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Favorite glory kills?


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I like glory kill for the pinkie above maybe because I'm not used to it like I am with the eye punching a caco and feeding a mancubus its own heart.

If another thread like this exists, I do apologize.

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I really like dropping on the imps shoulders and then stomping their head. I also like when you punch the imp in the face and his jaw sways.

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It's particularly satisfying glory killing the summoner because, while they don't have a lot of hit points, they can be real bitches, and there's something exciting about seeing her glow, rushing up and BAM. I also find the neck snapping of the hell knights to be very satisfying as well.

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I always found that glory kill, where Doomslayer uses the revenant's cannons to smash its head, amusing in a comical way.
Dislocating the imp's jaw by pulling it is also another one I find to be amusing.
Who doesn't love shoving the mancubus' heart/core into its throat till it explodes?

IIRC there is one more where Doomslayer GK one of the zombies from the back by using his feet to bring the zombie to its knees and swiftly snap its neck. I found that to be well-executed for some reason.

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The ´foot to the face´ Doomguy does to possessed soldiers, where he breaks the leg of the demon and uses it to smash the enemie´s face.

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I like most of'em, with few exceptions. Even the Baron of Hell kills, which are considered disappointing by most players, do make quite a bit of sense when you think of it. I mean, the way you bitchslap them with their broken-off horn, you're literally humiliating the Barons to death. Same with the chainsaw kill; sawing off their leg to fell'em, then beheading them through the mouth, it's clearly meant to spite them first, then kill. Kinda like Duke Nukem taking a shit down the Overlord's throat, just less puerile, and more painful.

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I do like most glory kills but the repetitive ones such as Mancubi can get old. I actually like the one where Doom guy throws the possessed soldier against the wall and knees its head. It's actually quite pace destroying though.

Also a special mention to rage mode's imp kills. One of them grabs the imp by its head and splits it in until the spine is sticking out.

Oh and smacking a zombie with its own arm is cool.

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Speaking of berserk, the glory kill you perform on the possessed soldiers by yanking their arms right off is just golden. Even more when it's performed on those possessed soldiers with riot shields lol.

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Some of the multiplayer ones were nice, they should've been in the campaign. The good ones I can remember are as follows: jumping on a mancubus' back and ripping out tech shit, making a mancubus shoot himself, tackling a baron and using your boosters to ground pound him, and last but not least, jumping on a revenant and ripping out his throat, from inside his mouth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Worker/Unwilling - Head Smash with knee
Imp - Jaw Breaker
Soldier/Razer - Grabbing by throat and punching head off.
Knight - Jaw Breaker
Summoner - don't know too many, because they're very similar to the Imp kills, and I never tried to do an above kill, since it requires a double jump, and I didn't prioritize glory kills after I got the Precision Bolt, Cluster Strike and Hologram combo.
Revenant - I guess any kill that has you short-circuiting their jetpack.
Mancubus - only good one is the front one where you make it eat its own stomach.
Cacodemon - nothing special because they all end with poking the eye.
Baron - frontal horn rip followed by the bitch slap.
Pinky - Rip off its ass and bitch-slap him with it.

Berserk Kills

Imp - Ripping the Imp vertically from its head down to its torso. And the "Heart Ripper"
Knight - Punching off its jaw, and ripping its head out.

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I haven't looked at every possible glory kill but the ones I like doing the most are the "death from above" ones jumping down onto the enemy then smashing their head and the one where you sweep them off the ground with a kick. (If I recall, that last one is very precise, requiring staring at a specific leg or you'd do a second glory kill.)

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One of my favorites is the one where Doom Slayer does a Revenant's face in.

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The berserk powerup glory kill on the imp where you tear its skull completely in half down the middle. That was the most awesome (in the true sense of the word) moment for me. Chainsaw to the baron jaw was another good one.

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How about the 'left-handed arm twist' you do to guard / Razor types? And yeah, why AREN'T the multi-player glory kills in singleplayer?

On another note, how 'bout HYPOTHETICAL GLORY KILLS? Ones that don't exist but you'd like to see? Counting berserk and chainsaw.

- pluck his arms off from underneath as he tries in vain to bite you
- hop inside his mouth / body and push outward
- snap one if two mandibles off

- pull eye stalk out
- snap mandibles off
- PLAYER DEATH - Mancubus does his close-range attack but puts his gun over the player and downward so player is INSIDE it, than boom!

- chainsaw him straight-on, walking through his longways body as you go

- groin punch or chainsaw. Kinda a dick move

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Speaking of Glory kills, I might prefer to do the Jawbreaker kill on the imp, Sweeping the leg of Hell razers,etc. But I'm still not used to the Baron's and the Summoner's kills.

My most favourite glory kill is the one with the Revenant, where you grab it's rocket launchers and squash it's head. It was just classic, just too awesome.

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  • 1 month later...

My favorite is the death for above glory kill on a Revenant the where you smash him with his missile launchers It's the perfect length to go "Hello, F**K YOU". Either that or the one where you smash a Possesed Soldier with his own leg.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tearing an imp's head in half (with the Berserk powerup) caught me off-guard.
I thought I had seen all the different glory kills by then, and then that one had me laughing. Definitely my favorite, though the Possessed Soldier "twist-leg-and-smash-into-own-face" is also great.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/21/2017 at 5:30 AM, Otus said:

Whats the glory kill they are doing on the second imp here? Its not the jaw ripping from behind. I cant remember that i have seen this one alredy ...




Great find! I have never seen or executed that glory kill before. Looks awesome. Has anyone else pulled that glory kill off?

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