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Don't worry Neurosis I share your opinion. In the end of the day no old or current political power is a great choice. Maybe they are at very situational scenarios but quite temporary. In a dire situation with low resources I would consider a form of communism until things pick up. Lots of political stances can look good on paper but never put humanity into the equation.


Capitalism is perfect! If not for greed and corruption.

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15 minutes ago, Chezza said:

Capitalism is perfect! If not for greed and corruption.

Greed and corruption can be fixed using laws, but politicians are not always on your side, especially if your democracy has become an oligarchy.


Communism is not desirable as much as completely free market is not desirable. The best approach is a balanced approach made of things that are proven to work and that are not ideological.

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I'm Canadian and I absolutely hate the word "eh". I prefer the much more British "oi" when trying to get someone's attention (I find it more effective as it generally surprises them).

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On 8/31/2017 at 6:53 PM, Skeletonpatch said:

I'm Canadian and I absolutely hate the word "eh". I prefer the much more British "oi" when trying to get someone's attention (I find it more effective as it generally surprises them).

Just imagining AC DC's TNT but instead of oi they say eh

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I like dark themes a lot, but, not like emo crap or something, more like the Skulls and Demons from Doom or the whole Silent Hill series, that kinda of art.



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4 hours ago, cyan0s1s said:

Ha snails are hilarious they're googly-eyed alien worms with weird crunchy shells, I like to step on them if I'm in the mood for it.


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5 hours ago, cyan0s1s said:

Ha snails are hilarious they're googly-eyed alien worms with weird crunchy shells, I like to step on them if I'm in the mood for it.

In alternative universe, snails step on humans and enjoy bone crushing sound with some ketchup.

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Snails and I think even slugs are extremely annoying pests that will absolutely wreck your garden and plants. If they're not getting stepped on they're getting poisoned. Sorry.

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3 minutes ago, CARRiON said:

Snails and I think even slugs are extremely annoying pests that will absolutely wreck your garden and plants. If they're not getting stepped on they're getting poisoned. Sorry.

That's true. Snails and slugs can cause a problem for the garden if measures aren't taken. And yes....get some salt by all means.

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10 hours ago, leodoom85 said:

That's true. Snails and slugs can cause a problem for the garden if measures aren't taken. And yes....get some salt by all means.


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I used to try and cure my phobia of insects by reading on wikipedia about them. Several times. That was not recommended as I made several unmanly noises and almost fell of my chair. Hey, I am just human.

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I don't have any phobias, so it's hard for me to imagine what it feels to have one (must be horrible).


Anyways, aren't phobias supposedly linked to some traumatic event? If you could pinpoint what it was I guess it should be possible to overcome it.

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I don't do heights, anything involving me and being up high without windows separating the fall is a zero out of ten experience and I just get overwhelmed by fear if there isn't at least a guard rail.

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11 hours ago, Rifle Infantry said:

The loudest I have ever screamed is during a Doom megawad at 3 in the morning when a house centipede crawled near my PC.


I was ready to BFG the house just to be sure.

Don't feel bad, those things are fucking nasty, and they're also fast as hell. They're the jumpscare insect. I was holding my rat at like 2-3am one time and I saw one zip from out under my desk, right between my feet. 


I jumped up, tossed my rat over to my bed (it was very cushioned so he was fine), grabbed the nearest thing, which happened to be a poster tube, and smashed down on it and nailed it. I was super happy... until I saw another one dash out of my room from under my door.


Fuckers. Glad I don't live there anymore. I have no problem with house spiders. I'll gladly let those chill with me.

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People make fuss out of house spiders all the time, and like, my worst memory ever related to insects came from a school trip into a cave.


I didnt go inside because the whole thing was moist and slippery and if I tried descending inside I could probably fuck up everyone who was in front of me whilst I would fall, so I waited outside, on a bench thingy.


It was the top of spring, lots of these insects crawling and flying around. Heh.


I went inside my pockets to grab my Sony Ericsson and play some Blackjack, when I touched something fuzzy and weird and both of my pockets were filled with wasps and caterpillars whatever creepy crawlies where there.


I jumped straight out of my fucking pants like a cat and shaked for 20 minutes straight, and just awaited everyone while standing on the most barest boulder, while on my toes, just to be safe.


I still get creeped out thinking of how these creepy crawlies whatever they were (there were fistful of those), were once in my pockets. From there I started hating every insect (sans spiders) ever and I exterminate them on levels of planetary genocides.

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15 hours ago, mrthejoshmon said:

I don't do heights, anything involving me and being up high without windows separating the fall is a zero out of ten experience and I just get overwhelmed by fear if there isn't at least a guard rail.

same one. i hate heights

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm resurrecting this thread and share random fact. So, I like to read those emotional anime visual novels when I'm alone. Heh, yeah, nobody cares anyway. 

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On 9/6/2017 at 8:04 AM, Battle_Kirby said:

both of my pockets were filled with wasps and caterpillars whatever creepy crawlies where there.


Oh Christ

I don't mind bugs, but that would be terrifying.

Actually, I hate wasps though. Those are definitely the worse. My state's insect is the Tarantula Hawk Wasp so have fun with that in your dreams. 

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26 minutes ago, mrthejoshmon said:

Just pray the nukes don't drop anytime soon, those boys ain't fun boys.

Yes, thank you for that, I've been playing New Vegas and they reminded me of that


edit: had no idea they were actually mutated Hawk Wasps. I knew they looked kinda familiar...

Edited by Neurosis

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