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How will id handle a Hell on Earth sequel?

Koko Ricky

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Because they really botched it last time, resulting in the game being cancelled and a second reboot of the original Doom going into development. We ended up with a pretty damn good game as a result, but we still haven't gotten a Doom 2 reboot. I imagine the next iteration of the series will go in this direction. What are some do's and don'ts id ought to be aware of?

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Just don't mess up the wonderful FPS foundation that's already there.

I really want the next game to be Hell on Earth. I'm tired of those endless space stations. Would be really cool to jump around and climb onto stuff in a devastated futuristic city under siege by demons.

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Ya, I think putting an emphasis on verticality would be really cool. They would have to find a way to mix it up quite a bit throughout the game, for aisthetic and pacing pourposes.

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1- lots of demons and guns
2- holograms of citizens/events that happened while you were on mars
3- verticality and atmosphere
4- earth like world, perverted by hell's influence

Wait. Why should it be on Earth? Why not Doomslayer's destroyed world?

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Because it's more personal to, well, us. It's relatable unlike some alien homeworld. Besides, it'd be cool to see a demonic invasion of high tech Earth cities.

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I imagine earth would be some overpopulated cyberpunk mess of tech and grit for the doomslayer to wreck havoc upon demons in, I can't wait to see what they do with earth

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It seems possible that we will see a sequel in 2017 or 2018 considering how well liked the last game was.

Or the franchise could die for another 10 years like happened after Doom 3. Only time will tell.

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The way it ended, they obviously aren't done with hell. But, that doesn't mean the whole game has to be in hell.

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I say introduce more zombie fodder. Not the melee kind but the classic style zombiemen, just revamped for the modern Doom. Bring back those old school Doom feels by giving us that fodder to kill from a distance. Not sure if they should shoot projectiles or not... but I'm open to either one.

Also like others said, keep the excellent foundations of Doom 2016's mechanics. I want to see them push for excellent city ruins that create astonishing visuals and map design.

Imagine a collapsed tower with several breaches you can jump in and out of while in combat against hordes of Demons. I'm imaging a orange / redish sky in the city maps. It could just be me but, I wouldn't mind more gory architecture and props paying homage to the classic Dooms.

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They should get rid of the possessed security. Those assholes kill the flow of the gameplay. It's like whenever I see them it's, "Oh god, not these annoying fucks...". Then I have to stop everything I'm doing and focus on them. If "boner killer" ever gets put in the dictionary, these guys would have a portrait there.

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They're not so bad if you know how to juke them. They gave me a little trouble but after a bit of experimentation I got a pretty reliable way to take them down. To me they seem like a necessary evil, like the pain elemental and archvile of the original games.

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Yeah, the whole "Hell on Earth" thing is an iffy concept. Doom has always been a game of isolation. You're a lone survivor, battling against all odds. Throw earth into the equation and now you're looking at the stupid "resistance" concept that ruined the 2011 version of the game. It just isn't Doom. It lacks the hopelessness. There shouldn't be hordes of humans running around, or else it will just feel like Call of Duty but with demons. They had this problem already, and I don't think there is any way around it. I'd prefer to see id explore alternatives in the future.

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hardcore_gamer said:

It seems possible that we will see a sequel in 2017 or 2018 considering how well liked the last game was.

No. 3-4 years is the minimum here. We're looking at 2020 for DOOM5.

RUSH said:

Yeah, the whole "Hell on Earth" thing is an iffy concept. Doom has always been a game of isolation. You're a lone survivor, battling against all odds. Throw earth into the equation and now you're looking at the stupid "resistance" concept that ruined the 2011 version of the game. It just isn't Doom. It lacks the hopelessness. There shouldn't be hordes of humans running around, or else it will just feel like Call of Duty but with demons. They had this problem already, and I don't think there is any way around it. I'd prefer to see id explore alternatives in the future.

Earth does NOT force you to have tons of human NPCs and resistance going on. They can be in hiding or evacuating (:cough:DOOM2:cough:). And really, if you're looking for hopelessness, what is more hopeless than witnessing a human extinction and devastated civilization? In fact, that ENCOURAGES isolation a lot more than just being on a distant planet.

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I've said it before, but I hope they don't go with "Hell on Earth" for the potential sequel. I would much rather see a new idea.

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Linguica said:

I've said it before, but I hope they don't go with "Hell on Earth" for the potential sequel. I would much rather see a new idea.

I second this. I feel as though I'm one of the only people that never wanted an essentially modernized version of Doom 1 & 2 to begin with.

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For me it stems from an extreme distaste for Doom 2, so I'd like to see the concept handled in a way I'd actually enjoy this time around.

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Touchdown said:

Earth does NOT force you to have tons of human NPCs and resistance going on. They can be in hiding or evacuating (:cough:DOOM2:cough:). And really, if you're looking for hopelessness, what is more hopeless than witnessing a human extinction and devastated civilization? In fact, that ENCOURAGES isolation a lot more than just being on a distant planet.

Yeah, I thought about this. I suppose Doom 2 had an "I Am Legend" thing going on, where you don't actually find a single human being anywhere. I always thought that was odd though. "Just keep fighting and you'll save a bunch of off-screen people you can't even see!" Like, fuck them man. Who cares. I just want to survive.

But okay, but I can see your point as well. If they made the human encounters few and far between, it could work. Doom 3 did that, and it was good. But I still think something new would be better.

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I would love to see a city like something out of The Fifth Element. Human wise, needs to have some sort of resistance going on, but most people are chained up, enslaved, tortured. It needs to be fucked up.

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Common sense. Even call of duty would take 2 years or so for each of activisions dev teams to pump out back to back. Id is still working on dlc, quake, after launch support for quake.

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hardcore_gamer said:

And you know this how?

Dishonored 2 took 4 years. DOOM4 (the current version) took 3 years. New Wolfenstein is still not even announced 2 years after TNO. XCOM2 took 4 years. Shadow Warrior 2 took 3 years. It's just a rough estimate based on how long it takes to develop AAA games with a (more or less) steady development.

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Linguica said:

I've said it before, but I hope they don't go with "Hell on Earth" for the potential sequel. I would much rather see a new idea.

MFG38 said:

I second this. I feel as though I'm one of the only people that never wanted an essentially modernized version of Doom 1 & 2 to begin with.

For real? I feel Doom 2 city maps were the biggest let down environmental wise. Also some of the most boring with only a couple exceptions.

Are you not keen because you weren't big of a fan of Doom 2 or just don't like the concept of repeating Doom 2 or don't trust id's ability to create both a stunning and fluid

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Here's how I would do it.

The Single Player campaign is about the Doomguy and his adventures on Mars, its moons and Hell.

A separate adn half as long 4 player COOP campaign inspired by Stronghold takes place on Earth where your task is to keep the demons at bay.

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Chezza said:

Are you not keen because you weren't big of a fan of Doom 2 or just don't like the concept of repeating Doom 2 or don't trust id's ability to create both a stunning and fluid

The latter. I like Doom 2 as much as almost any other Doom game, but I just feel that following up DOOM '16 with a sequel taking place on Earth would just be excessive stroking of the nostalgia boner. To put it in perspective, I was worried about the old-school direction DOOM '16 was supposedly taking before it was revealed at last year's E3. While I did want it to be closer to original Doom gameplay-wise, I also didn't want it to be too close to original Doom. I know that probably won't make sense to you, but eh. I tried.

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From what little I've seen from the canned version of Doom 4 it looks reminiscent of what I'd imagine a rebooted Doom II Hell On Earth would look like.

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Hell on Earth with the Tech we have now, can be fucking amazing. You can have isolation, open areas, everything you want. The only thing they need to avoid is trying to be "TOO SERIOUS with LONG AND DRAMATIC CUTSCENES!!"

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Doom 2 shouldn't be Hell on Earth 2, that would be boring. It would be cool to play on Earth for one or two mid-game levels but that's it.

It could be Mars/Moons > Earth > Hell.

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DooM_RO said:

Doom 2 shouldn't be Hell on Earth 2, that would be boring.

Totalle agree. It would actually look like a renarration of the original games.

DooM_RO said:

It could be Mars/Moons > Earth > Hell.

I'd expect Hell (due to the ending of Doom 2016) > Earth (surprise: Teleport to invaded Earth instead of Mars) > (Hell) > Mars (get some stored relict) > Hell

Edit: Btw, I don't expect them to feature a lot of Earth levels. Why? Because everybody has very specific expectations. On Mars they could create a artificial environment which justs fits to their design ideas. I'd imagine an Advanced Research Complex like starport level but other classics like Suburbs, Downtown and so on might look more like Rage 2 / Call of Doom than Doom 2016.

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It's funny how people think Earth would be boring but they're perfectly fine with EVEN MORE fucking space station levels, like we didn't have the last TWO games filled with them already. But yeah, sure. More techbases. Yay. Sooo interesting.

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