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Specific Things in Doom that annoy you

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Bout doors, something that annoys me is when the closing sound plays twice sometimes, which makes them sound so much louder...


I also hate how loud the Plasma Gun can be...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Secrets that leave you worse off than when you found them.


Many games before and around the time of Doom had a scoring system, and so did early versions of Doom. In those games, a secret area always meant you earned some extra points, and often the most valuable items were only found in secret areas. Now Doom doesn't have scoring, but I feel like ID's levels do follow this idea somewhat. You get access to the weapons earlier, soulspheres, blue armors. Not every secret can be as good as that, but you get the idea. So my mindset is that you should benefit from finding the secrets, and not just be motivated by getting 100% on the end of level.


But on some WADs, the monster encounters are disproportionately tough versus the reward you get. It bugs me when you enter a secret area, then get torched by a dual chaingunner ambush only find a stimpack and a few clips as the payoff. Your armor is gone, and you have a net loss of 15% health. But at least you picked up some clips.


No thanks.

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When I'm in a large open map and a lot Revenants keep shooting at me homing fireball and I can't see anything because it's all covered by them.

It happened.

Definitely not a pleasing experience.

And then I savescummed right before a fireball killed me and had to restart the whole level.

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  • 3 weeks later...

When a monster takes more ammo than what is usually required to kill it, especially when practically every shot caused a pain state.

When a monster insists on killing me instead of engaging in infighting when I never hit it once.

When a fireball goes right through a monster that just died and hits me because I wasn't anticipating it.

When a map uses an IWAD midi, but it's the version of the midi where the percussion plays a couple measures too early, what's up with that?


sorry 4 bump btw


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  On 4/17/2018 at 7:49 PM, Xyzzy01 said:

When a fireball goes right through a monster that just died and hits me because I wasn't anticipating it.


This usually amuses me rather than annoys me for some reason, especially if I die from it.

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  On 4/17/2018 at 7:49 PM, Xyzzy01 said:

When a monster takes more ammo than what is usually required to kill it, especially when practically every shot caused a pain state.

When a monster insists on killing me instead of engaging in infighting when I never hit it once.

When a fireball goes right through a monster that just died and hits me because I wasn't anticipating it.



Oh damn the first one especially is common these days. Damned Arch-Viles and lucky Hell Knights, just die already.


Same for the second, the most recent case being with Revenants. A Cyberdemon is firing rockets at you, can you please just shoot him instead?!


E: As for the third one, that's how I get hit by a surprise rocket from a random Cyberdemon due to large waves of enemies covering it.

Edited by Agent6

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When you're fighting an archvile, have the perfect position for cover, duck out and shoot him, making him flinch and start chasing you, thus ruining your perfect position

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  • 2 weeks later...

Infinitely tall imps or demons that can melee you from waaay below or waaay above the ledge you're standing near.


Doom 1 maps loaded with barons that aren't even hard or tricky to deal with, they're just there to eat up your ammo. 

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When a vile decides to No Sell a direct BFG shot and kills me.

More Complex Doom complaint, but could theoretically apply to vanilla Doom: homing projectiles you can't outrun that hit like a train.


  On 5/2/2018 at 5:59 AM, EngineerKappa said:

Doom 1 maps loaded with barons that aren't even hard or tricky to deal with, they're just there to eat up your ammo. 


This. Applies to D2, also, but less so.

Another vile one (pun intended), a (near) empty courtyard populated by 1/2 arch viles (Looking at you, Epic 2 MAP07).

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  On 3/11/2018 at 11:21 AM, Agent6 said:

I also hate how loud the Plasma Gun can be...



Old post but who cares... A suggestion would be to change the sound effects using a program like SLADE or SlumpED. You can create a wad file and import the lumps (DSPLASMA and DSFIRXPL) from any other source that has new sounds, such as Ancient Aliens or Swim with the Whales, of course you have to extract the lumps from the sources first. 

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^ I used to be fine with them, but they were almost frequent in my journey into the realm of megawads thus far. There's much more annoying stuff out there than this, but they're infuriating when you're low on health and manage to somehow miss them -__- .

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It's just one of those things that must be neat to me.

And agreed, there is much more annoying stuff than that, like detail you get caught on in a major firefight, which is why I prefer simple.

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'Detail' level in itself doesn't influence how comfortable a map is to play. There are quite a lot of maps with very little 'detail' that are terribly cramped, have awkward angles, thing decorations in the wrong spot, super tall steps that are weird to move on, impassable two-sided linedefs in the playspace, the list goes on. The mid '10s and onward can be characterized by a 'do more with less' resurgence, and high-detail releases are quite rare these days (AA/Sunlust by and large top out at 'moderate detail'), but the most notable one from last year, Counterattack, has basically none of that, owing to the relatively large scales, a notable devotion to flat floors, and Mechadon's ability to keep architectural features out of the way. Intrusive detail was much more of a thing in the '00s glory days of Tormentation and prior, but these days most mappers know the basic tricks and principles to make that a non-factor, such as keeping floors flat, using fake floors via effect 242 where needed, insetting architecture that connects with walls at sub-90° angles, and so on. When awkwardness is to be found in such maps, it's a lot more often a result of a cramped scale. That fruit map in Going Down for instance would be a lot less awkward if it were 50% more spacious, which would put it more in line with typical maps. 

Edited by rdwpa

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When the best way to handle encounters is retreating or finding some cheesy spot that trivializes the fight. It's like: "Yeah, this is a cool idea. If only you were actually forced to handle this aggressively instead of being able to retreat past the door/block line and not get punished for it." i.e. I like Demonic Hordes in AV, but that map is just cheese-central.

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Not as annoying as spectres in software mode/highest quality, but I recently became real concerned about killing arachnotrons and mancubi via door-camping or in narrow spaces where they can barely move. Yesterday an arachnotron took 10 shells to die with both single and double-barreled shotguns, other times I can see how 3 of 20 bullets hit the mancubus that is behind an opened door. I know the blockmap bug is prone to happen with these two monsters, usually in the cases I mentioned. Why specifically in those cases? That's what I'd like to know... 

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  • 2 months later...

maps with unbelievably boring/generic names, like Scythe X's:

MAP01 - "Service Entrance"

MAP02 - "Garbage Disposal"

MAP03 - "Training Center"

MAP04 - "Air Cleansing"

MAP05 - "Long-Range Teleport"

MAP07 - "Hydroponic Research"

MAP08 - "Solar Power" 

MAP09 - "Holding Area" 


i mean, come on, you couldnt come up with something more interesting?

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  On 8/4/2018 at 10:08 AM, rehelekretep said:

maps with unbelievably boring/generic names, like Scythe X's:

MAP01 - "Service Entrance"

MAP02 - "Garbage Disposal"

MAP03 - "Training Center"

MAP04 - "Air Cleansing"

MAP05 - "Long-Range Teleport"

MAP07 - "Hydroponic Research"

MAP08 - "Solar Power" 

MAP09 - "Holding Area" 


i mean, come on, you couldnt come up with something more interesting?



MAP04 in Doom 64 is also called Holding Area, unbelievably lazy indeed.


So now that you mention this, MAP05 from SF3 must also have the most over-the-top name I've ever seen. "Evil Battlefield of Demons", really? Sounds like a title a 13yrs old or something would come up for a metal song lol.

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  On 8/4/2018 at 10:08 AM, rehelekretep said:

maps with unbelievably boring/generic names, like Scythe X's:

MAP01 - "Service Entrance"

MAP02 - "Garbage Disposal"

MAP03 - "Training Center"

MAP04 - "Air Cleansing"

MAP05 - "Long-Range Teleport"

MAP07 - "Hydroponic Research"

MAP08 - "Solar Power" 

MAP09 - "Holding Area" 


i mean, come on, you couldnt come up with something more interesting?


I don't mind the names so much, but the maps should at least reflect on the names. For instance, you wouldn't expect Solar Power to be a bunch of square rooms with 256 lighting and all arranged in a crude spiral.

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