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Looking for / Want to buy: Registered Doom Mail Order (Approx Values, offers, etc)


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Nice big box. They went out of favour for digital distribution. And ofc the disks are also more as a collectible than a real thing. Who uses them today ? ;) Anyway, good to have the cool artwork in bigger version than 320x200 in-game pic ;)

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Wow, I scored another one for $41.00

This one came with the manual, no addendum, and had all 4 floppies + the box was in much better condition.
Floppies tested and work great.

Now to get Romero to sign them the next time I see him. >:D

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Doominator2 said:

And a lot of Dooms, Whats the point of buying multiple copies of the same game anyways.

Heh, that box is Romero's, he didn't buy those :-)

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Waffenak said:

Collecting Doom stuff is fun. Wait till you start collecting posters, miniatures etc.

Saw them on Doom Wiki. Pretty fun but I will stay with only my Doom Collector's Edition.

From Doom stuff, I also have two book (both in Polish).

1st one - Jonathan Mendoza - "The Official Doom Survival Guide" (Polish title - Doom. Strategie i sekrety. In English: Doom. Strategies & secrets or Doom. Tips & Tricks). issued in Poland in 1995. That's the Polish issue of Sybex book (I think I should have a floppy with 1.25 shareware but mine copy came "unfloppied"). Other details: Library of Congess Card Number: 94-66139, ISBN 0-7821-1546-2 (original edition), ISBN 83-7101-219-5 (polish edition).

2nd one - Robert Waring (misspelled as Warning) - Totally Unauthorized Guide to Doom II. Brady Games (1995), 978-1566862288. Also Polish issue (from 1996). Also "unfloppied".

Both books have different covers (Doom II one - red texture-like with screen from map Tricks & Traps - Baron fighting with Cyber).

Side-note trivia for Doom 2 book: all monster names in walkthrough part are in English - except for Shotgun Guy. There are also translations of other monster names but the English original names are used (sometimes they're quite funny like for Mancubus - Wardrobe-sized-Monster) or for Imp (Spiked Uglie). And last one: Zombieman has marine graphic, Shotgun Guy has Zombieman sprite. Baron & Knight are reversed.

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  • 3 months later...

I was doing some cleaning and found my original doom I bought back in 1993.. I got the shareware version of it on the 1st day of release, using my 2400 or 9600 baud modem and was amazed at the incredible graphics and gameplay. It was lightyears ahead of Wolfenstein 3d. I was so impressed, that the very next day, I called id and ordered the full version. Sadly, it took weeks to get to me. In the meantime, I got a pirate version from a friend and played the hell out of it. So, once the package finally arrived, I already had the game installed and played it out several times. So, I took the game and tucked it away..

Today, I was doing some cleaning- going through tubs of computer stuff that I packed away long ago and came across my Doom Registered 1.1 new in the box on the 3.5 floppies. Oh the memories.. Looking online, I see that there are several newer versions for sale for big bucks, but didn't see any of this 1st release to compare to. Any idea what this would be worth?

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Considering that it was widely believed that Doom 1.1 was never sold as a registered version, only released as shareware, I'd imagine it would go for quite a lot.

You need to prove that it is in fact version 1.1.
I'm not aware of id ever placing a version number on the packaging. I have 1.2 Registered, and brown envelope versions of the 1.666 patch disk and 1.9 Registered; none of them have a version number except for on the floppies themselves. Do you have any pictures?

Edit: My mistake, I was confusing it with Doom 1.0. Still, a sealed Doom 1.1 is very nice, though. :P

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Yeah, I have a picture.. not sure how to post it here though. The box itself is not sealed in plastic- It didn't come that way, but inside the box has the disks and books sealed in plastic. The disks have doom in blue and they say v1.1

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Upload the picture to a half-decent image hosting site then post a link in the thread, using either URL or IMG tags. If it's a large picture, post a thumbnail that links to the full-size image so as to not upset the mods.

The disks sound like a set I have, though mine aren't sealed and are accompanied by a v1.2 patch disk.

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If you are ever willing to part with it, let me know. I happen to be slightly neurotic when it comes to collecting, especially for vintage Doom/Black Metal records and classic video games. I'd be willing to dish out some fairly serious dough as well. If you ever feel so inclined, I'm always here. Shoot me an offer if you wish.

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fraggle said:

Can you give some better pics of the box, state of any crumples/damage etc.?

Seconded. While I probably don't need any more Doom mail order boxes, I could talk myself into one more if the price and condition are right.

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I wondered where this verse from "The Night Before Doom" was inspired from:

                    Leaving the car, he [John Romero] entered the house,
               Walking quietly, so as to not wake the spouse.
           He was dressed in a T-shirt, and a a pair of jeans too,
                   I was unsure of what he was going to do.
                   Boxes of DOOM he had flung on his back,
             and he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
         Those boxes - how they sparkled!  The shrink-wrap so tight!
          The character was drawn on the front, just ready to fight!
                The Chain Saw and Shotgun he held in his hand,
              Where was the BFG9000?: The best gun in the land.
                   And then I saw it, strapped to his back,
                Along with a copy of the "Official" DOOM FAQ!
Was there ever a Doom box where "the character" held a chainsaw and shotgun in his hand(s), with a BFG strapped to his back? And if there ever was, did it exist (even as a concept) at the time that The Night Before Doom was written?

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List it on eBay and see what happens. Open the auction to international bidders so foreigners like myself can participate and don't set a high opening bid, since that tends to deter potential buyers.

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I'm very reluctant to give you a figure lest it turn out to be a poor suggestion, but I want to say you should be able to get at least $60 as a low number. The box seems a bit worn, but the fact that the disk are sealed is pretty amazing. If it were me, personally, I'd ask for $100, considering the disks are sealed and it is a relatively rare version of the game.

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I found the exact same v1.1 four-disk floppy set sell on Ebay for only $21.50 here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Doom-Version-1-1-Final-Doom-and-Ultimate-Doom-/191352566823?nma=true&si=3ISkGkvUSTN4c%252FfQ%252BqQQC3kzj0Y%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557

...although your version is sealed and the box is in nicer shape. Around $60-$100 would probably be realistic but you won't know until the Ebay auction ends. Maybe you'll be surprised and get over a hundred bucks or something.

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  • 1 year later...

It's great to find a place where there are other fans of the original Doom.
I played Wolfenstein (2D) in the '80s, then Wolfenstein 3D.
I was blown away by the insanity of Doom - great memories. :) BFG!
Are there any fans of Rise Of The Triad and Heretic/Hexen?

I had read a forum post from 2014 that showed that there are still fans of the original set, so I'm hoping that my forum post is appropriate:

I have a copy of V1.1 that I've posted on eBay.
Just search for auction ID#262709741880 with the description: Doom (PC, ID Software) Version 1.1.
Let me know if you have any questions.




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