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[WIP] Delta Domain

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Hello everyone. Today I will reveal my big project in progress on Doomworld as I've been waiting to do that. This project I'm currently making is called, Delta Domain, and I'm the leader of the project and this is coded by TheV1perK1ller. I also have other people helping me with this megawad as well. Delta Domain is a level pack part of the Necromational Mod Series I'm creating for Doom 2 and there is a storyline for the Mod Series I'm making. Now on the bottom will be the stories. First one for the entire Necromational Mod Series and second one for Delta Domain itself.

Story for the entire Necromational Mod Series: In the event after Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom: TNT Evilution, and Final Doom: The Plutonia Expirement, the Hellspawns once again invades earth after they've created an alien cult group called, the Necroners. Another war comes into play against the evil aliens as they want to become super powerful so they can turn the world into their hellish global civilization. This alien group has manipulated some humans and had them become brutal dictators in certain nations and now you got another world threat to deal with. Will you be able to defeat the Necroners and stop them from taking over the world or will this group use a supreme power to turn earth into a hellhole?


As of 1/10/2018, I decided to rename the mod series to 'Necomational' because it makes more sense than using the word 'Necrophobia'.


Credits to Moustachio for creating this title pic

Delta Domain Story: In the year 2180, monsters are everywhere, helping the Necroners turn towns, cities, and nations into one worldwide hellspawn civilization and the Icon of Sin has resurrected and is now hiding in the deep core of hell. So what you'll need to do is go through the missions to kill as many monsters as possible as you can through out techno places in and out of the city before you go inside the hell and find the deep core to destroy the Icon of Sin once again.

Now if you think there's anything in the storylines that needs some changing or fixing, please let me know.

Now here are a list of maps that I planned out for Delta Domain:
MAP01: Baseport (By @Blast98 and @TheV1perK1ller) - Done
MAP02: Egg Mines
MAP03: Metal Station (By @Blast98 and @SkyBreach) - Done
MAP04: Freight Trains (By @Blast98) - Done
MAP05: Cylinder Facility (By @Blast98 and @SkyBreach) - Done
MAP06: Cliff Refinery (By @Blast98 and @Yugiboy85) - Done
MAP07: Chaos Square (By @Blast98) - Done
MAP08: System Workbench (By @Darkstar-Archangel) - Done
MAP09: Toxic Plant (By @Moustachio) - Done
MAP10: Cybernetic Prison (By @Darkstar-Archangel) - Done
MAP11: 'O' of Destination (By @Blast98 and @ZeMystic) - Done
MAP12: Transmission Machinery
MAP13: Heat Street (By @iYago) - Done
MAP14: Operating Infestation (By @Blast98) - Done
MAP15: The Grand Factory (By @Blast98 and @ZeMystic) - Done
MAP16: Digital City (By @iYago) - Done
MAP17: Battery Center
MAP18: The Field of St. Cenitive
MAP19: Newow Palace (By @Shawny) - Done
MAP20: Techno Base
MAP21: Hell's Delight (By @Blast98) - Done
MAP22: Mountain Depot (By @Shawny) - Done

MAP23: Magma Caverns (By @Mech) - Done
MAP24: Deep Citadel
MAP25: Demonic Temple (By @DukeOfDoom) - In progress
MAP26: Obsidian Keep
MAP27: Infernal Halls (By @iYago) - Done
MAP28: Oasis of Anguish
MAP29: Crimson Fortress
MAP30: The Core Showdown
MAP31: Castle Wolfenstein (By @GhostPlayer) - Done
MAP32: Cyber Grosse



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Play test videos

Now if anyone wants to join the help with me on this project, I'll be more than happy to accept your help request but you'll need to read the rules first.



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Edited by Blast98
Needed to highlight names.

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*cracks knuckles*

Blast88, before you start asking for help on your new mega-cool-and-whatnot project, make sure you have something to show first (screenshots, map downloads, etc). Keep in mind we've already seen thousands of upcoming projects that actually never got done.

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  On 12/1/2016 at 1:09 AM, Linguica said:

*cracks knuckles*

Blast88, before you start asking for help on your new mega-cool-and-whatnot project, make sure you have something to show first (screenshots, map downloads, etc). Keep in mind we've already seen thousands of upcoming projects that actually never got done.


I did planned to show some screenshots of the project but that was for later so I can think about getting the pictures working well.

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Screens look cool but, you will need to show more to grab the interest of people, you know? ;)

2 screens isn't really enough unless they both show something groundbreaking. Not trying to be an ass of course.

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  On 12/2/2016 at 9:32 AM, The_Trigger said:

Screens look cool but, you will need to show more to grab the interest of people, you know? ;)

2 screens isn't really enough unless they both show something groundbreaking. Not trying to be an ass of course.


I knew you weren't being an ass since you're an awesome man and we're quite good bubbies. :) I understand what you were saying and I will post more screenshots. I remember when you were posting me screenshots of your work on MAP06: Cliff Refinery, I thought they were very good and awesome. But anyways, have a good day. :D

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FYI, I highly recommend releasing a short episode of 2-4 maps to give as an idea about your mapping style before you recruit anyone for your dream megawad, so we can get an idea of how you map. You're unlikely to find willing authors that want to jump on an unknown project otherwise.

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  On 12/2/2016 at 8:54 PM, Breezeep said:

I have to agree with Dobu here. Over-ambition isn't a thing you want when you're just getting started as a mapper.


Now if you want me to release a 4 map demo of this wad, then I can do it so you guys can get an idea of how it's going to be. Also, about when you said about starting as a mapper, this is not my first time being a Doom mapper because I've been Doom mapping for a long time already and I'm somewhat getting better at it. I also plan to post more screenshots so people can show even note interest into this page about Delta Domain.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Now before I give what update to tell, Let me wish a Happy New Years to everyone! Now as of today, I've put in more screenshots of Delta Domain. :)

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  • 4 months later...

So anyways everyone, as of May 4, 2017, I got more progress being made in Delta Domain and things are going fine and well.

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  On 12/1/2016 at 12:55 AM, Blast88 said:

MAP05: Cylinder Facility

MAP11: 'O' of Destination



holy shit I love your map names. These (presumably) non-english-to-english titles are way better than anything ironically generic I could come up with :p. "Nukage administration", "Computer processing", "Gamma storage", etc.


You should probably mention what port you tested this is (e.g. Zdoom) as it crashes prb+. Will give it a perusal regardless.

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  On 5/5/2017 at 3:14 AM, Ribbiks said:


holy shit I love your map names. These (presumably) non-english-to-english titles are way better than anything ironically generic I could come up with :p. "Nukage administration", "Computer processing", "Gamma storage", etc.


You should probably mention what port you tested this is (e.g. Zdoom) as it crashes prb+. Will give it a perusal regardless.


Thanks. :) As for what source ports I used to test this, it was Skulltag and Zandronum. When playing Zandronum, I sometimes used Brutal Doom and Complex Doom (with the LCA alongside).

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https://www.twitch.tv/videos/140502473 = my playthrough (first map of the session tested)


Simple but fun thus far. The red key trap on map 3 was lacking (should have had a lockin with the switch behind the three Cacodemons); I felt the wall lowerings on that map needed to be faster, instead of slowly revealing the chaingunners/Cacodemons. Also the use of "lifts" as doors on map 4's train map struck me as a bit odd also.


Interesting quirk with the Cacodemon's dying without a sound effect and instantly dropping to the ground; kind of curious as to why that was added to them.


Gameplay needs to be a bit more threatening at times, as several people in my Twitch chat pointed out at the end.

Edited by Suitepee

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Happy New Years Everyone! Let me say that the this project is progressing slowly but at least doing well. Another map was recently added which takes up slot 23.

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