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Specific Things in Doom that annoy you

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You run around

Kill all monsters in sight

No one's there

Where the hell is the exit

You leave the room

Go back later

The exit was right in front of you the whole time

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  On 2/17/2018 at 5:22 PM, SuperPCGamer said:

You run around

Kill all monsters in sight

No one's there

Where the hell is the exit

You leave the room

Go back later

The exit was right in front of you the whole time


I can relate to this to a degree, I'm unfortunately an expert at missing the obvious sometimes.

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Probably the Chaingunner's "Shotgun Chaingun". It feels so out of place in comparison with the standard chaingun sound, which uses the pistol sound. Doesn't help that the sound has the sound of the cocking shoutgun in the wavefile, so it's like everytime, it sounds like the chaingunner just cocks his gun, despite not being posible.

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I also hate when you think you killed everything but you turn around and an imp is RIGHT HERE. It's especially annoying when you have low health and your shotgun is out of ammo.

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  On 2/17/2018 at 5:22 PM, SuperPCGamer said:

You run around

Kill all monsters in sight

No one's there

Where the hell is the exit

You leave the room

Go back later

The exit was right in front of you the whole time



One of my major hates is when some map creators make 'Where the hell is the exit?' a real issue after all the monsters have been dispatched. Talk about an anticlimax or snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.The final level of No Rest For The Living comes to mind here.

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When you play a wad and the author didin't specifice how is meant to be played.For example,you find deep water segments and platforms not reachable.So,you have to switch mouselook on and allow jump.

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  On 2/19/2018 at 5:28 AM, Summer Deep said:


One of my major hates is when some map creators make 'Where the hell is the exit?' a real issue after all the monsters have been dispatched. Talk about an anticlimax or snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.The final level of No Rest For The Living comes to mind here.


The final map or the secret map? 

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  On 2/19/2018 at 3:57 PM, Chewyninja69 said:

The final map or the secret map? 



The one with the 50 or 60 imps at the beginning, then the Cyberdemon in the very cramped space after that. Pretty sure that was just the regular final map. I wasn't very good at finding secrets in this mapset and remember spending ages trying to figure out how to get the BFG at an earlier stage without success.

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  On 2/19/2018 at 4:03 PM, Summer Deep said:


The one with the 50 or 60 imps at the beginning, then the Cyberdemon in the very cramped space after that. Pretty sure that was just the regular final map. I wasn't very good at finding secrets in this mapset and remember spending ages trying to figure out how to get the BFG at an earlier stage without success.


NRFTL was an odd episode I thought; I still like/liked it, but it did seem to have some weird design choices and whatnot, or so I thought. 

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i adore NRFTL :)) all teh secrets including entire alternate routes round teh levels and two?? secret levels to find (I just looked it up and there's only one, so one of the levels must have a huge amount of secret content that tricked me into thinking there was another entire level), all the outdoor bits, all the naive but huge ambushes that feel untuned and a little nostalgic... it's better than Final Doom to me although they had decades of experience to work with

though I could say that Vivisection is really miserable and grindy compared to the open stuff

Edited by yakfak

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  On 2/19/2018 at 4:15 PM, yakfak said:

i adore NRFTL :))


Aw Hell yeah yakfak likes NRftL too; I knew there was a reason we got along.


  On 2/19/2018 at 4:15 PM, yakfak said:

though I could say that Vivisection is really miserable and grindy compared to the open stuff




Vivisection is my favorite NRftL map. You've stabbed me yakfak; we can't be friends anymore.

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Admittedly, this is coming more from a mapper's standpoint than what id had in mind for their secret maps.

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I don't like when mappers use a couple of shitty, ugly textures in an otherwise slick looking environment. Unfortunately, since most people aren't graphic designers, they don't pick up on this sort of thing. This is actually part of the reason I find (PC) Final Doom a slightly unsatisfactory experience, because there are some shit textures present, even though there's also lots of perfectly appropriate ones. PSX Final Doom avoided this, although I don't know how consciously, by only using the best looking custom textures.

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Crushers which don't give the player any kind of chance to escape, even with massive health depletion, once the mechanism is activated. I just stepped unwittingly into one in an obscure 1990s map with 197% health and armour and, well, you know the rest....

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It always aggravates me when mappers/modders leave spaces in file names. Please don't pass the extra work/time as a result of your laziness off onto others. Most command lines do not support spaces in file names, so stop it.

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Bumpy rocky terrain where it's hard to tell at a glance what can be stepped onto or not, because there are lots of incidental >24-unit-high (but still short) ledges at the junctures between crisscrossing topography, so you inevitably end up bumping into lots of it. Bonus points assigned for everything being the same texture, and that texture also lending itself poorly to distinguishing minor differences in height. 


Here's a good positive counterexample in sod20. 



The spots where I fire streams of plasma over are potential 'trouble areas'. I've seen similar areas where similar crossings are just a bit higher than here, so not traversable but not obviously so. In another map, the area leading to the secret might have been a lot more awkward than it is here. (This area isn't perfect though, for obvious reasons.)


A good rule of thumb for such steps: make sure they are of sufficient height that a player engaged in a pitched firefight won't be tempted to cross them or retreat to thy domicile to restructure the layout more thoroughly ... or, with more catchy phrasing: go big or go home :). 

Also the upper limit of the "no" region also depends on scale -- in a cramped area, a 32-unit-high step can be comfortably acceptable, but in a huge area, even 40+ might be suboptimal. Placement also matters; short, wide boundaries between one area and another are more acceptable than random 28-unit steps in the middle of a contiguous area. Narrow boundaries where a failed crossing might mean being pinned by a monster from behind should be avoided as well. 

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Probably has been stated on here already, but when the enemies kill one another before you get a chance to kill them. I wanna do it.

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