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I make indie videogames, but nobody sees them because i dont know to publicity them :( Because this I stopped making videogames because ego lacking :/

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4 hours ago, URROVA said:

I make indie videogames, but nobody sees them because i dont know to publicity them :( Because this I stopped making videogames because ego lacking :/

Have you tried itch.io?

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On 8/28/2020 at 10:49 AM, URROVA said:

I make indie videogames, but nobody sees them because i dont know to publicity them :( Because this I stopped making videogames because ego lacking :/


I second @InDOOMnesia about trying itch.io! I use that site to post my games on. Another way to really get attention to your games is making games during game jam periods. Game jam entries can often garner a lot more attention since fellow devs like to see what other people submitted, etc. You should also share them on forums that allow you to share your creative works. If the engine(s) you use have an official forum especially, they usually have a board dedicated to announcing your own game releases. 

Edited by Kokoro Hane

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On 8/28/2020 at 6:49 PM, URROVA said:

I make indie videogames, but nobody sees them because i dont know to publicity them


Social networking is the key here. Make a twitter account, make an instagram account, maybe faff with the other SN's, and regularly post development screenshots, fascinating experiments and other such stuff. You can also stream your development on twitch, and also slowly build up a discord server.


If you release your games for free on platforms like itch.io more people will likely play, too. Gaining publicity can be a full time job in itself, and it's a very slow process unless you get immensely lucky.

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12 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

Social networking is the key here.

that's the part that turned me away from making games. not that i didn't found other ways to waste my time. ;-)

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Yeah, can second that too. It's a shame that social media has almost become a necessity for certain tasks these days... ;( .

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i hate to see talented people waste their talent doing something they don't like just because its more "normal".

My wife for example, she is a marvelous writer, she only readed a few authors on her life, but she grow on their style and become an amazing writer without realizing of it.

How i know she is a good writer? well, all i ever want in my life is to be a great writer, and i wrote all the time stories when i was a child, but while i was young, i was raised with the mentallity of being "practical", always having to make things that gives me a financial reward. So i left what i loved apart trying to gain my place on the world as someone that contributes to society.

Then i meet her and told her about my "stupid dream" and she showed me her writing. Just as something unmeaningful she did on her spare time when she was young. That she didn't do it anymore.

God! That day changed everything, i knew no people with that kind of writing skills without being a renowed author. And she was on par to Nabokov!

So i started my own adventure. I pretty much have a long way before i can stood proudly up to Joyce, T.S. Elliot, Dostoievski, Poe and Rabelais. But i feel good at least, little by little, trying everyday, to walk at the shadow of those titans, and maybe one day, stand beside them, or even better, behead them.

My wife from the get go have the potential to be the next Virginia Woolf, the next Toni Morrison, and she have that talent without knowing it, but my wife choose the "practical" way of living. Even when its full of inconsistencies, dellusions, instability, and foremost, she doesn't like the work she have at all.

She gives me a dream again, a meaning, a purpose, and she didn't even notice that she is what i always dreamed.

I would like to help her realice her potential, but she is used to the way of working on something unsatisfying but having her paid at the end of the month.


Sometimes i open the folder with her typewriter manuscripts. And i cry seeing those amazing words, words like i will never be able to write, words that are soo full of feeling that hurt just to read them, words soo powerful that make me tremble.


Talent is a heavyweight sometimes, and sometimes people don't want that burden on their shoulders.

I undertand that, but i also feel that its a shame, a shame that people have to do other things for living, and not what they love.

Its sad.

Edited by P41R47

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34 minutes ago, P41R47 said:

i hate to see talented people waste their talent doing something they don't like just because its more "normal".


I also hate it when they go for something else entirely than their vocation, but what can you do, not all of those can be turned into profit, not unless you're very creative.


I'll be making my living from unenjoyable shit too.

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6 minutes ago, seed said:


I also hate it when they go for something else entirely than their vocation, but what can you do, not all of those can be turned into profit, not unless you're very creative.


I'll be making my living from unenjoyable shit too.

The authors i love and i mentioned above, for most of their life, they lived on poverty, relying on other jobs for living, but they never gave up on what made them feel good.

Poe for example, never have the oportunity to fullfil his dream of having his own newspaper and he only received $9 as paid for his amazing poem "The Raven".

Yes, its sad to see this, but they, at least, never give up, so you too, pal! Don't give up!

If you have something that makes you feel good, just do it!

This might sound like a self help panphlet, but no, its not.

There is a life beside working for living.

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hate this, don't like that, yadda yadda; heard it all a thousand times. :P


I'm not keen on social networks as a general user, but as a promotional tool it's second to none - A reminder that you don't have to consume everyone else's crap, just post your own content. It's no different to posting your development process on a forum or blog. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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As someone who runs his freelancing business primarily through Twitter, I agree 100%. Just use it as a tool and don't bother with the rest of the noise social media has to offer. Unless you enjoy a good bit of harmless shitposting with your friends as I tend to do ;^) :^P

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Useless gym progress: I was recently able to benchpress 60kg 1x5 and 3x4 repeats. Someone at the gym also complimented me about it. Year ago 40kg was something like this, now 40kg is like my warmup. With shoulder press I can do 4 series with 3 to 4 repeats with 40kg. Year ago that was with 25-30kg, and my main series (like 3x10) were with pretty much just the 20kg bar. No idea how much I squatted year ago, but now my main series is becoming 50kg, kinda just recently started squatting after leg press started to feel like lacking challenge. Is this good progress?


Some guy hit on me at a bar when I was already dancing with someone else. Sure we weren't touching each other. This other guy gets between us and was putting his hands on my hips, then I tell him I'm already with someone else. If I would have danced that close with someone, it would have been with the guy I invited to dance. I have principles, if I invite you to dance, then I'll dance with you.


Also the last few school assignments are like the last few megabytes of a download that suddenly slowed down immensely. Yet at the same time I know that as soon as I'm done with them, I can do something more fun.

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With all the stress and frustration and now newly developed issues, I have decided to see a psychologist in two weeks.


I wonder how that will go, I'm honestly quite pessimistic that it will help fixing anything, especially since I know the root of all this nonsense, and unless that changes - aka me moving out - it will probably do exactly jack shit. Damned life but what can you do, damned if you do, damned if you don't.

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2 hours ago, seed said:

With all the stress and frustration and now newly developed issues, I have decided to see a psychologist in two weeks.


I wonder how that will go, I'm honestly quite pessimistic that it will help fixing anything, especially since I know the root of all this nonsense, and unless that changes - aka me moving out - it will probably do exactly jack shit. Damned life but what can you do, damned if you do, damned if you don't.

I saw a few psychologists a couple of years ago and it definitely did absolutely nothing in regards to my case back then. However, I still wish that it does something for you anyways. I guess that will count as a random fact.

Edited by DesecratorJ

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3 hours ago, seed said:

With all the stress and frustration and now newly developed issues, I have decided to see a psychologist in two weeks.


I wonder how that will go, I'm honestly quite pessimistic that it will help fixing anything, especially since I know the root of all this nonsense, and unless that changes - aka me moving out - it will probably do exactly jack shit. Damned life but what can you do, damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Best of luck to you. With my mother's help, we're also attempting to see a psychologist for ourselves, but we're still busy looking for a new house to live in as well.

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3 hours ago, seed said:

With all the stress and frustration and now newly developed issues, I have decided to see a psychologist in two weeks.


I wonder how that will go, I'm honestly quite pessimistic that it will help fixing anything, especially since I know the root of all this nonsense, and unless that changes - aka me moving out - it will probably do exactly jack shit. Damned life but what can you do, damned if you do, damned if you don't.


47 minutes ago, DesecratorJ said:

I saw a few psychologists a couple of years ago and it definitely did absolutely nothing in regards to my case back then. However, I still wish that it does something for you anyways. I guess that will count as a random fact.


18 minutes ago, InDOOMnesia said:

Best of luck to you. With my mother's help, we're also attempting to see a psychologist for ourselves, but we're still busy looking for a new house to live in as well.

Sometimes the psychologist is not enough, or even can't make much of a difference after years of treatment.
On my experience, even when it wasn't really long, just one year treatment, one time a week, it worked pretty find as i asked my Psychologist to apply me a lot of different test like Rorschach, and some other that revealed, aside from the liberating speaking i had every week, really deep things about me that i didn't knew, or for say it better, i didn't wanted to recognize. Own faults, own missconceptions and so.
I was heavy, but it worked cause i went to know why i was so angered, and i found much more..
I remember entering the first session wanting to know more about me and why i was the way i was than to speak out my problems.
Being mentally predisposed could make a huge difference.
Some people start a psychological therapy don't knowing why they need it.
Other just go to not change their way, just to oppose any change.
And all of this is even more subjetive as if one start a therapy with a psychologist that isn't good enough or have the proper aknowledge or tools at their hand for the therapy, the treatmen will stall.

I wish you guys the best.

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7 hours ago, DesecratorJ said:

I saw a few psychologists a couple of years ago and it definitely did absolutely nothing in regards to my case back then. However, I still wish that it does something for you anyways. I guess that will count as a random fact.


Thanks guys :>. Yeah, I'm hoping it does help me at least with my stress issues, the other problems I already mostly know where the fundamental issue lies, so unless that changes, I'm not sure how much will that help out. But hey, at least I'll be able to vent my problems and frustration elsewhere, not just DW :p.


Since it was brought up, I actually do know a lot about myself, which people don't seem to do anymore these days, and most of their knowledge about themselves comes from conditioning more than anything. Of course, there's always something more to know, but all I'm saying is that I'm pretty aware of myself.

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2 hours ago, seed said:


Thanks guys :>. Yeah, I'm hoping it does help me at least with my stress issues, the other problems I already mostly know where the fundamental issue lies, so unless that changes, I'm not sure how much will that help out. But hey, at least I'll be able to vent my problems and frustration elsewhere, not just DW :p.


Since it was brought up, I actually do know a lot about myself, which people don't seem to do anymore these days, and most of their knowledge about themselves comes from conditioning more than anything. Of course, there's always something more to know, but all I'm saying is that I'm pretty aware of myself.

I would like to think the same thing about myself, but i've never been entirely sure if I really knew myself properly. To me, it seems harder to get your things together in your own head than analyzing other people move and actions, seeing how they acts.

Edited by DesecratorJ

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1 hour ago, DesecratorJ said:

I would like to think the same thing about myself, but i've never been entirely sure if I really knew myself properly. To me, it seems harder to get your things together in your own head than analyzing other people move and actions, seeing how they acts.


Yeah, it is, since it tends to take a lot more effort and introspection, and it's not always pleasant, in fact if done right, it most definitely won't since it implies seeing yourself for what you really are, no preconceptions, no conditioning, and entire disillusionment. Anyone saying otherwise is a show man and a liar. "Know yourself" is easier said than done.


But knowing others is also difficult, everyone can see someone from a surface level, but few really know what lies beneath.

Edited by seed

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I've had 2 psychologists in the past few years. One of them was mostly just analyzing me if I was sane enough. Then she suggested that I'd get some 10 time short therapy, which was with another psychologist. This was more about helping me deal with some problems I had. The therapy was mostly successful and helped me. Now later I'm thinking going through my life story a third time then wasn't so useful, and the times we spent on going through that, would have been better used on helping me identify emotions/feelings I might have (toward other people).


So my advice on visiting a psychologist is to think well before what you want to handle when visiting the psychologist to get the most out of it.


And more useless gym reports: Did 70kg benchpress, just a few more kilos and it's my current bodyweight.

Edited by TwinBeast
added an I

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8 minutes ago, TwinBeast said:

I've had 2 psychologists in the past few years. One of them was mostly just analyzing me if I was sane enough. Then she suggested that I'd get some 10 time short therapy, which was with another psychologist. This was more about helping me deal with some problems I had. The therapy was mostly successful and helped me. Now later I'm thinking going through my life story a third time then wasn't so useful, and the times we spent on going through that, would have been better used on helping me identify emotions/feelings I might have (toward other people).


So my advice on visiting a psychologist is to think well before what you want to handle when visiting the psychologist to get the most out of it.


I only really want to solve these stress related issues honestly, everything else that may or may not come is a bonus.

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20 hours ago, seed said:


I only really want to solve these stress related issues honestly, everything else that may or may not come is a bonus.


I haven't read everything but if you're having stress related health issues I would suggest working out. 


I suffer from a number of problems due to my childhood where there was substance abuse, alcohol abuse, physical abuse, being homeless etc etc. 


I've tried a number of therapists and medicine. 


The best medicine is exercise, which I discovered about a year ago. I lift heavy weights, I do pushups, I do planks, I do lunges, I do whatever is accessible. Due to covid the gym isn't really the place to be right now. So calisthenics is your friend. It'll take a month or two before feeling the results, but stick with it and YOU WILL FEEL BETTER MENTALLY. I've also picked up muay Thai on a hobby level. I have a coach and I have all required gear and I just a week ago got a heavy bag. I bring it outside and attach it to a soccer goal or tree branch or whatever. The workout is tough and relentless, and it makes me feel alive and well. An added bonus is that I look more attractive to my wife, and my kids enjoy watching so I'm reducing the risk of having lazy and fat children. I am able to defend myself should the need arise. I am movable, my back doesn't hurt. I sleep better. 


It's all just benefits. 


I'm 34 and a father of two kids born in 2014 and 2019. 


There - I've posted a reply AND some random facts about myself. 

Edited by Old-Doomguy

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My random fact: I have something called avoidant personality disorder which is why I rarely post. It's basically a more extreme form of social anxiety and is partially why I got into game modding. I'm also transgender so game modding has been a way for me to escape both of these realities at least temporarily. These days I only mod for gzdoom.

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On 9/7/2020 at 5:12 AM, Gustavo6046 said:

I couldn't fall asleep tonight. Went to bed at 5 AM, gave up after an hour or so. Now it's 7:12 AM.

Something similar happened to me today. I fell asleep much later than normal yesterday (mind you, I usually have trouble getting asleep) and woke up at 3:30 AM. Not fun.

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1 hour ago, Starduster said:

Something similar happened to me today. I fell asleep much later than normal yesterday (mind you, I usually have trouble getting asleep) and woke up at 3:30 AM. Not fun.

It seems you have similar problems like me. If this is the case, I suggest you don't ever mess up your sleeping schedule, or it will be really painful to fix it. Also, sleeping during daytime also messed up your nerve and you don't feel asleep when it's the time you are supposed to sleep.


Every time I want to fix my sleeping schedule, I need to take a very little dose of sleeping pill just for me to feel sleepy at the proper timing, but it's not fun doing it for sure.

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