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If you were to remove a Doom II enemy...

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Demon of the Well said:

Commander Keen. ;)


savagegrant said:

Secret level enemies such as the Wolfenstein SS soldiers and Commander Keen don't count. :P

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I wouldn't want it removed as such, but the arachnotron - a monster with the same attack and HP but with a hitbox as small as an imp's would be far more versatile.

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I'm gonna be that guy: the bestiary would be significantly weakened if you removed any single Doom II monster at all. The few truly weak or largely irrelevant monsters(Spider mastermind and baron) are from the first game and even they have been exploited to great effect by people.

Spider is the weakest though: too big to really use anywhere and if you have cover to defend against it anywhere it's useless, if you don't it's too effective, The single most niche enemy in the game.

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Hate the mancubus. Probably the only one, don't care, but these guys always hit when I expect them to be the last enemy to hit me from across the room. Also just die in three SSG shots already!

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Chezza said:

Definitely Specter. Its mechanics heavily rely on the traditional control scheme, or so it seems with Doom 2 maps. Often they are running around underneath you in acid or lava pits. With modern source ports You can simply look down and shoot them. So their purpose is fairly dated, they aren't even difficult to spot.

I have to say, Brutal Doom does them right.

Well... Put them in dimly lit rooms (Brightness level around 112) and they are REALLY hard to see whereas you can see other enemies well enough to fight them in that brightness.

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If any demon should be removed from the roster of Doom, it would probably be the Spider Mastermind. It's big, pointless and underwhelming for a boss monster ("oh boy a giant mechanical spider that fires a nonstop chaingun, meaning I can't dodge the bullets because hitscan what joy"). It's basically the bullet sponge version Chaingun Dude.

Personally, I would prefer the revenants to go, as "normal" monsters. BUT, if it was a boss monster eg replacing the SM, then I would be happy ("oh boy a skeleton that runs fast, punches hard, fires fireballs and homing fireballs, as a boss yay")

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Soldier993 said:

Without a doubt, a Hell Knight.

It's a reskin of Baron, obviously, with less health.

Hell knights are an improvement. They are less boring versions of Barons. Being the original doesnt make it the Baron better.

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I'm tempted to just say the revenant if only to hear peoples backlash to defend it.

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If this is a "gun-against-your-head" scenario... just shoot me already or give me the gun so I can do it myself.

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I would remove the cyberdemon on map 29. Everyone just runs past there. How many people even stick around to fight him? And of those people, how many time have you accidentally ran over the exit before he died anyway?

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jazzmaster9 said:

Hell knights are an improvement. They are less boring versions of Barons. Being the original doesnt make it the Baron better.

Yes, I'd remove Barons too but this thread is about DooM 2 monsters exclusively.

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Archvile -- I want monsters I kill to stay dead, plus the Archvile's attack forces you to take cover and I hate that style of gameplay.

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I would remove the arachnotron.

idbeholdME said:

Hitbox is too big, too high pain chance and rarely a threat unless used as a long range turret in an elevated position. Starts infighting like crazy and usually is among the first to die in the chaos due to the size. Also takes them quite a while before they start actually firing.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

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I'm going with the Archvile. It is the only enemy in doom that just makes me angry, and that opinion hasn't changed since I first played doom 2 back in 96.

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Hell Knight is a solid pick. Removing the arach would probably affect far fewer mappers, but HKs are one of the few enemies that can be replaced by their lesser/greater analogs (a squad of imps or a single baron). That said I think the Doom 2 did nothing but expand on the original Doom's gameplay, and I think if we were cutting monsters from the entire pantheon the specter, former human, and Spider Mastermind would be prime candidates on the chopping block.

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YukiHerz said:

None annoys me more than the Chaingun Guy, fuck him.

Wolf SS is not annoying yet it has an automatic weapon.

Maybe because they can't aim for shit (seriously, WTF is up with that)?

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Get rid of the Pain Elementals. As bad as the archvilles are, they are at least cool to encounted (in my humble opinion of a parson playing on easy ;D)

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HK, because it would have the smallest impact on combat mechanics. PEs, revs and archies are too significant in how they affect the gameplay. And don't you dare touch arachnotrons, their death sound is too awesome!

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Pain elemental, I'd rather fight a huge clutter of lost souls instead, it's a useless monster, as much as the baron of hell is in terms of how much it adds to the beastiary of doom 2.
The fact that it's a worse variation of an AV gets the thumbs down from me.

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Doom 2 is quite balanced when it comes to enemies. No annoying from POV. Want to see an annoying enemy? Serious Sam Beheaded Kamikazes...

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Wild Dog said:

Serious Sam Beheaded Kamikazes...

Nah, those guys are quite manageable. Arch-viles kill the flow more than any monster, as they make you stop what you're doing to take the guy down whilst taking cover.

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What a silly thread. I remove Doom II (and Doom) enemies all the time.



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