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Map themes there aren't enough maps of


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What great map themes do you like that there needs to be more maps of? Marble temples? Aztec maps? Space stations? Cities? Red TEKGREN? ASHWALL caves? Nukage swamps? Wood panel mansions?

Post your favorite maps with unique styles that you'd love to see more of.

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Aztec Ruins and such themes would be appreciated.
For themes I haven't seen at all, an apocalyptic greek theme could work with the right textures.

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None of the above- more weird shit like floating SKINTEK\SP_ROCK\COMPBLUE nebula fortresses and maps with fake walls and shit

Well ok I guess I'd like to see more doom64 style void maps.

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It'd be interesting to see more maps sets in organic-looking outdoor setpieces, such as in mountainsides or forests or misty swamps. Either that or maps set in ruins of ancient civilisations.

Not the easiest thing to render in the DooM engine but it surely can be done. We have a surplus of tech bases and metal textures but not enough natural environments and ancient architecture! Some non-Hell themed ruins would be nice.

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Piper Maru said:

Lets see some hell maps set mostly in a flesh and bone theme, make use of those scrolling ribs!

You just reminded me of Agony (the game). Their Kickstarter gameplay video really disturbed me.

Im always a sucker for maps that seem realistic and not just another abstract designed map. Maps like the recently released Lilium (which is also a snow map) or sgtmarkiv's maps such as City Assault fit the bill for me.

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Specific-location based maps. Like that one of someone's college, or maps of football stadiums and shit. They're usually very interesting

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scifista42 said:

Space stations

Not just space stations (or maps set in space), but cyberpunk-themed maps, as well as maps you'd find in "cyberspace," flesh-and-metal Hell maps, fleshy Hell maps, as well as more abstract maps you'd expect to find in a nightmare.

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I'd like some maps that use lowered gravity. Space would work well here. A ruin/abandoned space ship perhaps?

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Martian dig sites. They make Doom 3 and its expansion set awesome, but aren't very powerfully featured in Doom 2, and even though Doom 2 does have some fitting textures, they're not explicitly linked to alien civilizations.

Zulk-RS said:

I'd like some maps that use lowered gravity. Space would work well here. A ruin/abandoned space ship perhaps?

I suspect that hovering helplessly while monsters shoot you is not much fun.

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To be honest, I saw one in Prodoomer (It wasn't very good overall) and I think it can be made extremely fun if it's done right.

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40oz said:

ASHWALL caves?

You rang?

For me, even though we've seen stuff like city maps and Hell done a whole bunch, as long as they're done in new and creative ways I'll be plenty satisfied. You can still glean plenty of unique style from stock texture combinations if they're used wisely, and I think as long as a map has a great sense of atmosphere I'll never get sick of its particular theme, be it myhouse or techbase.

With that said, more blue maps!

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Cartoon-style maps like The Adventures of Square but for Doom.

I tried something like that with jmickel's texture but I wish there were more variety.

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There can never be enough big, spooky gloom-soaked occult library maps. Never. A related but different theme which I am also quite partial to, and which is also rather rare, is the old haunted mansion or manor grounds angle.

A couple of other fairly rare themes that always pique my interest are the tomb/catacomb/underground necropolis angle, and the slaughterhouse setting (as in, literally a big gore-soaked warehouse or the like used for processing, um...meat). Of the more oft seen niche/themed settings, Egyptian or quasi-Egyptian stuff also gets me every time, even moreso than the less common mesoamerican/Sumerian angles.

All that said, I generally agree with Dobu--even very traditional themes can be made fresh again with some imagination applied. Other potentially interesting conceits abound through combining basic themes with each other or with 'modifiers' or whatever you'd call them, i.e. you could apply a 'flooded' idea to many other themes ala ruins, techbase, city or whatnot to greatly change the map's overall complexion. As another example, you might take what is in layout terms a very traditional city-style sandbox map and give a whole new spin by framing it as a Victorian-era city instead of a modern one. On the subject of combining themes, some of the most pronounced sense of place often comes where two discrete themes meet; void maps are not really uncommon anymore, and castle maps have never been uncommon at any point in PWAD history, but how many magic voidhanging castles have you seen? Not too many, I'd wager.

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