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Specific Things in Doom that annoy you

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  On 5/27/2017 at 9:56 PM, Nine Inch Heels said:

I'm of the opposite opinion... Unless you have a very good reason not to use the highest dmg-ratio, you should use the hightest dmg-ratio.


Nothing's worse than having to wait for low dmg ticks to kill the player in an inescapeable pit.


What GarrettChan said, it's annoying to have to run through long pits or pools of mandatory type 16 damaging floor (lava, nukage, water which should NEVER be used unless exceptions) in order to do progression, and not having at least one radiation suit in hand. Imagine you need to backtrack more than once to open X door or to grab urgent health, and there is type 16 lava in the path, it's like you go for that health and when you return you have less health/armor than what you had  before because of that inevitable lava floor. 


Inescapable pits are tedious too in certain occasions.

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5% damaging floors are usually such that the player can strategically tank damage for seemingly long stretches if needed, given a typical balance of H/A (that is, not exceptionally stingy or something). At similar balances, 10% damaging floors will allow some momentary damage tanking, but it's more something to be avoided. And 20%+ damaging floors tend to convey 'you really aren't supposed to be here'.


At very generous balances of H/A, 10% damaging floors can function a lot like 5% damaging floors would at more typical balances, and often aren't so effective of a soft barrier anymore. That is where casual use of escapable 20% damaging floors becomes more relevant. 


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Edited by rdwpa

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I don't like when user maps are brimming with detail and sexy custom textures, but almost no attention is given to the lighting, making everything look kind of boring and flat.

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  On 5/29/2017 at 8:48 PM, Woolie Wool said:

I hate how pinkies, barons, and hell knights have no knees. How the hell are they supposed to walk?


(those backwards "knees" are their ankles, since they're unguligrade creatures)


I like how they fixed this in Doom 64. It's kind of a bitter-sweet feeling, since Doom 64's Barons and Knights are the redesigns I like the least from that game, but at the same time I much prefer the anatomically corrected joints they have.

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Standing too close to a barrel that you know is there, and not being able to move away fast enough while a Zombieman kills you with said barrel.

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Just replace the chaingun sprites with it and set up the offsets and animations so it looks about right. DECORATE helps to get a nice looking animation without altering the behavior of the weapon. Of course this means no chaingun unless you want to add an even faster chaingun as a new weapon.

Edited by Woolie Wool

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  On 6/1/2017 at 2:01 AM, Woolie Wool said:

Just replace the chaingun sprites with it and set up the offsets and animations so it looks about right. DECORATE helps to get a nice looking animation without altering the behavior of the weapon. Of course this means no chaingun unless you want to add an even faster chaingun as a new weapon.


Yet that creates the conundrum of zombies not dropping their rifles- unless you want every zombieman to drop what amounts to a chaingun. Which necessitates redesigning the balance to fit getting such a good weapon so early. It's a cascading effect, really.

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You could just...not have zombies drop them? Quite a few mods (Mordeth and Valiant, just to name a couple off the top of my head) don't let chaingunners drop their chainguns for balance reasons.

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I don't like seeing the term 'circle-strafe fight' refer to fights where you can do basically anything and win. A more meaningful definition is a fight where circle-strafing is far and away the most viable strategy. A common example would be projectile monsters packed densely in a simple box-shaped room, where not circle-strafing will allow them to flank or corner you. Fights that allow you to do lots of other things aren't circle-strafe fights. If there are two barons or a single cyberdemon in a 1024x1024 room, for example, that isn't a circle-strafe fight.

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Too many wads are getting post-idgames updates these days. Yeah, I get that sometimes bugs are discovered afterwards, and there's often an influx of bug reports at that stage because some of the more meticulous testers will only play a mapset when it is """final""" (so, they work towards their own irony), but it's annoying not to be able to tell when you can start recording on something, and to also have to worry about potential sync issues with multiple versions floating around, because sometimes changes are not announced.  


Some project big wigs are good with announcing that an update probably will happen, like dobu with TNT: Revilution, and some are good with not making changes to maps that already have demos, like BTSX E1. But people take their cues from the big name projects, so it's worth putting a foot down and establishing some boundaries, just so this sort of messiness doesn't become the new normal. Because not everyone will try to do that sort of damage control.


I think I saw it mentioned that the new overhaul to idgames will allow mappers to update their files more easily -- and silently. Seems like a dreadful idea. This is one case where a minor inconvenience is a good barrier to people jumping the gun to upload things in the first place, and then spamming frivolous updates afterwards. If the cacoward-winning sex-appeal-machine Sunlust can leave that baron/HK chimera in map30 among other things, then your maps can afford to keep the non-game-breakers in as well.

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I like bottomless pits too, as long as it's not as gimmicky as "the chasm". 20 dmg pools are a problem when you're forced to cross that pool several times

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  On 6/10/2017 at 12:12 PM, rdwpa said:

Too many wads are getting post-idgames updates these days. Yeah, I get that sometimes bugs are discovered afterwards, and there's often an influx of bug reports at that stage because some of the more meticulous testers will only play a mapset when it is """final""" (so, they work towards their own irony), but it's annoying not to be able to tell when you can start recording on something, and to also have to worry about potential sync issues with multiple versions floating around, because sometimes changes are not announced.  


I'm the one who only likes to play the final version though I'm not a tester... Now I think about it, testers are kind of "frustrated" because they probably are asked to play multiple versions. Probably this is off topic. This reminds me two days ago talking to my friend about game designs. He said he wants his game to be dead perfect, and fixes every single glitch/exploit if possible. However, there're some designers like to leave some glitches/exploits here and there (excluding bugs that prevents the game running properly). There is a indie game designer who said, "I know the exploit of XXX, but I just don't want to fix that." Therefore, I guess that how many updates may depend on the style of designers, but when you are talking about synchronization of different download sources, I do think designers should announce and keep all of the sources updated.


BTW, I found an inescapable pit with 5% damaging floor on D2TWID Map29! I was stupid enough to fall into and didn't find a way to get back up (if there's any). I think esselfortium was trolling, JK, just didn't realize ;)

Edited by GarrettChan

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when you shoot a Zombieman at very close range with a super shotgun and he survives.

when a demon blocks you from jumping of a ledge, and then tries to kill you

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When a mod fucks up the item count in E1M1, causing me to not 100% it despite picking up what would be all the items in vanilla.

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Mods that don't compensate for Doom's pixel aspect ratio, resulting in literally all of the mod's art being vertically stretched and distorted. I see this constantly, in lots of really popular mods, and I don't understand how it's considered acceptable not to take into account one of the Doom engine's most basic, obvious quirks. It looks gross.


Either use art designed for Doom, or use source-port features, like the TEXTURES lump in ZDoom, which specifically allow for this to be corrected on a per-asset basis.


You'd think stuff like this would be a basic priority.

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You'd think one would realise it's because most people just don't care about a barely noticeable quirk and modders needn't take the time to remedy it due to the masses not giving two about it. :p

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If a comparison gif wasn't shoved in my face it would still remain a nonissue. It looks fine in game, I'm too busy actually playing to care about a couple of rows of pixels looking unusual.


The only reason I even replied was the way you stated it was pretty crappy and rude, essentially slating hundreds of people's efforts across numerous mods because they didn't implement something you want.


You state 'You'd think stuff like this would be a basic priority.' instead praising people's efforts on focusing on what actually is a basic priority (gameplay).

Edited by Dragonfly

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  On 6/10/2017 at 12:12 PM, rdwpa said:

Too many wads are getting post-idgames updates these days. Yeah, I get that sometimes bugs are discovered afterwards, and there's often an influx of bug reports at that stage because some of the more meticulous testers will only play a mapset when it is """final""" (so, they work towards their own irony), but it's annoying not to be able to tell when you can start recording on something, and to also have to worry about potential sync issues with multiple versions floating around, because sometimes changes are not announced.  


Some project big wigs are good with announcing that an update probably will happen, like dobu with TNT: Revilution, and some are good with not making changes to maps that already have demos, like BTSX E1. But people take their cues from the big name projects, so it's worth putting a foot down and establishing some boundaries, just so this sort of messiness doesn't become the new normal. Because not everyone will try to do that sort of damage control.


I think I saw it mentioned that the new overhaul to idgames will allow mappers to update their files more easily -- and silently. Seems like a dreadful idea. This is one case where a minor inconvenience is a good barrier to people jumping the gun to upload things in the first place, and then spamming frivolous updates afterwards. If the cacoward-winning sex-appeal-machine Sunlust can leave that baron/HK chimera in map30 among other things, then your maps can afford to keep the non-game-breakers in as well.


I'm not going to go through this whole post point by point so I will just say I disagree.

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  On 6/12/2017 at 3:59 PM, Dragonfly said:

The only reason I even replied was the way you stated it was pretty crappy and rude, essentially slating hundreds of people's efforts across numerous mods because they didn't implement something you want.


I don't recall at any point "dissing hundreds of people's efforts across numerous mods". I'm pointing out a single flaw in them. At no point did I suggest that the mods were bad as a whole because of this.

Edited by Atendega

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  On 6/10/2017 at 12:12 PM, rdwpa said:

I think I saw it mentioned that the new overhaul to idgames will allow mappers to update their files more easily -- and silently. Seems like a dreadful idea. 


Surely a good mapper just updates the version number when they upload a corrected version?


Plus you can update idgames pretty easily and silently.  In fact, idgames is a really bad example of version management.  For instance, because idgames is limited to 8 characters, it's particularly hard to include version numbers in the zip's names (in fact it's actively discouraged).  There's no way to know if someone has updated an idgames zip until you download it and check the readme, and compare version numbers.

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  On 6/1/2017 at 2:01 AM, Woolie Wool said:

Just replace the chaingun sprites with it and set up the offsets and animations so it looks about right. DECORATE helps to get a nice looking animation without altering the behavior of the weapon. Of course this means no chaingun unless you want to add an even faster chaingun as a new weapon.


Why not just replace the pistol with it since they're pistol zombies?

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Playing Doom with my SC-55 hooked up for the first time only to listen to what happens when a USB to MIDI cable fails little by little.


Only buy the second cheapest cable from Amazon, everybody!

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Though the chaingun is one of my favorite weapons, having it share that same impotent sound as the pistol really diminishes the overall presence of the weapon. I'll admit the Doom64 version certainly did it justice though, what with the recoil and everything.


Invisibility spheres in general, they're even worse in areas with hordes of projectile throwing monsters, especially when arachnotrons are present. Though it can be argued that such use could be intentional when one wants to add difficulty to a certain fight, it'd just be a gimmicky way of doing it.


Invulnerability spheres placed with the vaguest of intentions in regards to their use, and when you do find out, it's quickly surrounded by dozens of monsters.


Item placements and resource caps. I hate being forced to pick up a medikit with 96 health, or a soulsphere with 50 health and there being no other health items around. The same can obviously be said for ammo.


"Running From Evil", the music for MAP01. To me, it's become the worst thing about Doom II, far more than the abundance of Sandy and brown. It's inevitable when a MIDI track unintentionally becomes your #1 most listened to song as a result from years of map testing with Doombuilder and PWADS that don't include custom music.

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I don't remember if this happens in Vanilla, but...


Trying to quickload after dying, accidentally hitting the "end game" key, and selecting yes when I think it's asking me to load the game.  This shit drives me nuts.

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