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PSX Final Doom music rip


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So, way back in 2011 a guy by the name of natt helped rip out the music (midi sequence and samples) from the original PSX Doom so people can have a go at using the results to make remakes. Since then, he went quiet and hasn't updated his tool into ripping the new tracks from PSX Final Doom.

Now I know Final Doom used a different format for it's levels (we managed to bypass that thanks to user Omnipotus); but is the music also differently encoded as well? Is it possible to rip out the sequence data for the new tracks that were used in the first ten levels of the Master Levels to be editable?

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The samples are stored in the same format (.lcd) for both games. In fact, the data for all 20 music tracks from the original PSX Doom are present on the PSX Final Doom disc even though two of the tracks go unused in game. If you have the disc on hand, you can locate the samples of the original 20 music tracks in the MUSIC folder. The samples for the 10 Final Doom exclusive tracks can be found in the SNDMAPS3 folder. You can use the PSOUND program to rip the samples into WAV files, the correct playback rate is 11025 Hz, although Hodges used the PSX sound chip to further manipulate the samples (echos, pitch shifting, overlaying multiple samples, etc.).

Since the file format for music is the same, chances are any program written to work with the original PSX Doom music tracks will work with the PSX Final Doom tracks.

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You don't understand; I'm talking about the actual midi sequences within the DOOMSND.WMD in which the samples are used. natt's program can't decompile it like the one in the original PSX Doom.

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Interesting!! I bumped into this thread with interesting stuff about the PSX Doom, I thought I was the only one who decoded the soundtracks and its MIDI sequences (I searched threads that this user called "natt" had participated and I got surprised he had a source code pretty incomplete) alongside my work with the RPGs, I also was ripping the PSX DOOM formats out and my main objective was the soundtracks, so I made my own code to extract them. Here, I've got some results sure you'll like them, they are the very soundtracks from PSX Doom/Final Doom with its samples and MIDI sequences. Listen to them, please. Hope you enjoy them!

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Erick194 said:

Interesting!! I bumped into this thread with interesting stuff about the PSX Doom, I thought I was the only one who decoded the soundtracks and its MIDI sequences (I searched threads that this user called "natt" had participated and I got surprised he had a source code pretty incomplete) alongside my work with the RPGs, I also was ripping the PSX DOOM formats out and my main objective was the soundtracks, so I made my own code to extract them. Here, I've got some results sure you'll like them, they are the very soundtracks from PSX Doom/Final Doom with its samples and MIDI sequences. Listen to them, please. Hope you enjoy them!


Holy crap, that's what I was looking for. You think you can upload these to the forums? This would help the PSX Doom TC a whole lot more plus I'd like to use some Doom 64 ambience on these.

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Sorry Impboy, I thought you were only wondering if the samples were in a different format. I actually had no idea that there was a program floating around to extract the midi data of PSX Doom tracks.

Any chance you could upload your code somewhere Erick? I'm sure many users would appreciate it.

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Erick194 said:

Interesting!! I bumped into this thread with interesting stuff about the PSX Doom, I thought I was the only one who decoded the soundtracks and its MIDI sequences (I searched threads that this user called "natt" had participated and I got surprised he had a source code pretty incomplete) alongside my work with the RPGs, I also was ripping the PSX DOOM formats out and my main objective was the soundtracks, so I made my own code to extract them. Here, I've got some results sure you'll like them, they are the very soundtracks from PSX Doom/Final Doom with its samples and MIDI sequences. Listen to them, please. Hope you enjoy them!


Is there any chance you could make your findings (and source code if you have any) public? I have a back-burner project that turns the rest of the PSX Doom disc into a PC-playable archive, but I lack any specs on the WMD format that are sufficient to do anything with the music.

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Well, I'm not going to make any of my source code free because I have my own project which extracts all the formats from the discs (map, tectures, sprites, sounds and soudtracks). That program is almost finished for DOOM but I have to make a new program for the games in its version depending on the region for DOOM and Final DOOM including the DOOM demo version.

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No, I'm sorry, I'm going to include them into my project called "PSX DOOM/Final DOOm Master Edition" for GZDoom, it will be very similar to its PSX DOOM counter_part. Which soundtrack do you want to listen to now? Ask me for one from PSX DOOM/FInal DOOM and I will upload a new video if you want.

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Not to sound rude, but it's a bit selfish that you're keeping all these findings to your TC instead of releasing it to the public in which the other TC could really benefit.

EDIT: Disregard this edit.

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Good morning! Impboy4, no one is scared here because of your "honest" opinion haha. I don't know why you are upset, this is your thread! If I don't reply this, is because I'm busy, not as you think... When I finish these projects, everybody can use their resources (including the soundtracks) besides, I am not a selfish either, this was all my efforts and sleepness nights. Ah, thank you very much for the credit you wanted to give me :)

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But this is what bothers me and probably everyone else; Why make another PSX Doom TC when we already have one available that's the closest to perfect that can be improved on to eventually be a perfect conversion? We even did an expansion pack with levels that were cut.

There's nothing wrong with releasing your code and work even if the project is still in progress; stuff like this would benefit everyone including the people who are struggling to decode it their own way. Quasar for example needs help decoding the music; at least tell him how you managed to do it and maybe he can make his own tool.

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Hey, do not be alarmed, you?re being very exagerated!! I'm replying to your question about this. If I hadn't replied you, nobody would know about this, it has been a secret I've kept for two years. here is not rivality about which TC is perfect or not, I only want to make my own PSX DOOM very similar to the PSX port. That's why I show you this sample about my project.

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Sorry if I acted exaggerated. Though, it's what to be expected from anyone who heard about this just now after the TC was made.

Maybe you can help out with the Lost Levels expansion since we had vague rules how PSX Doom's levels were made. We were also planning to do conversions for No Rest for the Living and Doom 64 for Doom 2.

Speaking of Doom 64; have you planned to work on that as well? EX might need a guy like you. EX needs more support for mods and bugfixes. Since Kaiser is too busy on other EX projects; dotfloat has taken over the project; so ask him.

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Yes, sure I can help you with those projects!!! I've also been working on a conversion of Doom64 EX for GZDOOM, so the GZDOOM port is goint to have new updates for its engine, it's not official, though. I might consider your request about the Doom64 EX, it could be intersting too!! I will reply later if you post something else, my personnal translator (Gerardo194) is going to the Guns and Roses concert tonight, so he is out right now. Thank you very much, Impboy4, we won't let you down with those projects!

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You can always use Google Translate if you need things translated.

Maybe you can figure out why custom midi music won't play right in EX but the original Doom 64 midis are. The music project I stated before is for EX users to use because as much as I like the original D64 tracks; they get repetitive.

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Since you asked that you can upload more videos of music from the game; might I suggest the other 9 tracks from Final Doom?

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Hey, friend Impboy4, you're really excited! we said we could upload a new video hehe, just one from PSX Doom/Final Doom. make a choice! I think Bells of Agony is still echoing your mind, hehe

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Extremely disappointing. This is why all the source code for almost all of my projects is GPLv3. Once you lose interest in this project, the knowledge on how to convert the MIDI music for the PSX game engines will be lost forever. Try to be more forward thinking than that.

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Quasar said:

Extremely disappointing. This is why all the source code for almost all of my projects is GPLv3. Once you lose interest in this project, the knowledge on how to convert the MIDI music for the PSX game engines will be lost forever. Try to be more forward thinking than that.

I'm more confused as to why he's even posting this if he isn't sharing his work. Why do the research only to keep it to your self, and then post saying that only you have the research? That's just gloating at that point.

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Quasar said:

Extremely disappointing. This is why all the source code for almost all of my projects is GPLv3. Once you lose interest in this project, the knowledge on how to convert the MIDI music for the PSX game engines will be lost forever. Try to be more forward thinking than that.

Hey man, nobody is going to lose interest in this project.i'm sorry if you are mad at us! There are 11 projects we are working on and neither me nor my brothers have lose the interest. Bells of Agony!!

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Gerardo194 said:

Hey man, nobody is going to lose interest in this project.i'm sorry if you are mad at us! There are 11 projects we are working on and neither me nor my brothers have lose the interest. Bells of Agony!!

You sort of completely missed the point of his post. Besides which, saying "I'm not going to lose interest" is just as reassuring as "Don't worry I'm not going to get hit by a bus tomorrow".

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Edward850 said:

You sort of completely missed the point of his post. Besides which, saying "I'm not going to lose interest" is just as reassuring as "Don't worry I'm not going to get hit by a bus tomorrow".

:) I love you

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Plus the fact that holding the keys over everyone's head; yet not allowing others to touch them; is really unfair to everyone.

As I said before; nothing wrong with releasing your research as long as you continue work on your project. Everyone else is doing it with other ports of the game.

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Gerardo194 said:

Hey man, nobody is going to lose interest in this project.i'm sorry if you are mad at us! There are 11 projects we are working on and neither me nor my brothers have lose the interest. Bells of Agony!!

"Mad" is an exaggeration; frustrated maybe. However, note I'm including "being finished with it" and "releasing it" under "losing interest," since, after all, after you're done doing what you want to do with it, it's still locked up where nobody else can benefit. You have the right to choose whatever you want to do with code you yourself wrote, you don't owe anybody, but, this community was built on sharing first and foremost, from the earliest days of the Unofficial Doom Specs. If Matt Fell and Raphael Quinet had wanted to keep how to make Doom WADs a secret to themselves, then none of this would likely exist in the form we know it today. Including the stuff you're likely working on now. Likewise for the ports you're making it all on.

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Quasar, first of all, I as the author of the source code, I decide what to do with it as you said and I exposed my objective: is to finish PSX DOOM/Final DOOM on GZDOOM port, that's why I haven't given any clue about the code which has created controversy here. Anyway, it has caught my attention the project you are making, I'd like to know if you want to talk about our projects using PM, maybe you have something we don't and we have something that you don't, it might be a possibility that we can make a PSX DOOM/Final DOOM EX! As I said, I had this secretly two years ago and I just exposed what I have. EDIT: Quasar, when i say "we can make a PSX DOOM/Final DOOM EX" I mean if you want to join us or we can join you if you want. I forgot mention this before.

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Erick194 said:

Anyway, it has caught my attention the project you are making, I'd like to know if you want to talk about our projects using PM, maybe you have something we don't and we have something that you don't, it might be a possibility that we can make a PSX DOOM/Final DOOM EX! As I said, I had this secretly two years ago and I just exposed what I have.

This is basically ransom at this point. That's a rather shitty maneuver to do to a community that thrives off open specifications.
I'm not even sure what you'd expect with some kind of PSX DOOM EX, seeing that would only ever be made with open source contributions.

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