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ZDaemon Thursday Night Survival #278 - No End in Sight (Part I)

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No End in Sight was one of the most expected releases for full 4 years of its development until just a week ago when the project actually saw its end. Come join us as we go through the first part of the megawad, something we have long been waiting for!

DMFLAGS: 1174487140 / 806496256 / 0
Skill: Ultra Violence
IWAD: IWAD: doom or freedoomu080
PWADs: neis
Maps: E1M1-E1M9, E1M0, E2M1-E3M5
Lives: 1
Players: 25/100
Item Respawn Time: 60 Seconds
Player Join Limit: 3 Minutes

Date: 8th December 2016

Euro session: 19:00 GMT/14:00 EST at [L@P], Germany (usually lasts over 6 hours)

Get ZDaemon and join in.

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Very creative and carefully made maps, great for exploration and somewhat relaxed atmospheric playing. Enjoyed this, will come for part 2 if I don't forget about it.

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What problems did you experience? There isn't much that can go wrong if you are able to connect to the ZDaemon's master server so it's unusual to hear you had problems joining.

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Session statistics for this week:

First blood:
ErisFalling | in E1M3, shot by a sergeant 6 seconds after joining

First blood in subsequent rotas:
2nd rota (-fast and 2x damage): coolibop | in E1M2, burned by an imp 10 seconds after joining
(2x damage was turned off during attempts at E2M7 and remained off for the rest of the rotation.)
3rd rota (total randomization): yagami[ABC] | in E1M1, shot by a sergeant 2 minutes and 6 seconds after joining
(standard settings with -fast were on while yagami[ABC] died.)

Peak server population:

Overall number of players that connected during the session:

Player death counts by obituaries (1st rota/2nd rota/3rd rota):

    1 killed himself. (1/0/0)
    8 died. (5/1/2)
    63 mutated. (44/19/0)
    14 were squished. (12/2/0)
    3 went boom. (1/2/0)
    4 should have stood back. (3/1/0)
    12 were killed by a zombieman. (2/9/1)
    56 were shot by a sergeant. (14/39/3)
    0 were perforated by a chaingunner. (0/0/0)
    7 were slashed by an imp. (1/5/1)
    54 were burned by an imp. (2/47/5)
    20 were bit by a demon. (3/17/0)
    12 were eaten by a spectre. (2/10/0)
    5 were spooked by a lost soul. (3/2/0)
    0 got too close to a cacodemon. (0/0/0)
    20 were smitten by a cacodemon. (2/18/0)
    0 were punched by a revenant. (0/0/0)
    0 couldn't evade a revenant's fireball. (0/0/0)
    0 were squashed by a mancubus. (0/0/0)
    0 let an arachnotron get them. (0/0/0)
    0 were gutted by a Hell Knight. (0/0/0)
    0 were splayed by a Hell Knight. (0/0/0)
    2 were ripped open by a Baron of Hell. (1/1/0)
    11 were bruised by a Baron of Hell. (5/6/0)
    3 were incinerated by an archvile. (0/0/3)
    0 stood in awe of the spider demon. (0/0/0)
    5 were splattered by a cyberdemon. (2/0/3)
    0 were surprised by the zombie's weaponry. (0/0/0)
    0 were mauled by a Mauler Demon. (0/0/0)
    0 were charred by a pain soul. (0/0/0)
    0 were melted by a pain soul. (0/0/0)
    0 suffered psychic trauma from an aracnorb's brainwaves. (0/0/0)
    0 were perforated by an Arachnophyte. (0/0/0)
    7 couldn't dodge a destructor's rocket. (0/0/7)
    0 were terminated by the Badass Cyberdemon. (0/0/0)
    307 deaths overall. (103/179/25)
Session lasted for 8 hours and 13 minutes and ended in the 3rd rota with the last map played being E1M6 which was also the last finished map.

top 10 players with most deaths (deaths/joins, death ratio):

SPAZ             24/46, 52.17%
acidonophat      21/30, 70.00%
fred512          20/54, 37.04%
Malfunction      19/28, 67.86%
ErisFalling      15/34, 44.12%
coolibop         13/25, 52.00%
Keyboard_Doomer  12/39, 30.77%
memfis           11/30, 36.67%
zezoo            10/16, 62.50%
madkp2            9/20, 45.00%

party pooper:
BlooditeKrypto    3/38,  7.89%

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Alright, a few more things about the cookies system (and hopefully the lasts).
10 seconds after joining a map during normal and pain rotation, a message like this will appear:

1. A set amount of cookies (50 for now) will be given every map, no matter the number of monsters, rotation, etc. We think it's a better balanced way for players to get their hands on some cookies, the script will also inform of total HP monsters have in the current map (in that case 9550; so 9550 / 50 cookies = 191 dmg to get a cookie in that map in particular).

2. Of course the damage in some maps could be so low that a high level of spam could be logged, so the cookies will only be written when a player dies or disconnects. (This also eases my task when recovering the counts from the logs =P)

3. There is some kind of bug related to the cookies being lost at some point (the dummy item we use to keep track of them simply gets deleted), we are trying to track this. Patience!

4. If we do some maths the number of total cookies in a session would be: 50 cookies x 16 maps x 2 rotations = 1600 cookies to share between all players. This does not consider maps failed/restarts but at least is a number for me to get an item list and their prices.

I'll try to add more juicy stuff when I give a serious thinking session about it:

+ A BFG -> 300 Cookies.
+ Invulnerability sphere -> 400 Cookies.
+ Half damage received (only effective for a map) -> 400 Cookies.
+ Instant weapon switching (only effective for a map) -> 500 Cookies.
+ Move at twice speed (only effective for a map, and god may aid you) -> 250 Cookies.


Names are ordered alphabetically:

[FU]ASsm0 earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 2.
[PIZZA]fvelts1 earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
[SDA]Krawa earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
[XXX]mrbrown93 earned 2 cookies in this session. Total = 2.
_5150 earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
acidonophat earned 2 cookies in this session. Total = 2.
Ancalagon earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
AnimaZero earned 24 cookies in this session. Total = 38.
aprosekin earned 7 cookies in this session. Total = 12.
ballbreaks earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
Bardur earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 6.
Bill_du_Texas earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
Birdbrain earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 5.
BladeDOOMGuy earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
BlooditeKrypto earned 12 cookies in this session. Total = 28.
Console earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 5.
coolibop earned 2 cookies in this session. Total = 2.
DaIcemann76 earned 2 cookies in this session. Total = 2.
Death_god earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
elcomandante earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
ErisFalling earned 1 cookies in this session. Total = 3.
Franckfrag earned 1 cookies in this session. Total = 6.
fred512 earned 7 cookies in this session. Total = 41.
Gizzy earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
HexTheRex earned 3 cookies in this session. Total = 4.
KAL-EL earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
Keyboard_Doomer earned -666 cookies in this session. Total = -612. Nah, they are 57.
madkp2 earned 1 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
MakeMyDayyy earned 3 cookies in this session. Total = 3.
Malfunction earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 4.
memfish earned 28 cookies in this session. Total = 38.
mentria earned 1 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
nihilistic earned 1 cookies in this session. Total = 6.
Pacroon earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 11.
Player4 earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 8.
Psyrambler earned 2 cookies in this session. Total = 2.
Revenant100 earned 2 cookies in this session. Total = 11.
Rocket_girl earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
rude earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 2.
Salty earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
Schizzo earned 1 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
Sigia earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
SilverIW earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 4.
SPAZ earned 7 cookies in this session. Total = 8.
sweersz earned 1 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
tourettes earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
UberGewei earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 2.
valkiriforce earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
yagami[ABC] earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 5.
zeaz earned 11 cookies in this session. Total = 15.
zezoo earned 1 cookies in this session. Total = 1.
zwerling earned 0 cookies in this session. Total = 2.

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Memfis said:

What did KD do? :D

He collected the cookies from the logs for me this week, and cheated himself with 666 cookies... which misteriously turned into a negative value :P

*Updated that post with some items you can buy*

Also this:

AnimaZero found Trudy 1 time(s)!
BlooditeKrypto found Trudy 1 time(s)!
Console found Trudy 1 time(s)! <- lol
Franckfrag found Trudy 1 time(s)!
fred512 found Trudy 3 time(s)!
Keyboard_Doomer found Trudy 1 time(s)!
memfish found Trudy 1 time(s)!

Edit, also feel free to post in here something you wish you could buy with rhinocookies, serious suggestions please, don't start OMFG PMZOR SALTY KILL FOR 10 COOKIEZ! :P

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