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Cacowards 2017 Mentionation Thread

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I saw a post that said you can still recommend them, in last years thread.

Edited by Major Cooke

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1 minute ago, Major Cooke said:

I saw a post that said you can still recommend them, in last years voting thread.

It's the current year right now. And the thread says "Mentionation".

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Doesn't matter to me what it's called.


Last year, someone said cacowards are not limited to just the same year of the release. They make a new thread each time.

Edited by Major Cooke

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Barring some sort of extreme circumstances (I have no idea what they would be), if something wasn't released this year, it's not eligible for this year.

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I think it's allowed for WADs released in the later months of last year as they came out very close to the publication of the Cacowards - not WADs that came out years ago.

Edited by Eris Falling
voting, mentionating, whatever.

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Yeah, something released in December 2016 is okay, something released in January 2016 isn't, and something released in July 1996 is even less so.

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5 hours ago, Major Cooke said:

Doesn't matter, you can still vote for it.


4 hours ago, Major Cooke said:

I saw a post that said you can still recommend them, in last years thread.


4 hours ago, Major Cooke said:

Last year, someone said cacowards are not limited to just the same year of the release. They make a new thread each time.

Oh my goodness, nobody cares. The 2017 Cacowards are specifically for mods made or posted in 2017. Who cares if a few posts in previous threads have stated otherwise? Use your goddamn brain. People over the last few years on other message boards besides Doomworld have probably called you a dumbass at some point or another, but I don't need those posts to arrive at such a conclusion.

Edited by an_mutt

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4 hours ago, Eris Falling said:

I think it's allowed for WADs released in the later months of last year as they came out very close to the publication of the Cacowards - not WADs that came out years ago.

I was really thinking of stuff released in November and December of 2016 because there was no way that I was going to get to play stuff like No End In Sight in time for the awards without treating the Cacowards like they were a full-time job, which they aren't. I don't know if the current team is going to uphold extending 2017 for the month prior to December 10th, but they sure as fuck aren't going to bother looking at stuff from 2014. Since a lot of people apparently forgot exactly what was said, here you go. Linguica is of course talking about Ludicrium, which appeared on the archives on the 8th of December in 2015.

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Experiencing Nirvana

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I personally enjoyed The Joy of Mapping 4 a lot. Unlike the others it felt like a very solid megawad instead of a compilation of myfirst.wads, and there are some very impressive maps to be found in there.

Hope it wins something.

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If there is a category for composition(s) this year, then Eris Falling's entries to TNT Rev are among the best original tunes the community has generated imo. Proof:


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm actually surprised that there have not been any Cacowards for best music. I guess 2017 could be the year they start that? ;)

Edited by fr0gm4st3R

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IMO, awarding a MIDI in Cacowards on the basis that the MIDI was made by a Doom community member and used in a Doom project, would be like awarding a Doom project in MIDI awards on the basis that the project was made by a MIDI community member and used music in MIDI format. It seems out of scope, as MIDIs are not specific to just Doom, like Doom is not specific to just MIDIs.

Edited by scifista42

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IMO, awarding a MIDI in Cacowards on the basis that the MIDI was made by a Doom community member



It seems out of scope, as MIDIs are not specific to just Doom, like Doom is not specific to just MIDIs.


Not only was MIDI not mentioned as a requirement, but the first quote here answers why the seconds is not a problem. The Cacowards are a community award dedicated to community content.

Edited by Marcaek

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On 8/26/2017 at 1:35 PM, scifista42 said:

IMO, awarding a MIDI in Cacowards on the basis that the MIDI was made by a Doom community member and used in a Doom project, would be like awarding a Doom project in MIDI awards on the basis that the project was made by a MIDI community member and used music in MIDI format. It seems out of scope, as MIDIs are not specific to just Doom, like Doom is not specific to just MIDIs.

I mentionate scifista for mockaward for the best Doom tongue twister of the year.

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I guess the question is, does the community produce enough new music by a variety of musicians each year to warrant an award. I guess I don't know. "Best soundtrack" could be a great category but if it turns into "Tolwyn wins his 4th award for being one of the 3 people to record music this year" it seems pointless.


I guess I don't know enough about the Doom music scene to know the answer to this.

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4 hours ago, Scuba Steve said:

I guess the question is, does the community produce enough new music by a variety of musicians each year to warrant an award. I guess I don't know. "Best soundtrack" could be a great category but if it turns into "Tolwyn wins his 4th award for being one of the 3 people to record music this year" it seems pointless.


I guess I don't know enough about the Doom music scene to know the answer to this.


We had this thread a couple of years ago, and I feel like it was Alfonzo's response to repeated calls for a music cacoward.


While my biased perspective as a musician has always supported a music award, I have to admit the mappers outnumber us by far. If you look at the Plutonia and Revolution! MIDI Packs you'll see at least a dozen authors credited in each one, but when you consider how many are actually active (relatively continuously) then I dunno, I do think it could end up as a back-and-forth between the same few people.


Also I appreciate the mentionation but I couldn't be the first winner of such a thing, surely :)




@valkiriforce: +1, Saturnine Chapel and The Given could be potential caco winners themselves imo - it reminds me a bit of when Ribbiks got MOTY in 2013 having released both Stardate 20X6 and Swim with the Whales that year.


Edited by Eris Falling

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+1 for Rise of the Wool Ball, recently beat it on hard.


I'd also like to mention skinnyman.wad, that was unexpected and fascinating.

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If an award isn't possible, maybe a piece celebrating the brilliant music creaters on this forum who enrich the playing experience by creating music that perfectly fits some of the new wads which have been created over the years. From the likes of Mark Klem back in the 90s to the likes of Eris/Jimmy/Stewboy etc today.

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9 minutes ago, cannonball said:

If an award isn't possible, maybe a piece celebrating the brilliant music creaters on this forum who enrich the playing experience by creating music that perfectly fits some of the new wads which have been created over the years. From the likes of Mark Klem back in the 90s to the likes of Eris/Jimmy/Stewboy etc today.

A comprehensive 20+ year analysis of all the composers and tunes would be a ridiculous amount of work and probably suck the fun out of writing the article.


But yeah I would be interested in starting to see awards for all the stuff that surrounds mapping (artists, musicians, programmers for the tools/engines they use). A comprehensive sort of retrospective is too much work though, and unnecessary given the nature of cacowards as being a curated showcase as opposed to a "objectively the best by way of votes" sort of thing.

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Solace Dreams - A very well thought out mod which has clearly had an immense amount of time and passion poured into it.



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a category for MIDIs sounds neat, but perhaps a bit excessive. music is often made alongside mods and levels to compliment the game-design and add to the overall enjoyment of the WAD. you can't "play" it on its own, since a mod is renowned and celebrated by the sum of its parts (level-design, textures, sprites, scripting, gameplay, music etc.). if you took away the music of e.g. Ancient Aliens then yes, it probably wouldn't be as memorable or enjoyable anymore, but it doesn't operate on its own, it adds to the experience of the mod to make it feel more full and fleshed out.


i dunno, maybe i'm overthinking this.

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Music typically works on its own. I'm saying "typically" because there are instances when it sounds much better when accompanying the game it was made for.

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52 minutes ago, Viscra Maelstrom said:

music is often made alongside mods and levels to compliment the game-design and add to the overall enjoyment of the WAD. you can't "play" it on its own, since a mod is renowned and celebrated by the sum of its parts (level-design, textures, sprites, scripting, gameplay, music etc.).

Music can have an even bigger impact. When I came aboard for TNT:Revilution, they already had a bunch of music, with different sets for each episode. I was given the opportunity to make 1 map apiece for E1 and E2, and for the E1 music, I chose your midi "Sea Bats," because I liked the liquidy aspects of it, and it was fast. So I mapped to the music, which depending on how you feel about the result, is either a blessing or a curse. ;D But importantly, I didn't have a single idea for the map until I heard your track, and what I produced was an attempt to capture the liquid feel and the frenetic speed of your midi.


The same is true for my E2 map. I chose Jeremy Doyle's "Crawl," which is dark, ominous, and more deliberately paced. So I produced a very dark map and tried to concentrate more on mood and atmosphere in order to match what I felt coming from Jeremy's music.


So fair or foul, I owe those maps to you and JDoyle, and IMO, we have to make certain the contributions of our musicians are given the credit they deserve.

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The thing is, there's nothing about Doom music that's inherently about Doom. I mean, yes, obviously you can make music specifically for a WAD or level, or base your mapping on a piece of music. But a single map or set of maps, or any type of mod, they're nothing when not run on the Doom engine. A collection of mp3s or MIDIs is, well...not.

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I'm not arguing for a new category or whatever, just mentioning "hey nice music" in case the organizers add such a category. But damn, the argument here against recognizing non-mappers makes me sad... like let's go take fraggle's award away because he's a coder not a mapper. And the "art/music doesn't exist outside the map" doesn't make any sense... I have not even downloaded TNT Rev but I've listened to it's entire OST like 15 times so it 100% exists "outside the wad" for me.

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