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shoot of monster parts??


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When the first doom3 fuzzy pics from macworld where released, I saw on some site that the models will be seperated into around 100 diffrent pieces. And you are able to blast off each piece.. is there any confermation about this?? Because it would be super sweet if I could blast a monsters jaw away with my schotgun

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The E3 presentation showed nothing of that sort, and I believe that id have stated that they wont have limbs that you can shoot off in D3.

Personally, I don't care - as long as the monsters jerk in pain when you shoot them and die when they get hurt enough.

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I think it is more important that the monsters throws back when you shoot at them. shoot a zombie on the wall...

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LordTrasher said:

According to iD, you can perform "headshots" and there are entry-exit wounds. Bodypart removal may come in later.

that's cool, i look forward to shooting baddies in the head.

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LordTrasher said:

According to iD, you can perform "headshots" and there are entry-exit wounds. Bodypart removal may come in later.

And how do you know this?

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And how do you know this?

According to iD

i'm assuming he read that in a legit interview. it would be pretty gay if he just made that up and said id said it in the first place.

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There is almost certainly location-specific damage, i.e. headshots do more. There will be markings on the monsters where you hit them. However, there will be no exploding body parts or shooting arms off or anything like that.

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I saw headshots on the leaked footage, where he shoots zombie and then aims at his head and shoots a hole in it, then the zombie falls down. same thing occurs later where comes the last zombies, the "hanging corpse" he shoots once and into head and he's down.
now i don't know is this legal here to speak about it or not.

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LordTrasher said:

Try not to push the boundaries man, I don't think you should talk TOO much about leaked footage.

afaik it's only forbidden to post images/links/the actual movie. I don't think it's forbidden to talk about.

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I am a bit dissapointed that the shooting of limbs feature is not going to be included.. I mean.. it would be much more realistig if you could blast of the skin of a monsters chest and that you would be able to see the guts, and ribb case, and maby even a black hart still pumping "evil" troughout its vains

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I am a bit dissapointed that the shooting of limbs feature is not going to be included.. I mean.. it would be much more realistig if you could blast of the skin of a monsters chest and that you would be able to see the guts, and ribb case, and maby even a black hart still pumping "evil" troughout its vains

The game has to be released sometime.

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Well, I'm personally glad to not have limb removal in Doom. I mean, sure it makes it gorier, but at the same time, it just seems a bit ridiculous, if every time you shoot a monster it goes flying apart. Trust me, if you've ever played Jedi Knight 2 with the realistic lightsaber cheat, you'll know what I'm talking about. It just ruins the mood, and doesn't look very realistic, to see monsters just falling to pieces. I think Id had that in mind when they decided not to do it.

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I hope flesh fragments fly out along with blood; anyone seen hart's war? remember when the dude gets sniped in the head near the beginning, and parts of brain matter splatter all over hart? we need that =D

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