSX and D2TWID for one person and Sunlust + Toilet of the God's to another. With AV and scythe 2 the pitch instead becomes.... "You will probably love the first 20 maps and hate the final episode".

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Slaughtermaps are fun when they're not completely overwhelming and unfair. Having made some borderline and slaughterish maps, I know how to do things.

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I'm actually a big fan of the megawad throwing in slaughtermaps here and there. It worked well in Scythe 2, SoD, Resurgence etc. to add some gameplay variety.

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Eris Falling said:

23 - According to ancalagon this was some single-map techbase wad
28 - Enlarged sections of Doom 64 MAP13, 17 and 21 all stitched together. I can't find the start area though.

The starting area of MAP28 reminded me of this, MAP23 is probably another map by the same author.

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