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Doom II: List of all hard wads

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dunno about urania and swift death being harder than hell revealed 2...they are all at 3 to me

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yaqxsw said:

I had actualized difficulty rating. Please check.

And please writte a number of difficulty if you think, that some wad should move on more or less hard.

Question, who know this CHORD series WAD? How hard?

Is Alien Vendetta on level 2 or 1?

Alien Vendetta would remain in level 2. Although it has more emphasis on adventure for the most part, it gets pretty intense in the latter half, with its meaner maps being much nastier than the meaner ones in HR (Map26 being an exception as it is a bit more forgiving than HR Map24: Post Mortem, despite having a significantly higher body count). It's easier than Hell Revealed 2, though. As for the Chord series, they would be a level 1.

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T-Rex said:

Alien Vendetta would remain in level 2. Although it has more emphasis on adventure for the most part, it gets pretty intense in the latter half, with its meaner maps being much nastier than the meaner ones in HR (Map26 being an exception as it is a bit more forgiving than HR Map24: Post Mortem, despite having a significantly higher body count). It's easier than Hell Revealed 2, though. As for the Chord series, they would be a level 1.

Disagreed almost entirely. AV26 is probably nastier than HR24 (if you're playing with saves, Postmortem will seem harder, but it's easier to do "in one go" than Dark Dome), but it doesn't have anything else as tough as HR 23, 24, 26, or 32.

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Cynical said:

Disagreed almost entirely. AV26 is probably nastier than HR24 (if you're playing with saves, Postmortem will seem harder, but it's easier to do "in one go" than Dark Dome), but it doesn't have anything else as tough as HR 23, 24, 26, or 32.

I was referring to the fact that you're less restricted to move around in AV26 as the ground is water rather than harmful blood like in HR24. However, I would agree that Post Mortem would be a bit easier, since in vanilla, you can at least save in any part of the map on any difficulty lower than Ultra-Violence, unlike Dark Dome. Still, it's the hardest map on the set.

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Despite the blood, HR24 is more susceptible to strong routing than AV26 is. If you can grab the BFG, take down the Cacos, and then make the central platform safe, HR24 doesn't levy real pressure on the player all that often. AV26 has more nervy close-range Cyberdemon stuff, things like the revenant corner in the north-east where you can lose huge amounts of health in the blink of an eye, and there's really no low-risk way to neutralize the center E4M2-fork on either your initial go or when it repopulates.

HR24 requires some foreknowledge, but its execution barrier on UV is far lower than AV26's.

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Megawad list is looking better now. As for the smaller wads, I'd argue that Italo Doom should be a [4] and Swim with the Whales [3] though.

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rileymartin said:

Megawad list is looking better now. As for the smaller wads, I'd argue that Italo Doom should be a [4] and Swim with the Whales [3] though.

Italo Doom? Does that mean it has Italo Disco as its music? xD

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yaqxsw said:

Difficult Rating:

1 = A bit Hard
2 = Hard
3 = Very Hard
4 = Extremely Hard
5 = Nearly Impossible


Download Veryhard: 7 maps (5)

Do you really think that thing of yours is the hardest thing ever created?
I doubt it.

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bzzrak said:

Do you really think that thing of yours is the hardest thing ever created?
I doubt it.

Which difficult ranking would you give my WAD? What is more hard than this WAD? You can writte here a name

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^ Actually, let me tell you this. My Doom skills are really, really bad, but I didn't have much trouble with the first half of VeryHard (with infinite ammo, I'll admit that, but without godmode). I didn't try the second half as it was way too slow to be played normally.
So I'd give it a 3, maybe 4 on your scale. I'm pretty sure that it isn't nearly impossible.

Some other wads totally wrecked me even with infinite ammo. Hell, 50 Shades of Graytall was in some maps harder than VeryHard.

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General Rainbow Bacon said:

What about some of ToD's rocketjump maps? Surely those should go in here somewhere. Those could easily be 5s.

E: Invasion maps should go here too.

Send here a link, I havent found these Wads...

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yaqxsw said:

I dont know these WADs. Did you played it? Which difficult ranking would you give?

Maybe 3 - both maps (especially the latter) require preknowledge to beat (and therefore dying plenty of times) if you don't want to punch many monsters with non-berserk fists or anything like that. I didn't beat them myself.
Another one I wanted to post is this:
https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/d-f/darkgate (mainly E1M8, but continuous play is required)
I guess that one is worth 4!

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Some actualized.

IRod54 said:

https://www.mediafire.com/#ep889zeddevhm link to megawad with redone maps hoping it works

I dont see upload buttons... It would better, if you upload your WAD on idgames archive. Here is video how to do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZyFsUm1Z9c (ps. upload FileZile latest version. On video shows old version)

Voros said:

How is Nuts only 1???

Is not hard. Need just run and monsters beat each other. On last if 70% monsters are death, you can use with BFG and kill all

Preliatus said:

wow.wad 6

I dont post troll WAD. Is not playable and fun

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yaqxsw said:

Some actualized.
I dont see upload buttons... It would better, if you upload your WAD on idgames archive. Here is video how to do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZyFsUm1Z9c (ps. upload FileZile latest version. On video shows old version)

Is not hard. Need just run and monsters beat each other. On last if 70% monsters are death, you can use with BFG and kill all

I dont post troll WAD. Is not playable and fun

Familiar with uploading but I don't have laptop anymore and I can't do it via my android phone plus the wad wasn't fully finished so can't finish it, thus why I didn't upload it to idgames

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Can you also do a listing if the wad from 1-5 if the wad is actually fun to play and well made? If it's a 1 in execution and a 5 in difficulty who cares..... also all the hardest doom maps are from 1994. You missed em

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yaqxsw said:

I had actualized difficulty rating. Please check.

And please writte a number of difficulty if you think, that some wad should move on more or less hard.

Question, who know this CHORD series WAD? How hard?

I completed all the levels on uv pistol start and no saves except chord3.wad. I'd rate chord1 and chord2 1, chordng, chordg and chord3 2 though for me the latter is the most difficult of the series.
Anyway for a better evaluation about the difficulty you could ask vdgg & Anima Zero since they did UV-MAX demos on pretty much all the maps

Edit: nochance is definitely 3

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Paul977 said:

Edit: nochance is definitely 3

Nochance is on difficult level like Deus Vult. Is not very hard.

Dime said:

Can you also do a listing if the wad from 1-5 if the wad is actually fun to play and well made? If it's a 1 in execution and a 5 in difficulty who cares..... also all the hardest doom maps are from 1994. You missed em

If you know some hard WAD, you can writte a name here. On this thread I do a list only for hard WADs and his difficulty rating. I dont do a fun rating here because hard WADs have less fun. These WADs is fucused for skills.

You can open your own thead "Doom a list of fun WADs".

IRod54 said:

Familiar with uploading but I don't have laptop anymore and I can't do it via my android phone plus the wad wasn't fully finished so can't finish it, thus why I didn't upload it to idgames

I hope, you get a laptop and upload your WAD into idgames. This will show, that this WAD is official.

I can take your WAD into idgames, but should know, that this WAD is finished. Your WAD can have only 20 levels and that is ok.

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yaqxsw said:

Nochance is on difficult level like Deus Vult. Is not very hard.

If you know some hard WAD, you can writte a name here. On this thread I do a list only for hard WADs and his difficulty rating. I dont do a fun rating here because hard WADs have less fun. These WADs is fucused for skills.

You can open your own thead "Doom a list of fun WADs".

I hope, you get a laptop and upload your WAD into idgames. This will show, that this WAD is official.

I can take your WAD into idgames, but should know, that this WAD is finished. Your WAD can have only 20 levels and that is ok.

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