Guest DILDOMASTER666 Posted November 1, 2016 Nevander said:UDMF might not be, but WAD is. So don't use WADs to store your graphics if you want to use that feature. "pack-oni_str_blue000" is a perfectly valid texture name if the file "Textures\pack-oni_str_blue000.png" exists in your zip/pk3/pk7. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
irukanjji Posted November 1, 2016 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
MinerOfWorlds Posted November 1, 2016 irukanjji said: Thank's but i already have that it's really fun 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nevander Posted November 2, 2016 Little preview of my secret map from the new episode I plan to make. I'm sure you'll be looking forward to this... :D NOTE: It's in a VERY early stage, I literally made what you see there in about 10 minutes (including badly ripping that texture from the beta screenshot). Consider it proof of concept. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arctangent Posted November 2, 2016 Yeah that definitely looks more like you slapped Doom 64 textures into GZDoom without actually aiming for its look. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
JohnnyTheWolf Posted November 2, 2016 Is that supposed to be a remake of TNT Evilution's "Pharaoh"? And what "new episode" are you talking about here? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
MinerOfWorlds Posted November 2, 2016 Nevander said:Little preview of my secret map from the new episode I plan to make. I'm sure you'll be looking forward to this... :D NOTE: It's in a VERY early stage, I literally made what you see there in about 10 minutes (including badly ripping that texture from the beta screenshot). Consider it proof of concept. I can't wait to play this! i hope it work's with brutal doom 64 so in 10 minutes you can make part of a level that look's like doom 64... the power of doom builder Arctangent said:Yeah that definitely looks more like you slapped Doom 64 textures into GZDoom without actually aiming for its look. better then most, colored lighting does not mean it look's like doom 64 it look's like psx doom that's a beta map from midway, it was almost in doom 64. and it look's very similar doom 64. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nevander Posted November 2, 2016 Arctangent said:Yeah that definitely looks more like you slapped Doom 64 textures into GZDoom without actually aiming for its look. Did you even read my post? It's in a VERY. EARLY. STAGE. I know the new texture looks bad. It's not DONE YET. The others are directly from the game's ROM, truecolor PNGs. It's impossible for them to look bad. The map hasn't been sector colored yet, it hasn't even been MADE. All I have so far is that one spot to simulate the beta screenshot. Do you even know what that is? I swear I'm sick of making something cool and showing it off and only get shit for it, especially when they don't even both to read the whole damn post. Let's see if you can do better. I don't see anyone else around here trying to make old beta screenshot levels a reality. I don't see anyone else making a damn effort to do what the OP is asking. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
MinerOfWorlds Posted November 3, 2016 I'm still surprised it took this long for someone to make a sequel to doom 64. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nrg01 Posted November 3, 2016 Nevander said:*pic* I'm all ears for more PSX or N64 style content because I love their atmosphere. Looking forward to whatever you may create! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
jazzmaster9 Posted November 3, 2016 JohnnyTheWolf said:jazzmaster909 can correct me if I am wrong here, but I believe the Innocence X mapsets are supposed to be Doom 64 sequels. Innocence X uses the D64/PSX Doom style, but is pretty much its own timeline. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ClumsyCryptid Posted November 3, 2016 Been brainstorming a Doom 64 style level set since last weekend. I actually might go through with this, it's sounding pretty cool in my head. More than likely going to have it be a bridge between Doom 64 and the new Doom just because I like that fan theory. When I have enough material ready I'll make a thread to showcase what I've done to it so far. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
MinerOfWorlds Posted November 4, 2016 Preliatus said:Been brainstorming a Doom 64 style level set since last weekend. I actually might go through with this, it's sounding pretty cool in my head. More than likely going to have it be a bridge between Doom 64 and the new Doom just because I like that fan theory. When I have enough material ready I'll make a thread to showcase what I've done to it so far. Great! when you post the thread can you put a link here so i can find it? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nevander Posted November 4, 2016 So far things are going great on my end. Getting the hang of Hexen format and how best to do sector coloring among other things. So far I have successfully and accurately ported/remade Staging Area, Hectic, Playground, Hardcore, and Cat and Mouse. I also did the Titlemap level and made it playable. I did these first because they are the shortest and least complex, they were good practice for the main game's maps. The skies go where they are supposed to go, 3D floors are used to recreate things like the support structure stuff in Cat and Mouse and the floating disc thing in Staging Area. Same goes for Hectic. You will be able to see the torches on the wall, the green fire sky, and have the Hell Knights appear as normal with their areas covered. Something normally impossible in the Doom engine, but thanks to 3D floors, made possible. I love 3D floors. I figured out a foolproof way of creating Doom 64 style "split doors," or doors which open from the middle and one half of the door goes down and the other up. The trick was to use an ACS script to do the bottom half as a platform/lift and the top half as a normal door. This allows you to be in the middle of the door when it closes and have it go back down if something or you is blocking it. Works on monsters too. Made it so that the correct sounds are played through the use of Sound Sequence things and last but not least, made the sidedef textures stay in place when the door opens. I'm adjusting the player height to match Doom 64's height, along with the monster sizes. Dozens of other minor changes to Doom 2's core style, to more accurately recreate Doom 64. Dare I say this will be the most accurate remake of Doom 64 for GZDoom. No offense to the creators of the other one (GZDOOM64), this one is where it's at. I still plan to show off what I have very soon, once I get some more things tweaked and worked out. And yes I know, this thread is about a sequel not the main game. Well, I still of course plan to do that, but it will come last. Once I have all the practice I need with this format and really know what I'm doing, I will be able to make some kickass maps in Doom 64's spirit. Stay tuned folks. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted November 4, 2016 DooM_RO said:Maybe Mark will make a Brutal Doom 64 Starter Pack. Sure, but as it stands, Brutal Doom 64 is a bit of a mess. It's super inconsistent in terms of lighting and for some reason the secret levels that aren't really meant for normal play were put in the main map rotation. It feels incomplete, awesome as it is. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
MinerOfWorlds Posted November 4, 2016 Nevander said:And yes I know, this thread is about a sequel not the main game. Well, I still of course plan to do that, but it will come last. Once I have all the practice I need with this format and really know what I'm doing, I will be able to make some kickass maps in Doom 64's spirit. All i wanted was someone to make a sequel and post a link so this is better since it helps you make better doom 64 maps and i hope you can show a demo soon. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nevander Posted November 4, 2016 GoatLord said:Sure, but as it stands, Brutal Doom 64 is a bit of a mess. It's super inconsistent in terms of lighting and for some reason the secret levels that aren't really meant for normal play were put in the main map rotation. It feels incomplete, awesome as it is. Fixing this in my version of Doom 64 for GZDoom. The bonus "fun" levels are accessible from the main menu as their own standalone episodes which return to the main menu upon completion and are NOT in the main map order. Normally they had to be warped to from the Features menu in vanilla Doom 64 as you know. As far as lighting goes, I am trying to come as close to Doom 64's colors and brightness levels as I possibly can by comparing sectors in Doom Builder 64 and Doom Builder 2, as well as in-game testing by playing the same level in Doom 64 EX to get the colors right. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
JohnnyTheWolf Posted November 4, 2016 Tell me more about this project of yours. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nevander Posted November 5, 2016 JohnnyTheWolf said:Tell me more about this project of yours. I saw your other post on ZDoom forums about someone doing a simple "remaster" of Doom 64, well, I would say my project will fit that bill. My current goal is to port all Doom 64 maps to GZDoom and to be as accurate as possible, down to the scripts and sector colors and lighting. Of course some compromises have to be made, but over time I may find ways to overcome them. A good example is split doors. Some doors in Doom 64 open from the middle, well, I found a flawless way to incorporate them into GZDoom using some scripting and sound sequences. My project will not have gore effects or cut enemies, it will be 100% pure Doom 64 in GZDoom. Textures and sprites are NOT compressed or modified, they are direct from the game's ROM. The only exception is weapons. The weapons will have minor changes to their animations to be better looking and smoother, just like you said: "improved visual and sound effects as well as overall polish." In addition to all that, I am planning to do my own NRFTL style 9-map episode to bridge the story gap between Doom 64 and DOOM 2016, as I too believe they are canon to one another. The episode will end in such a way that it will make complete sense if you were to start up the new DOOM directly after beating it (an "oh that's why" moment). I am debating whether or not to include the weapon from the old screenshot in the new episode as a new weapon exclusive to it (much like Duke Nukem added the Incinerator which was a cut weapon originally). Brutal Doom 64 added it as a laser style gun, but it looks more like a flamethrower to me and thus would behave as such if I were to include it. The goal of the project is to make Doom 64 playable in GZDoom as a standard experience with the full content there. Since I highly doubt Midway or Williams will ever port it to PC themselves, this or D64EX is the best we will most likely get. I may make a thread soon and make it official once I have more to show off. So far I have brought over all monsters, props, weapons, textures, and have finished 6 maps in addition to making the Titlemap playable as a normal level (selected on main menu). TL;DR: Porting Doom 64 to GZDoom myself, aiming for a threshold of at least 90% accuracy with minor changes. 100% accuracy is impossible, but that's why emulators and EX exists. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
JohnnyTheWolf Posted November 5, 2016 Sounds great! I am looking forward hearing more about this project of yours. :D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nevander Posted November 6, 2016 The Terraformer has so much shit going on, there's more to it than you think. My SCRIPTS lump for that one map is already like 200 lines. That's including the crusher thing outside and the blue key puzzle. At least not every map later on has such complicated stuff. I think the map designers got bored near the end and stopped making cool scripted stuff and just made maps, either that or the techbase maps have more interesting stuff just because of the technological aspect. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
MinerOfWorlds Posted November 6, 2016 Nevander said:the blue key puzzle. Finally i hated that brutal doom 64 didn't have it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
JohnnyTheWolf Posted November 6, 2016 Why is that? I thought it was more annoying than anything. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arctangent Posted November 6, 2016 So did you ever actually get the lighting to look like Doom 64's. Because that concept still needs proving. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
MinerOfWorlds Posted November 6, 2016 JohnnyTheWolf said:Why is that? I thought it was more annoying than anything. I thought it was a good idea but you always know what button to push and i like having a full tc. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nevander Posted November 6, 2016 Arctangent said:So did you ever actually get the lighting to look like Doom 64's. Because that concept still needs proving. Well the only way the lighting will look identical is by playing it in something like EX (and maybe the jDoom TC, does it get the lighting identical? not sure). With that said, it's possible to come very close to the lighting like fading a color up a wall but it can only be done with a glowing flat, but there's no way I'm gonna make copies of every flat definition where a glow goes and re-assign them in the editor. That would take forever, therefor I am trying to come as close as possible to the overall room colors and match them up to the source. Over time it may require some tweaking, but that's always the last and easiest thing to fix up. For right now my goal is to get it close enough, and get all the maps done. After that there's plenty of time for fixing the colors or trying new techniques. So is it identical to Doom 64? No of course not. Is it close enough? I'd say so. If you gotta have that perfect lighting then that's why we have EX. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
JohnnyTheWolf Posted November 6, 2016 MinerOfWorlds said:I thought it was a good idea but you always know what button to push and i like having a full tc. As far as I can tell, BD64 just skips the timed puzzle. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
MinerOfWorlds Posted November 6, 2016 Nevander said:Well the only way the lighting will look identical is by playing it in something like EX (and maybe the jDoom TC, does it get the lighting identical? not sure). With that said, it's possible to come very close to the lighting like fading a color up a wall but it can only be done with a glowing flat, but there's no way I'm gonna make copies of every flat definition where a glow goes and re-assign them in the editor. That would take forever, therefor I am trying to come as close as possible to the overall room colors and match them up to the source. Over time it may require some tweaking, but that's always the last and easiest thing to fix up. For right now my goal is to get it close enough, and get all the maps done. After that there's plenty of time for fixing the colors or trying new techniques. So is it identical to Doom 64? No of course not. Is it close enough? I'd say so. If you gotta have that perfect lighting then that's why we have EX. Unless you look at them side by side you won't notice. JohnnyTheWolf said:As far as I can tell, BD64 just skips the timed puzzle. Which i don't like he also changed a lot of level so if Nevander makes all the original levels it will make brutal doom 64 better. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nevander Posted November 6, 2016 For my version, it's important that I make the puzzles act as close to the original as possible. Gotta have that original and faithful experience. It's a good thing ACS came along with Hexen and not with Doom 64. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
MinerOfWorlds Posted November 6, 2016 Nevander said:For my version, it's important that I make the puzzles act as close to the original as possible. Gotta have that original and faithful experience. What about the player's speed? it's slower in doom 64. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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