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Specific Things in Doom that annoy you

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Just because the red fades away back to your normal vision doesn't mean the berserk pack has worn off, it lasts for the entire level. So you can keep bonking the baddies on their craniums with your fists until you hit the exit switch.

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Theoretically, the Berserk Pack has a finite lifespan but it's in decades, unless I'm mistaken. Nobody in their right mind would play one level long enough for it to matter.

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Thanks for the info, guys. I've used the berserk pack so infrequently for punching that I suppose I have failed to pick up (lol) on this basic point. Generally I just treat this item as a 100% health pack. If the punching in regular Doom could be as satisfying as it is when using the Project MSX mod (which I've only recently discovered), I guess I'd use it a lot more...

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Personally, I can't find very many situations outside of maybe a horde of Pinkies where a berserked fist comes more in handy than the chainsaw, since the chainsaw can atleast exploit enemies with high pain chance such as the Cacodemon.

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Summer Deep said:

Having to play a whole level or a large part of one without armour.

Is this a issue that bothers other people?

In my maps I struggle with armour because unlike health, the smallest proper pickup is 100%. It's like four medikits in one go. It seems like such overkill I never really know when to use one, so I think I don't put enough in.

If I put in lots of health instead, is it an issue that my maps lack armour?

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Bauul said:

Is this a issue that bothers other people?


If I put in lots of health instead, is it an issue that my maps lack armour?

It can be a fun way to spice up D1-leaning gameplay, but lack of armor* blows with the D2 heavy hitters and exaggerates the wide RNG range. I much prefer infrequent health pickups with reliable armor to the inverse.

In maps of conventional difficulty, it's not a huge issue for survival-style play. But don't like armorless play one bit in maps that are hard enough for avoiding projectile-based damage altogether to be an Okuplukian feat.

*When I say "lack of armor" I mean an actual paucity of armor in the level, not "the map had a blue armor and a green armor but the player ate way too much damage in the first encounters and wasted both of them and saved the game and now has ages to go before they get the next armor." That should be a reset.

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Lack of armour really grinds my gonads, especially when it's placed in some far-off corner of a non-linear map. Throw the player a green early on and tune up the difficulty of the fights if you have to.

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Just put a green armor near the beginning, and spread a bunch of armor bonuses around throughout the level.

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  • 3 weeks later...
MetroidJunkie said:

Personally, I can't find very many situations outside of maybe a horde of Pinkies where a berserked fist comes more in handy than the chainsaw, since the chainsaw can atleast exploit enemies with high pain chance such as the Cacodemon.

Actually, I see just the opposite. It annoys me to no end that cacos and pinkies will sometimes attack me through the chainsaw, and there's nothing I can do about it. I very much prefer to move in, punch, and move away/dodge.

Besides that, imps and gunners are usually dead in one punch, so they don't need the stun. Revenants, mancubi, hell knights, and barons have too low a pain chance to remain stunned for the duration of the chainsaw kill, in most cases. However, hell knights and barons are easy to punch to death if you are decent at timing. Revs and mancubi are tougher, but still do-able.

I still have yet to punch out arachnotrons, spider-masterminds, and cyberdemons. Just chicken, I guess. :-P

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Zerk is really strong if the rng gods smile upon you. 1-2 shotting almost everything is glorious. It is almost like a lower range ssg with no reload time. But needs luck and way more dodging.

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MetroidJunkie said:

Theoretically, the Berserk Pack has a finite lifespan but it's in decades, unless I'm mistaken. Nobody in their right mind would play one level long enough for it to matter.

IIrc, it's 2^31-1 or 2^32-1 tics.

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42PercentHealth said:

I still have yet to punch out arachnotrons, spider-masterminds, and cyberdemons. Just chicken, I guess. :-P

You need to play more CYBIE.WAD <3

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Maes said:

You need to play more CYBIE.WAD <3

I've seen a Tyson run of e2m8... Not sure I have the patience to try some 3-digit number of attempts.

That being said, a cyber would probably be the easiest critter to punch to death among those listed.

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I generally don't mind fighting a Lone Baron once in a while with the Shotgun or Chaingun but what annoys me is that it feels like I'm shooting a brick wall since they have so much health for small arms and they don't get knocked back. Also they don't have satisfying pain state.

The same can be said about the Hell Knight but since I know they're so much weaker than their cousins, I don't mind it as much.

Other mid-tier monsters have much more satisfying pain state, especially the Mancubi and the Archvile.

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The Doom 1 and 2 are highly good engines/game play.
There aren't much things which aren't cool or that may be annoying.

The cool thing which is needed sometimes is to jump.

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Even with the radiation shielding suit, I can still get hurt by the -20 damage floors which is rare thankfully

When you use a rocket launcher, I blow myself up by either a Pinky Demon or a Lost Soul

The health of the Lost Soul is too much since they are supernatural beings. Why couldn't it be 20 health?

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41 minutes ago, YukiTakashi said:

The health of the Lost Soul is too much since they are supernatural beings. Why couldn't it be 20 health?

This is quite a common complaint from what I've seen, but I somewhat disagree.


I like that of the lower tier weapons, the only one that can kill a Lost Soul in a single shot is the SSG at near point-blank range. If you could easily kill them from 20 feet away with the standard shotgun, it would remove a lot of their threat I think.

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1 hour ago, YukiTakashi said:

The health of the Lost Soul is too much since they are supernatural beings.

Well, this is the first time I've ever seen someone rationalize that entities that are beyond the existence of the natural world should be frailer than those that are part of it, at least by default.


I mean, that ignores the whole fact that every single other enemy besides the zombies are also supernatural beings, meaning that you're basically saying that the cyberdemon should have 20 health as well, but y'know.

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I hate it when lost souls slowly creep into the room when I just pulled out the RL.

I really hate it when you dodge mancubus shots just to seemingly get noclipped by them.

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How about old school annoyances like having to edit your config.sys and autoexec.bat files to allow Doom enough memory to run? Oh, and sudden visplane overflow errors. Hated those!

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Being forced to kill pain elementals with a rocket launcher.

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cacodemons that "climb" up tall structures and with their infinitely tall wisdom, bite you from 10 stories above and roast you with super fast vertical fireballs. Then when you get close enough to them, they descend, but never enough to touch the ground, and just high enough for that sniping arachnatron across the valley to incinerate you without hitting all those cacodemons in your face.


also lost souls are racist.

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1 hour ago, 40oz said:

cacodemons that "climb" up tall structures and with their infinitely tall wisdom, bite you from 10 stories above and roast you with super fast vertical fireballs. Then when you get close enough to them, they descend, but never enough to touch the ground, and just high enough for that sniping arachnatron across the valley to incinerate you without hitting all those cacodemons in your face.


also lost souls are racist.

Infinite height is a cruel mistress.

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7 hours ago, Megalyth said:

Infinite height is a cruel mistress.

It's more or less for this reason alone that my preferred source ports are typically ZDoom derivatives, unless the text file / wad explicitly states it should be played in X port.

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