Koko Ricky Posted March 23, 2017 It's not a huge deal but I've never liked that the rockets launcher doesn't push back a bit in its animation. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Spectre01 Posted March 23, 2017 When I take a big hit in GLBoom+ and my screen goes all red for 1-2 seconds. Really nice not being able to see shit in addition to being close to death. I know you can turn that off but then there's no feedback for taking small damage. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
StoneMason Posted March 24, 2017 On 3/23/2017 at 8:01 AM, Jaxxoon R said: Archvile flames obscuring one's vision. Expand I have to agree with this. Its what screwed me over during my ironman demo for this month. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
galileo31dos01 Posted March 24, 2017 (edited) Hmm let's see... When it takes me at least 3 shots to kill an Imp who is hurling fireballs while I'm surrounded by tough monsters trying to murder me As said before by other people, when I want to shoot at a barrel to kill some enemies, and instead I end up killing the enemies first and then the barrel is still there When I have all the chances to pursue an infighting, and I can't achieve it because they just seem not to retaliate against each other Very tall and far away chaingunners that can hit me but I can't hit them. Sometimes it seems like it only happens with these f***ers and not with other enemies. I don't know why... When I hide from a mancubi's fireball and it goes through the wall and hits me, and I know it's a clipping glitch but it pisses me off When I am randomly walking with my BFG and nothing huge appears but when I'm like "ok I'll just go with my SSG" and a sudden archviles appears and I have no time to either cover or select the BFG. Mandatory damaging floor passways, with the only purpose to low my health because there aren't radiation suits. Oh and worse than this, stimpacks on damaging floor, again with no radiation suits anywhere. When I get a bite from a demon or spectre while chainsawing them. Something similar is when I try to punch them and instead I get several bites. When I enter a very compact room with nowhere to cover and suddenly a lot of monsters come to me and even if I use the BFG I still get really hurted. Horrible aesthetically layouts When I hit an archvile with one BFG shot right in the middle of his chest and he still survives and, bangs me... Let's suppose there's a Spider Mastermind and a lot of revenants, there I try to get them to infight. What I expect: the SM kills every single revenant because she's a badass. What really happens: three revenants punching the SM to death while she's there paralyzed and the other revenants throwing homing rockets to me. (an example is in Scythe's map 30). May I say I hate those skeletons but that's for another thread... When something as a torch or a light bulb is used as a switch, but this is not very evident since they are not any different to other objects. This is very personal but I hate when I'm low of ammo and there are a lot guns on upper unreachable areas (they belonged to hitscanners before). It's very common in Plutonia. I confess I sometimes use idclip to reach them... So that's all, I guess Edited March 24, 2017 by galileo31dos01 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Count651 Posted March 24, 2017 (edited) - Cave maps. I can't stand how monotonous and and repetitive most cave maps are. Not to mention in most modern wads cave maps are in-fucking-fested with slime trails. - Secrets that punish you for finding em. I despise finding a secret then getting swamped by monsters then leaving with less health and ammo than when I initially found the secret. If you're gonna fuck me for finding secrets, why should I even bother looking for em? - Overdetailing. Unpopular opinion probably. If you're gonna make your doom map look like something from quake. Maybe you should just go map for quake. - Slaughtermaps. REEEEEEEEE - When people make inane changes to the original monster sprites and it fucks with smoothdoom. - Mancubuses and revenants standing on top of tall sectors outside of the playing area. These guys are just an absolute chore to deal with most of the time. - Lifts. I despise sitting on lifts with my thumb up my ass, I just wanna get back into the action. Edited March 24, 2017 by Count651 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
42PercentHealth Posted March 24, 2017 I already posted a list before, but I have a few things to add: - Secrets that become unavailable after 30 seconds. - Any "points of no return" in a map (think Scythe 2 map 23) -- why can't I go back to fill up on junk once I've killed everything? - WADs that withhold a backpack. Yeah, I know, it adds to the challenge... but I don't like that kind of challenge. - Ammo starvation in general. - Anything that resembles mandatory damage. IMO, it should be "theoretically" possible to do a no-damage run of a map without relying on luck. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
The Nate Posted March 24, 2017 On 3/24/2017 at 3:32 PM, 42PercentHealth said: - Ammo starvation in general. Expand OH, How I hate this thing. This is why I use the pistol on Troopers and Captains in Duke3D. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
VGamingJunkie Posted March 24, 2017 On 3/24/2017 at 3:32 PM, 42PercentHealth said: - Anything that resembles mandatory damage. IMO, it should be "theoretically" possible to do a no-damage run of a map without relying on luck. Expand If there are areas that require you to go through hazardous material, it should be possible to find a radiation suit somewhere, even if in a secret. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Cruduxy Pegg Posted March 24, 2017 An arachnotron\revenant deciding they don't want to ever enter their pain state and managing to hit you. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
42PercentHealth Posted March 24, 2017 On 3/24/2017 at 7:17 PM, Pegg said: An arachnotron\revenant deciding they don't want to ever enter their pain state and managing to hit you. Expand I know, right? "Use your chainsaw," they said. "The monster will remain stunned in a pain state," they said. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
VeeTHis Posted March 24, 2017 (edited) The auto-aim of Revenant rockets that follow you wherever you go unless you make an extremely sharp turn to make the rocket run into a wall. Switches that open up traps that give you no time to think when you get into it (specifically terry traps) Super obscure and hidden pathways that lead you to a keycard/item that lets you open a door. Boss fights that have 3 Archvilles (or an easy combination of monsters) for a boss. That's way to easy for a BOSS. Boss fights that you can win the same way as Icon Of Sin Burning barrels. I always shoot at them when I see them because I think they're normal... for some reason. Doors that don't work/are there for decoration Trying to kill a cyberdemon and running out of everything except my pistol Miscalculating the rocket's blast radius (aka launching a rocket somewhere where I think it won't damage me, but it does) Wow! That's a long list... Edited March 24, 2017 by VeeTHis 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Cynicism Posted March 25, 2017 Some of Doom 2's level design annoys me since some of the levels feels like gimics more than levels cough cough ....... barrels o' fun cough cough. Furthermore Archviles are just cancer on ultraviolence and nightmare. Oh and slaughter maps i kinda like my maze/labyrinth maps thank you :3c 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Cynicism Posted March 25, 2017 Quote On 3/24/2017 at 9:43 PM, VeeTHis said: Trying to kill a cyberdemon and running out of everything except my pistol Expand You do realise that your pistol ammo is your minigun ammo as they share ammo types in Doom 1 and 2 so unless you're refering to one of the newer dooms so that is non applicable if were discussing the older games unless somehow you missed a minigun pickup before fighting a cyberdemon which i am sure is rather hard to do if your doing a pistol start of each level and borderline impossible if not. Expand 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Summer Deep Posted March 27, 2017 When I'm busily engaged in chainsawing a group of pink demons, one of them pulls a flanker and gets in behind me. Why can't these bastards just form an orderly queue and take their medicine....? When I've manoeuvred around very cleverly and diligently dished out the chainsaw treatment to a large group of them, the very last demon just has to be the one who bites from behind the blade and removes about 50 of my health points. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nine Inch Heels Posted March 27, 2017 (edited) -being stuck in a cloud of blood when telefragging cybies -that stupid "safety-pin" when switching to BFG or rocketlauncher -GZdoom not allowing me to switch to weapons I have no ammo for just yet, but will have in less than 1 second anyways. Edited March 27, 2017 by Nine Inch Heels ahem... Thank you scifista42 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
galileo31dos01 Posted March 27, 2017 (not really a specific Doom issue) Having a sudden archvile that surprises me and I accidentally touch the Windows key and eventually curse like never before 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
scifista42 Posted March 27, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 3:08 AM, Nine Inch Heels said: -GZdoom not allowing me to switch to weapons I have no ammo for just yet, but will have in less than 1 second anyways. Expand This can be changed in "Gameplay options" by setting "Check ammo for weapon switch" to "No". 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nevander Posted March 27, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 3:08 AM, Nine Inch Heels said: -that stupid "safety-pin" when switching to BFG or rocketlauncher Expand I hate this too. It's a flag called WEAPON.NOAUTOFIRE. I'm always careful when I switch to these which means sometimes it results in me switching and my gun isn't firing when I expect it to be. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Nine Inch Heels Posted March 27, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 7:46 AM, scifista42 said: This can be changed in "Gameplay options" by setting "Check ammo for weapon switch" to "No". Expand I always thought this meant something else, like not switching weapons when out of ammo automatically... Whooopsiee... Don't tell anyone, please... :p 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Koko Ricky Posted March 27, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 7:50 AM, Nevander said: I hate this too. It's a flag called WEAPON.NOAUTOFIRE. I'm always careful when I switch to these which means sometimes it results in me switching and my gun isn't firing when I expect it to be. Expand Can someone explain this in more detail? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
scifista42 Posted March 27, 2017 (edited) When you select a weapon, the sprite of your current weapon goes down, and the sprite of the new weapon goes up. If you are holding the fire button at the exact moment when the new weapon finishes going up, most weapons will fire. The rocket launcher and the BFG will not, and you have to release the fire button and press it again to make it fire. Same if you hold the fire button at the exact moment when the weapon finishes its refire animation (which can't be done if the weapon calls A_Refire at the very end of its refire animation, which the RL does, but the BFG has additional 20 tics after calling A_Refire, so if you press the fire button during that time, it won't fire after that). Here is the related part of Doom's source code: // check for fire // the missile launcher and bfg do not auto fire if (player->cmd.buttons & BT_ATTACK) { if ( !player->attackdown || (player->readyweapon != wp_missile && player->readyweapon != wp_bfg) ) { player->attackdown = true; P_FireWeapon (player); return; } } else player->attackdown = false; Edited March 27, 2017 by scifista42 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
42PercentHealth Posted March 27, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 3:08 AM, Nine Inch Heels said: -being stuck in a cloud of blood when telefragging cybies -that stupid "safety-pin" when switching to BFG or rocketlauncher -GZdoom not allowing me to switch to weapons I have no ammo for just yet, but will have in less than 1 second anyways. Expand Yes, the safety-pin! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Korozive Posted March 29, 2017 On 3/27/2017 at 5:11 AM, galileo31dos01 said: (not really a specific Doom issue) Having a sudden archvile that surprises me and I accidentally touch the Windows key and eventually curse like never before Expand I am laughing way too hard at this right now. :o) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Cynical Posted March 29, 2017 On 3/24/2017 at 6:51 PM, MetroidJunkie said: If there are areas that require you to go through hazardous material, it should be possible to find a radiation suit somewhere, even if in a secret. Expand What's the point of having pain sectors if you can avoid the pain? Lava runs are love. Lava runs are life. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Jan Posted March 30, 2017 Hitting an imp point blank and right in the middle with a shotgun, yet it survives and claws back at you. Going on a berserk rampage and you're on a roll when suddenly an imp needs two or three punches to die, giving you that irritating pain holler instead of a satisfying *splotch*. Worse if it's a lowly trooper who needs two punches. Totally throws me off my rhythm. A caco who survives two direct rocket hits. That it's sometimes possible to kill a demon or spectre with two shotgun blasts, but not reliably so even if you hit them perfectly. BTW, I have the impression that this was different in early versions of Doom, because for the longest time I had the idea in my mind that "demon = 2 shotgun blasts". Yeah I don't like the Doom engine's RNG, I guess. When you have a pack of monsters and a strategically placed barrel in the middle, you try to snipe the barrel, but the aiming code redirects your fire to surrounding monsters. That bug in the hitscan code where you can sometimes fire straight through a monster. Less annoying when it works in your advantage and that shotgun guy who thought he'd get the drop on you, fires straight through you. Always reminds me of the "divine intervention" scene in Pulp Fiction. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Jan Posted March 30, 2017 On 3/23/2017 at 1:45 AM, 40oz said: cacodemons that "climb" up tall structures and with their infinitely tall wisdom, bite you from 10 stories above and roast you with super fast vertical fireballs. Then when you get close enough to them, they descend, but never enough to touch the ground, and just high enough for that sniping arachnatron across the valley to incinerate you without hitting all those cacodemons in your face. Expand If that happens in a level, it's just bad level design in my book 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
yakfak Posted March 30, 2017 I just wish the game had nine thousand more props sometimes I think about just making a resource wad with every sprite prop from every first-person RPG ever made but shudder as I realize it would involve mapping for ZDoom from then on *goes back to putting Tall tech column everywhere* 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Man of Doom Posted March 30, 2017 (edited) If there's one thing that truly annoys me, it's forced pistol starts, especially if I'm playing with an RPG-like mod (DoomRLA, for example). I usually have to end up having to turn on God Mode before I go through the death trap that is the exit. I don't mind as much if I'm going vanilla, but when I play it modded, it can really grind my gears. Like no, I totally don't need that gold-plated anti-matter cannon that can instagib every Cyberdemon in the map with the push of a button, and I sure as hell don't want that armor made from the wings of an angel that can give me back massages while making me impervious to razor-sharp Imp nipples. Just give me back my dinky little pea-shooter, I really don't need anything else. No, REALLY. Edited September 18, 2017 by Man of Doom 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
42PercentHealth Posted March 30, 2017 On 3/30/2017 at 4:19 PM, bytor said: Dead Cacos clogging the view. Expand Yeah, and mancubi too, to a lesser degree. Note to Freedoom developers: Please limit the size of corpses. ;-) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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